j B This book was started in April 1953 and closed at 1 14951 Christmas 1972. It therefore was twenty years being & t £ assembled. The first curator was Mrs. Henry Wilson. t * It was turned over to Mrs. Neelands and after Mrs. % $ C $ Neelands it went back again to Mrs. Wilson. In 1969 _\\ 4 n Mrs. Wilson resigned and Miss Mary McKenzie was electâ€" & \ $ ed to the office. She kept it almost four years. She t haF added enough pages to fill the book and call it closed & His at the end of SBolton‘s Centennial ysar. 3 ut ‘ Some think the book of not much importance while others : lc consider it very valuable, Your curator saw ité&s R ta f importance different times when she was very anxious : d for some information but all sources of the information < CY ¢ were gone forever. Surely it behooves us to think of § s § those who have gone before us and also those of the ; is : present time who are adding something to the happiness fls of the local people. ¢ ; 99 h 3 wH "In every villagse of our infant country we have the & y t quiet graves of those who subdued the wilderness, who § 23. $ beautified the land by their toil, and left not only f eat j the fruits of thseir labours, but the thoughts and feelâ€" $ pLW & ings that cheered them in their solitude, to cheer and # wl . stimulate us amidst the inferior trials and multiplied § ed ; enjoyments of a more advanced state of sociscty." These 0 24 § words, well chosen and true were written by the great wa o Canadian â€" Joseph Hows. 4 sb j The previous paragraph pays tribute to the early €, 8 3+ | settlers and rightly so but there have been four pâ€"five § w¢; t gensrations since (1972). Many of these later people : e 3 are worthy of a story. Of course it is impossible to # l even mention everyone and your curator hopes no one [ We & is offended at relatives being left out. $ nB ; â€" Mary McKenzie, Curator i & C XxX__., f s | {&> s E _1 ' E. ..'. k e o c us 4 s y % $Kp %g%