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It 3 - ' - FPV ‘ - ' ' T l " BEartt T _ T _ ..’ PA. 'r:trw.hi L'ti"'H, {1.4.3 v; y; a.» "tfl- - . ‘ e " i aw‘ M8aie,'c._...iu,,dcr.cr.v.l'.,_.'.rr',...xisc,x:agi;i,'a tt " i8K"is k't'dis,yiii?fs1iiirc; EP. urL.'lj:s1yia:2i;26ie. if? Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jansen . i' _ i. . . _ E Double-ring wedding ceremony . l _. L L R d1r Jt [ " l uhites ynda ee u ansen l} T 'r' t BURGESSVILLE - Lynda Given in marriage by her! SCOOp neckline and braided) 'i' .Jean Lee and Rudy Jansen father, the bride wore a fl??r)scrof1 trim. She earned a nose-i I iwere married on May 1 in a length gown of bridal satini gay of yellow and white 'mums. I lcandlelight ceremony at Bur-‘made on empire lines made .Bridesmaid Corrie Jansen andlI l lgessville Baptist Church. ,with needlerun rose lace yoke. tunior bridesmaid Karen Lee) l The church was decorated The same lace was featured 1n wore identical f1bor. length; . with bouquets of yellow and frills at the neckline, around the! gowns of mauve and mint green; white mums and ferns. long sleeves and at the. hem of! Chlffon over taffeta respective-r . The bride is the daughter of the gown. A chapel train swept' ly. They Tore rptttehintraeeesa, . Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lee, gracefully from the back bodice sorties and carried nosegays of BR 1, Burgessville, and the line. A r05e and orange blossom yellow and white 'mums. ;br'idettroom's parents are Mr. petal headdress held her ep- Henry Jansen, RR 1, Bur- 23nd» Mrs, John Jar1ser1, RR l, broidered veil of syr. illusion gessville, performed the duties ',Burges1svi11ti. and she carried a bridal earr of best man and ushers were a g Jttsy. W. T2131?“ officiated eade _of gardenias, yellow roses Grant Lee and: Daniel Jansen, lfor the doubre-rihg ceremony. and 1ily.rof-thtyalley enhanced both of Burgessville. l l Mrs. Glendon Spencer, as or- with white satin streamers. Yellow and white 'mums decy I ‘gamst played traditional wed- , Miss Norma Smith of Van.. Grated the church parlor for I: ding musm and accompanied couver, B.C., was maid of hon- the,reception where the brile's schist Mrs. Douglas Avey who or wearing a gown of yellow mother received guests wearing . sang ,WEddI‘ng Prayer andlchiffon over yellow taffeta. The a champagn crepe and lace ‘Whereer You Walk. , sleeveless bodice featured a dress with champagne and: ' page accessories and a corsage' '--rau--a-r----u--vc--s-------u----------------, ,___ In shades of orange and yellow. The bridegroom's m o t h e il , _ Wore a black ensemble with " white accessories and a corsagei i of orange delight roses. . t For a 'hisiiTyuoiin" 1n th~e1 I; . sonthern United States, the ‘r. bride travelled in a pale blue : T (ii,?.,t,y?.,e crepe dress with _ x beige tattersal coat, yellow sc- (iiii/iri'; and a corsage ot yel- T low. and white carnations. On! their return the couple will livei, i at Burgessville. ( ii . l Guests attended the wedding from ' Paris. Galt, Burgessville, f Brantford, Norwich, Tillsonburg, 1 TOrillia. Woodstock, Lockportâ€: J, t Vancouver and; Eopi1bty. (Photo