Variations: Pour hot sweetened sauce over 2 medium bananas, thinly sliced in a serving dish. Set aside to cool. Serve cold. Rhubarb Cream 2 c. diced rhubarb 1,% T. flour 1 c. sugar 1 egg yolk . Pinch of salt Mix diced rhubarb, flour and sugar and let stand one hour, then cook until thick. Add salt, pour over beaten egg yolks and return to double boiler to cook a few minutes. Chill. Put in sherbert glasses and garnish with meringue ducks. Meringue Ducks ' 1 egg white M t. vanilla 1% T. fruit sugar i Beat egg white until stiff. Add sugar gradually, then vanilla. Put ' mounds of meringue on a pan of boiling water. Put in oven at 300 degrees F. to brown. Serve at once on dessert. Baked Pears i Wash pears, cut in half or cook whole (cored). Place in a baking dish, sprinkle with white or brown sugar, as fruit. requires. Cover the bottom ' of the pan with boiling water and bake until tender, basting with syrup in pan. _ Variations: I Stuff centres with seeded dates, raisins or chopped nuts with some marmalade or shredded cocoa. . Meringued Pears 6 pears Candied ginger 6 T. sugar 2 egg-whites Grated lemon rind V; c. fruit sugar Wash, pare and core the pears. Place in a baking dish. Fill centres with 1 T. sugar and a little grated lemon rind or candied ginger. Cover bottom of pan with boiling water and bake until tender. Cover them with a meringue made with the stiffly beaten egg-whites and sugar. Brown quickly. Baked Quinces 8 quinces, wiped quartered, 3A c. sugar ' . cored and pared ly; c. water f J?lact..q11iye.s in baking dish, sprinkle with sugar, add water, coverand ' cook until soft in a slow oven 1,% hours. Serve with cream. . . Fruit Cup 1 c. diced pineapple yf: C. strawberries 1 well-ripened banana 1 T. lemon juice q 2 oranges Sugar Peel and diff. the pineapple, banana and oranges. Wash and hull the strawberries. Mix all together with the lemon juice and sugar and chill. One. tablespoon whipped cream may be added to each glass just before servrng. _ When fruits are not too .sweet, they may be served at the beginning of a meal as a cocktail or appetizer. Some suggested combinations are: (Or.ange.s, apples and bananas; canned cherries, apples and pears; pi.neapple, cherries and strawberries; canned peaches, pears and red raspberries; grapefruit, orange, pineapple, and straw- berries; peaches, pears, diced watermelon and raspberries. . 8 am ' _ - .