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SaHE issc lt 21. yc e it . d ':-:;:;'.-;::c;::;_;v:_:;.v;:;:;.;:,z:-:;:;:-:,:;;;:,-.;:;:;:;.;:;:;{:g;:,;;:::-:;::,_;:g-;(;:'-;::;:;::-;:::-q:;'-“'::; i o ';__1:-;.;..:;_::;.;;;:f;g;;;:;:-:;;-;:;;1._:;:-.{,;; :~;<~% S Mn o on o 2 s e n e "‘3{:5:’\:-:-':::?.;’:::.S:i;:;:.A.-.‘i.:'::E:‘::'::,::1:".‘:1:5.::13?.?-‘-35;...,;,% e un : oA ce kss 1i c oc 3 & is 2s i o es hi } se 2 es d R â€" fé."é; neaas t v'<&{__;_;zma,,§§k~»;3§“_ ;-.'~'E'-é;‘zizs;;a;;:}'l.a’?i E C BENNINGTON JUNIO R they have won this coveted Mike Baker, caller Allen Gar. | . Farmers captured the Provinâ€" _ award. Members of the troupe ner, Bob Waite?s ang FEileen cial Junior Farmers Square â€" are: From the top, clockâ€"wige; Sim. Dennig Turvey (top left D ance championship at â€" Susan Barnett and Ken Cr_a}g, insert) replaced Ken Craj at Guelph on Saturday. This is Sharron Morris and Brian â€" the Saturday cmnpetitiong i 5 the second year running that Barnett, Donna Matheson and _ / q C * l Pn & a ers | . O t ’ ‘ T j _ GUELPH â€" Bennington Junâ€"ters and Fileen § £ | [ 1i0r Farmers captured, the Proâ€" nett, Sharron Mm" Brian Barâ€" | vincial Junior Farmers Square | Baker and Domi)l‘l‘ls, M i k e! Dance championship for the seâ€" Caller was Allana Matheson. : cond consecutive year in comâ€"|Coach Frank parkeGamer and || petitions. held at Guelph on They wil arti * > | Saturday. square dancepcmflp%}te in the They defeated a group from |held at the Wesé) m'petl-t_lon to be | Lampton County to win the don. They Weree};n Fair in Lonâ€" championship, Third place went champions at tp '?e. 0 verall |to Glengarry County. | The | group C fair last year,. || |â€" Mempers of Alreâ€"Benmington se ferelâ€"0£ "the \\1\7111 dance atl; ‘ 4 |square were: Dennig 'L‘vurve-vF;':l ‘have. mad. f:-â€â€œ} {al {atim| !aâ€"nd Susan Barnett, Robert Walâ€" lto dance at the w nintive pl.npï¬} | I â€" / x codstock Fair. | ]