Browns WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, p. 28

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Soue 5 ol on o 9 oo o ooo o se N h ks t UE L o ad . CAZ )Â¥ 04e bo: S n 129 C 4: Fhe €. s#7 Ab; Ec 4 CIACAI 1.,.¢ sn e iinnen oo open. ceeregiy ie i nnis aiadol en ot hinirenbel o mss d . cedion 1P N livedyit nii rearor ty %}%Wfihfikflfi&@"\i%e*%nué%%efin} ra cleoted . â€" and ducation, Mts" Benton Symm."" "2lfres: Pross® Staff Reporter .7â€"Mrs. ‘Gillbert Ross, ;‘ Embro,; > as~ ."ons, Woodstock;. home economics . iRTARWSIDR, ‘May: 90: ~â€""After_ Sdistrict‘ president ,Mrts; O:. O: . i}and health, Mrsi Fred A. Stock, . seeing; a~skit;. which. pointed "up."‘ ;Smith;"St;. Marys,. was: ‘elected> ;;Tavistock;. *historical ‘" research,. : the‘dangers, of>; racial; and: ‘re..,!shonorary: president;, and the. reâ€" ‘Candcurrent:. events, Mrs. Victor:| MHgious. discrimination, at. the Ox. :.; mainder | of the/ ‘executive . was "~:Woods;: community activities and 3 ford® North.Women‘s: }Institute. "Areâ€"elected;. ag.. follows: %©.5%:>,.:.~, "publlc; relations,;; Mrs.. Roy. Mcâ€" ‘annual meeting today, at Brown‘s. ;;yâ€"PFirst. viceâ€"president; "Mrs. ‘J.. «/Corquodale, Lakeside; resolutions,.. [Church, 194. , members. from 15" : H.; Lederman,;" Bright; :secondâ€" ° Mrs.. George Hart,, Woodstock,.. { "Branchesâ€" were> urged: to: "learn.‘.;Viceâ€"president;.+,Mrs.‘ ;/ Conrad [ Miss. ‘Adne: Bell; Tavistock; was: s (ty. thinl®â€"clearly"".1€; they. would: i Wittig,. â€" Jr.,.. _Eimbro;. . secretary»: : named: area‘" delegate; with . Mrs. ‘: imake; theirâ€" greatest: contribution: ; treasurer,.. Mra. ‘Charles. Elsom,. "~T.. L. McMurray, St«\Marys, ‘asâ€" ‘to community living,. -mm-gpeake,,;,i‘."f;};yqodstock;z. assistant,. Mrs. Sydâ€" ‘alternate. ~Mrs.;‘ Thomas; Ml’ei‘%ffi Wran:â€"Miss© Anne: Lawson,, of: the."‘s ney: ‘Pearson}; Embrog. V:{_.":B‘,W*I.O.- "{Zfurich,. ptqvineihl',.posrd«:r;f:direcs;-‘j,j; ‘Ontaric; Department/of: Agriculs ".} Tepresentative,‘Mrs.. 0,.O; Smith, . ‘. tor;. conducted:â€"the: election;, /; ?"'b | Hure: T w cole in cce s o Bt.: Maiys: alternate, ‘Mra,â€" Jiâ€" Dâ€"":} * The following: distrct diréctors..\>, :"Ourâ€"emotions; soâ€"" offen\get | . Hossack,, Embro;, auditors,, Mrs. . /: were . .ratified: â€"..Brown‘s, ;W.L,.;{ Hnixed"up., ‘with ‘our . thinking," _ ; G:â€"Montgomery; Waodstock,.. and." ‘ / ‘Mrs.:.George~ Martin;: ; Pavistock: i "declared ‘Miseâ€"Lawson,~*At group: * MrB; Chatles: Dunn;, Woodstock,.;; Branch,.. Mrs.: Robert Matheson; > ; OC woigen: whighs hasiâ€"learned: to. C "550()¢i(®L en ci® 04 iyths> *) *‘ Kintore W.L, Mrs: 0; O;> Smith3: 7 thint¢ ; tlearii? . =â€""thips~"Ig. ‘the \. 7: Convenersâ€"‘ oOf" standing:; :comâ€" :‘ Uniondale, Mrs, Wallace Hutton; ., \{ greatest.: asset:‘as Women‘s Insti~ .‘ ‘mittees. are: Agriculture;:andCa«"" ; ;E'lattsvmg‘ Mrs,.K. Smith; Hick~ ; Eut Brancki/can: possess,. benefit» .‘"‘nadiam. Industries,.".Mrs. ;James | 501 .Mre: George Berg;: Drumbo,.. ; Imgithe® entires community‘} > {*;}Goodwip.SBRrmmbors,‘ ‘citizenship. .: Mrs. Jâ€".Goodwin;. Anna: Pi:Tewis: .| id Tet 3e veem sn Few arle be. $200, Uhiie Tabt us h hm 2s 20c cals. y e ie it us wew... dCaidacidd t P °5 en o 0 s ormun . IePoh en t e on ph Lo t aree 0s Tot PFacsedi1A® i2 Sua i2 0t ie hnd iat hh i uemtad pasan kh n 1 e alta en tagih t ce en on en on en braart it Sier in o "erdiig Prdatiet 113 thpyert cBeaie e o s crom Uiipere td Ailyhine Vae goos enire eetergayapooe 200 W amen‘s Insdwule membert rorp 15 bronehes . Emetforithe" Oxford" Northâ€" district annual! IP ictureddiscussing. the ‘business 6f the: day: ; fStanding:Rhrs, _R H. Lederman."Bright, :firs t ‘[Viceâ€"president ;‘ (left), ‘‘and .. Mrs" {iGonrad } f Wittig; Ur./*Erabro,. second, viceâ€"president;."seated .. left: toFight," Mrs."Cyrit.Willtams.}St?" (Ehomas:Fondontarea. chatrman,) Mrs. G.â€"M..Ross. ‘Embro,, ‘dlistrict . presitent; 2nd : Mrs:"." \EharteS"Elsom,"Woodstock, "secretary"treasurer. Officers were feâ€"elected: by acclamatipn..., Eie hests is panrminta it o hn esc on t wilp me‘h oo BAE Aiste in traririit . fraie d edeneniint ts on too d ineqn ramel nbs ie ae uid enend uiul oob celte s Poe] dxBL ehews 4o is »fié}'»t*af«; &%fi, y is ‘f%\"?}k’ wey ho ssm%fi‘a‘fdw??*“ Pn s oo pfinipace en e rine 49 wie wole o Pn oo ahouies o aa i eeie e d fap id hacfncesoyyy MT it *T»« k:%@l -v'r:x?:.-sz.q%r} Hintsi® 4 "*@l sTO, * I x N ll nR SCECICUEl: NoN t a)â€"kr".:-:-,é\ ~4. Bxghme 1k ,g,rfis it s es Te aé;&!.wif?é hnd We t o h o ach A0 it n o h iyad inb dere OB NA e 1 use ie dend â€" * C npaiieseuin f/p q 9 â€" Delegates to W .l.* + : « 5 {omp 6 C Vioe be::s 10 ied tini ‘worh : Ne Noh esk " . thas Tond! 1 0100005 0s 0 4900 00909 o0 i Sa h eeinctnteit Af ol . uk o T dif es tR t Ne , Ahige No c‘cleoted . * aind oducation, ts Benton smE?-‘. nbro,; > as~ ."ona, Woodstock;. home economics ‘ : 6:..0: . ifand health, Mrs. Pred A. Stock, . : ‘elected> y.Tavistock;.‘ historical ‘~ research, . : the. re» ‘S‘and" current‘ events, Mrs. Victor: ; ive. was "~:Woods;. community activities and 3‘ $=.31:%.v~ publMe: relations; Mrs.. Roy. Mcâ€" $ "Mrs. ‘J;. ./ Corquodale, Lakeside; resolutions,, . secondâ€" ° Mrs.. George Hart,, Woodstock,.. $ Conrad * Miss. Adne: Bell; Tavistock; was: Si ecretary»: ‘: named: area delegate,; Wwith . Mrs. *: . Eilsom,. "~T.. L, McMurray,;. St.)Marys, ‘as ~â€" [rs. Sydâ€" {alternate. ‘ Mrs.;‘ Thomas, Myei-s”,ji; t ie e e Jsn F 3 o â€"F DMictricrt <District * in (fium *~ iPla *son Zson, . Mrs: George Berg;: Drumbo,. ; ; . Mrs. J..Goodwin;. Anna: Pi;:Lewis: . Cw L. Mtm, Fi: I¢ Hangpild;, Grace: . [iPatterson: W.L,, Mrs: D: 83 Moâ€"‘ * ‘4Kay;.: Princess. .. Elizabeth. W.D;,. || 7MrB;/. Carman: "Facey;~~*Embroâ€"‘;. 1 West. Zorras branch;. Mray: Ru H; .. v{iClark;‘ Lakealde}: Mts:: .. Munds;. ;. * Woodstock Norths, Mrs Howard:? :7 [ Matshaily, Bmo!mdale;amffimmm, coersonyRymons; Sraemari Mrsé As :/ L + (ference. dates,. October: 23! to, 25 ./ «!at. Hotel: Londonl. $ cyisol .o e <" :x Presenting. the playlet,, "Second‘ > Class Citizens,‘" onâ€" an antiâ€"disâ€" ;, i~ crimination: theme,. Mrs: Ji/ H. ‘. <[Lederman,. of‘ Plattsville: Womâ€"~" . Hen‘sâ€"Institute,. declared: "Canada, \ > has: signed‘ the Charter: ‘of: Hu»~ j ‘ff{man. Rights~ at. the . UN: â€" 16. pirien up» to».us> as. citizeng. to: up«~"* y3 Hold: and: guard‘ these;rights::" ~f, iprzerThe: cast, drawn. from:: the:} MN(Platteville.branch; included: Mrs.. .. TE Wallace: Browns/~Mreas: Clarence© s omonie § the‘,; arsonted :b ig;;digt;ict' y spenditur fing~a"b M dmeeployroompe m apanit CE The , fihancial . feport? ‘Ipre.. . i sonted : by. ‘Mrs. Elsom,â€"indicated ‘ * iC aistrict. recelpte of 349708 tew: :\ Sipenditures: totaling ©$366.33,â€".leav: . } ? Ing:a:" balance .o¢; $130.13.:The 7 i[combined financial statements of * 1745 branches: in . the; district? dinâ€" i‘ $Heldsed ~"a Ahalance.of" $1,855.13, is the ‘ difference : between‘receipts: / (s;0f, $7,114.79,.. and:.expenditures of‘ (2195,200.08, _ much. of . .this "money, 7: going *to * charitable . ‘causes,. * A%, t Mraâ€"Â¥fCyril ‘yfWilliams,<SE 3 ‘y; Thomas,, Condon area~chairman,. Jf urged W.L .members: . to }!‘Keep ~xtyour ideals: high‘" when she ad>. . {f "dressed: thent at ‘the ..beginning * ~r~of the "afternoon . Bession.,; ., She, ‘:yreminded‘ that one of the msin. .‘ *‘ purposes. of: the Women‘s,. Inâ€", "4 / stituté "I@~ "to. davelop an: abunâ€" s ~Adant life for rural ;people," . 45. [ ferzMrs: Williams asked W.I. memâ€",;} "~bers.: to enter their _p’a’ndcra;ft\a dn l "‘the Western Ontarioâ€"Fair..jShe ‘ *announced. the London area conâ€" | @iMflK&n,Bell. Mrs. Elgin: Bulâ€" £Stock,"Mra." George Harrison, and ‘Eiigi‘fié‘;?*gflu%r.tet.;,s_agiggzmg theâ€"farmâ€" , s 0tsâ€" life,‘In ‘depression. days: and {znow, Was: presented, . in: costume, ° s by_four members of the, Unionâ€" gfif‘%fifll?f-}irgnzchh J“f 8:3 Johnr Bolton, ; :gfiffmflay Slater,~Mrs; Enos Hutâ€" . gy Mrs. ‘Millard , Fallis, "with / Mrs. sz Mary‘fSnyder. ag assistant, direcâ€" )i o meld erend (PBTACCLy 2Mdi £2N08 AAULS: , #aton {and ‘Mrg, "Douglas ‘Muir. /4 yy@; Displays . of Girls‘ Club worlk, W. nd* ; igâ€" i C H. m« @n"> [

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