Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, 1970, p. 3

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j _ ---N' BlidTHERS GRADUATE ---b--- _.",, T _-r-r-r-l-l- _ ----- " -- 'r-e, -'"e - __ , jr f ii, , am _ ~ IlllMllllililliI llliBlllllillilNlllit ..,...,.. , ‘ 'liiiisii'iiia, 'O " ' I - , 4 ' il .37531fses 1iil , if 'llItllill ' 1lleEiiiN ll Illlllt ' . - (“no I ---"----------, . ' . " Iltitii'allllllliililllllllllllllill . ' ”by, 3 . _ . rm), Il-lil I ' , . a I , . . - > . ' " ‘ ilillllilillllt?llllllllllllllilll . Wears” - , [ " ' I " . " I , ' . g " " , 'ltlilill8 Illl8ltEEitit'4taRiaillN8 B5liltlit, - , . MkWlErii.'ji'iiici.ijii'iaga, 'ttle I...:::,-"-,.:' 'r? Mill, F . aft - Illltiiitig glillllllNi' 'fif a” ' AW" 'm Elt1llllllll f I '" 'llEtiC:is'ir'i'i"'i"ii'tEa. ' l a Ei2iii1xriiii/ieric)a' R ' itil? i888 .-.~."5=‘62"".:5:EIE:3:33:2'2ii3}§§3§:-5§E3,-'a: . . 'tttttttE Il.llilllMitt I - . 'MMmiil1 W8rg Mitt IIB' . J “a: " Mi 8tt"iaMtititiiliR18gi8ll ”/"r. - ' ' 88r,,T:'. 3:522:59 B..? q IE, ‘Fiéziéii‘éi’f7’11 - . BllilRiill illllggligilt.8 lllllllllllgi8litlilrFAialllll ' f Iq I RtfiMgl, ' ’, lie 'i,?,1.a r, t,!.s,Eil:s'sr',rP,,4l, ”5 ‘ IltiN1 . - Millie, IiiBllgll8lMlNtEiriliiiiilial1 i'ialiliMllll1 , 'ltllrJal Kji%',ifs!,,8,l.l8rl%l= I jiiii)?:i'f:f3if:,?.: <’ I IlllEtvi'ya8leji'iiid' "h'i7i',::iCt?s2l . Ilt818iiM «saw/5 lilEfiliMillllliil . _ . ,a’ m 3 " sayg F,sil,.,NN, We? Blllillllilu i L", IilllglltEllllllk"iiiliilililll j "dt iiiiciii'iickit' , . ' Illllll& B.j,tFii2tj'ioii'ja.iit srtiiiiisii)iij'iMllllll t Igtlii1 . 5, ItltiMillilrttii'i'i:,'iiijse2iii'aiilil . ' tii'?;':.":':)):',',".,:;:';':":'::":,::':':':'"'" m . p a _ s5jiiijij:s%E it;giggmgtgff- "?iii,ifiitaF'iamglill ”Wei-933;: Ctf,rk?sjtt..'s.?a'r;)ii)jjirM ’3’ L) Blil " itiiMKri'iiijiiia5iilMlllli, 51:"‘5'9' ' " P ' "f/i/tl:::':':: » “KW iiaieial, ?«/¢’%/¢/’/VH¢ - 'MM . 'imiiimlBiitt is“. " _'vyx'ii EW? FP: a' . . I V . . . . {getter afiepefit; ' k'ijjj.if'd "lr...' 'iii'iiiiii.)'d' “5””? i, , 'kr'ei:"if:i:'g" . ‘ - new “as .~ Biletiiij) gii:(i'i' 'PT' l V 1Ni%k2 d " w8d'o7p7i;iryfi3rJa" .1 I 'Mt":-':.':.,':;::.., , ' II Murra Ri h , , , MMEi'i"' r y 10 ard Jull, son ot l, JOHN l WAYNE . I _ “as; r - . ' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Juli, RR 1,! , Friday, May 29th was gradu-Jern Ontario. Dr Wayne Bee- ‘ IRIttNq . . gorWICh’ received his Honors i ation day for John and Waynefcroft, graduated from Norwich GRADUATES _ Mac/chelor .of Arts Degree in ' Beecroft, sons of Mr. and Mrs/District High School, Upper th Ir. Wayne Pearce, youngest fa hematlcs from the Faculty Melville Beecroft of Otterville. Canada College and the Fac-' son of Mr. End Mrs. Kennleth "il, Science at Pe University of , Dr. John Beecroft is a grade ulty of Dentistry of the Univer-1 lPearce, Mail] St., Norwich, Hestern Ontario on May 28th. ate of Norwich District High sity of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs., graduated. with honors froml ',idd', recently awarded a School and the Faculty of Med- Beecroft attended both cere- ithe hichltectural -Techn010gy3 It)? Ttlu/ee, Scholarship from . icine of the University of West- monies. lPePal_tmem 9f Ryerson Poly- . e ational Research Coun- ' {technical Institute. The cere_3 eil of Canada and will resume! lmonies were held on Wednes- I115 studies at u. w. o. in Sep- 3 ‘day, May 13,1970. Mr. Pearce, tember. He is presently em- 3' ' is currently working with Arch- played by the Sunlife Insur- . litect - Instructor, Mr. David ance Co., Montreal. ( I Isow on an architectural pro- --_-- ' --- _------------------- / f'fe gram of development and re- , l OXFORD ART [ _,----" search for the mentally retard- E ' ed at "Daybreak," Richmond 3 EXHIBITION i Hill, Ontario. Wayne will res 3 I The 12th Annual Oxford) turn ‘to Ryerson in September ' County Art exhibition o enedl to carry on post-graduate work I p I 3 . . . , lsaturday night, at the Public1 lWith emphasis on construction, :Library’s art gallery, li/Cod-l, management and further re-' 3 stock. 6 search into facilities for the 3 _ During the exhibit’s official adult retarded. _ . . . - _--------------------" _ 3openlng, Provincial Judge R. f') e 3Groom of Tillsonburg, com-) 3; mended abstract entries, say-) _ W , (sing, people should be encour-l gaged to put ideas on canvas.: ‘Judge Groom said a place re-l _ T mains for both older, conven- tional art and the newer kind; _ _ T ' in a changing-world. _ 3 . ';, At total of 36 paintings, se-i ', . - ' ( Heated by Mario Polidori, diree-l .. , . i ‘tor of the Glenhyrst Art, ‘1“ "te.. _ _ _ 3.- ? ' _ . _ ECouncil at Brantford, will be;l ' _ C ion display daily until June 26. l Jansen was the former (Miss Lynne and Elizabeth attended .: _ Among the participants who) Linda Lee. Russell Orth was Convocation at the Western had their work accepted from? lthe Master of Ceremonies for University of Western Ontario, ' 'this district were: Mrs. Sara i, the program. Mrs. Charles when their son Dan Cohoe; Moore, with two oil paintings--- ;. Rockett and Miss Cheryl Bielr- graduated from the School of. t y'Otter Creek in Winter" and: ell gave a piano duet and Miss- Administration. 3 3“Meadow in Spring" and Dr.:' es Glenda Boone and Diane Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pickering,:' iLois Batson, with a silk screen is Barnim gave a piano duet. Sanibel Island, Florida, called V 30f "Poppies" and "Sunlight" in; Bruce Barnim favored with an on the _tormer's sister Mrs., _ 5inks. 3 [accordion solo. Mr. Orth gave Dorothy Glover. 3 t 3 . 3 the address and Rudy and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan-j i ' V _ ' _ ,‘ Linda were presented with a:dyne, Brantford, spent Sunday, miscellaneous shower of gifts with Mr. and Mrs. Fred sal-l for which they both ttsanketrmon. 3 _ their many friends. Re-i Mrs. Stafford Smith attend; J, dreshments were served duringl Convocation at Western Uni-,', J the social hour. 3versity when her nephew Peter, i, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cohoe, Smith, Woodstock graduated. _ l :3

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