Cooked in Syrup: Fruit Balls Make a syrup of one partsugar to two or three parts water. Put a j E 'ttses ssl (ii thnountsjuice small amount of prepared fruit in hot syrup. Cover closely and simmer . . 2 . . . . until tender. Drain and repeat until all the fruit is cooked. Then pour Pl“: fruit and nuts through food chopper. Add lemon juice. Mix well. syrup over all. Roll into balls and then in fruit sugar. Bak e tlt Cranberry Sauce . . 1 qt. cranberries 2 c. boiling water 2 c. sugar Wash and core fruit; leave whole or cu in h l . . . . . . sprinkle with sugar to sweeten and add st ices 'TI .Lay In baking dlfh’ Pick over and w.ash cranberries and place in sauce pan. Add water, cover . . . p ' 1 esired. Barelr cox er bottom of dish with boiling water and bake covered t 375°F '1} d -' and cook 5 to 8 minutes before adding sugar. Stir gently until sugar dis- Baste twice with liquid in pan and uncover the last 2:611 mh Eu“? i,eJ, f,",? solves. Cook until te.nder. They should cook tender in 10 minutes _. long if desired. Apples and pears are usuall used f b ki Inu es Jo rown, h cooking darkens berries. The. berries will burst (and should or they Will ', also be used in this way but require ay long or afing, Quinces may not be sweet), but will not entirely lose shape. Remove scum and turn into i delicious served warm wifh cream. ger tlme or baking and are l a mould. Sauted: l Variations: . 1. Add cho ed celer to cooked cranberries before turninor into a mould. Apples bananas and pineapple ma b . pp y e, , . . i y e sauted to ser _ r at . . . __ I course. Peel and, as with apples and pineapple coreV:11d\::t tte/gi',? 2. In cooking, add a little Cinnamon about A t. wise rings. Dip in-lemon juice, then in melted buttef or oil and dust lightly Cranberry Jelly with flour. Saute in a little hot fat until tender. Pick over and wash 4 c. cranberries. a stew pan with 1 c. boiling water. Cook until tender. Put through a Sieve, add 2 c. sugar, stir until Scalloped: . . _ . l lt t l f dissolved and cook five minutes. T urn into a mould or glasses. . rrange a erna e ayers 0 sliced fresh ca . . and buttered bread crumbs or stale cake cruymbsnped C1); cooked Iritd “'th . . Fruit Punch . with crumbs on top. Pour on a 5110 m a uttered pudding dish 1 c. orange Juice % T. grated orange rind . o gar ,syrt.1p, Or a fruit syrup and bake Ff, c. lemon juice yf to 1 c. s1.1f.rar in a moderate oven of 375 F fo 30-4 . _ . . 1 b 1 t Allow 1 C s ru and 3 4 Li r 5 minutes, or until fruit IS tender. Ff, t. grated lemon rind quart o111ng wa er . y p c. uttered crumbs to 2 c. fruit. Boil sugar, water and fruit rind 5 minutes. Cool, add fruit juices, strain Dried Fruit: and chill. Dilute with chopped ice and ice water or carbonated water. Wash fruit thorouvhl in te . . . . . soak overnisrht to ICSt0:eilr1 ist pid water. Cover with cold water and Variations: . . . b 1 . . e. . 015 ure and soften cellulose P t l in 1. Add 2 c fruit juices - raspberry, straw erry, cnerry, grape or pine- water in which fruit was soaked. Add s . . . . ll on to COOK . simmer until tender. Add suoar as n pices if desired. Cover closely and apple. . . . 1 . . Prunes require very little or :0 sugarecessary and Simmer 5 minutes longer. f 2. Add 1 qt. ginger ale or 1 pt. ginger ale and pt. grape juice or other . ruit juice. 3. Add 1 c. strong tea and M1, c. maraschino cherries finely cut. RECIPES 4. Add yi c. fresh mint, very finely chopped or crushed, to punch and Variations of Stewed Prunes: let stand 2 or 3 hours. . . Tomato Punch I. S iced. 1 qt. tomato juice p . . l c. sugta: Juice of 2 lemons V2 stick Cinnamon C. wa e . 8 prunes I1 whole clove Boil the water and sugar together for 5 minutes and cool. Add the 2. For each cup of prunes dd 1 . Fs", T. Stigar tomato and lemon juice and chill on Ice. When ready to serve add a few . ' a to 2 slices of lemon. sprays of mint. 3. Cook in maple syrup instead of water Tomato Cocktail 4. Do not soak, but cover with 1 . 2 C. canned or fresh t?mato juice i ii gift), salt oven 2 hours If . CO d water. Bake (c d . d te 2 t. finely chopped onion . 1 S k f . sugar IS added, put in aft 1 overe ) in mo era 2 t. finely chopped green pepper (optional) pee o pepper 5 Prune Jell . er hour. 1,% t. Worcestershire Sauce (optional) y: Combine the in redients and bring to a boil. Strain, chill and serve in 1 c. cooked prunes . g d th h t . 2 C. prune juice 2 t. lemon juice cocktail glasses. If fresh tomatoes are use , press roug a po ato ricer 2% T. gelatine 1/4 t. grated lemon rind and then strain to remove seeds. C " c. cold water A c. sugar Baked Apples ut prunes in J4" pieces S . . . 1 Put in a baking dish. Fill centres with . . . . oak el . . . Wipe, core and score app es. e . . prune juice. Add sugar, lemon j1/'gatatii'r1inctld Water. Dissolve 1n hf†brown sugar and a small piece of butter. Put a little water in pan and cooling. When partially thickened add fru'trm . Stir-occasionally while bake until apples are tender, basting with syrup m pan. , 1 and pour mto mould. 5 4