@ Pupils of Mrs. Helena Boughner | } ‘ o e Present Pleasing Recital | A very pleasing Recital was â€" | presented by the piano â€" and J vocal pupils of Mrs. (Charles) | Helena Boughner, in the United 1 Church Hall Friday evening, with a good attendance of parâ€"| ents, relatives and friendsâ€" of the forty or more students who/ took part. The guest artists) for the evening, was a violin| quartet from the studio of Mrs.] * Frederic (Dorothy) Lord of Brantford. Their numbers were; greatly enjoyed by all, as they i have won awards from differâ€" ent Festivals of our surroundâ€"‘ i | ing citiee and ‘their presentaâ€") ‘ & tions were of‘~high calibre. Three members~of the quartet ‘ were making their second apâ€" pearance in Norwich, being here last year, as well as their accompanist, , (Mrs. Dorothy ‘ Penrice. ® During the evening, a presâ€"; entation of a gift and a corâ€"| sage was made to Mrs. Boughâ€" ner, from her pupils, to express‘ appreciation for the fine work: she does with. them. Mrsl A% Lord was also presented with 2| i $ | corsage, to show appreciation! at the piano was appreciated, | for her interest in the recital; Y * and for bringing such talented| Following the program (prinâ€" pupils to our town on two ocâ€"| ted below) a social time was casions. Other accompanists, held, with refreshments served | on the program, were Miss| by Mrs. Boughner, with a numâ€" Faye Bailey and Mrs. Daniel\ ber of friends and pupils Klassen and their fine support: assisting in serving duties. l PART ONE PART TWO 1. Pianoâ€"The Wigwam â€" Thompson 1. Violin Quartet (a) Sarabande â€" Bohm | Ann Sikma j (b) Andante â€" Ambrosio | 2. Pianoâ€"God Sees The Little Sparrow Fall ~ (c) Intermezzo Pizzicato _ | â€" Straub â€" Nevry | Debbie Corless Sherrie Powell, Debbie Penrice ; 3. Pianoâ€"Swiss Cuckoo â€" Berlin John Isley, Ernest Lanzalone 1 Nancy Pullin 2. Vocalâ€"The Lord‘s Prayer â€" Malotte ; 4. Pianoâ€"The Happy Princess â€" Martin , Kathie Anderson Karen Piper 3. Pianoâ€"Song Of The Lark â€" Tschaikowsky 5. The Little Dreamer â€" Lind Ann Buckrell : Susan Taylor 4. Piano Duetâ€"A Coquettish Smile 6. Pianoâ€"The Pixies Frolic â€" Duval â€" Engelman | Bryce Lossing Beverly Deller and Marlene Cheesman J 7. Pianoâ€"Allemande â€" Haydn 5. Vocalâ€"Canterbury Fair â€" Leslieâ€"Smith | | o Paul Vandenberg | Caroline Malcolm | | 8. Piano Duetâ€"The Blac}{smlthsiogir dham _ 8+ Pianoâ€"Viennese Sonata â€" Mozart | Brenda and Sharon Perry fitis ‘Vandenberg' ¢ $ r 9. Pianoâ€"The Merry Go Round â€" Berlin 7. Vocalâ€"Hard Trials â€" (Spiritual) Burlelghll Kathy Groulx Marion Avey | 10. Pianoâ€"The Happy Farmer â€" Schumann 8. Violin Duetâ€"Gavotte â€" Bach | Jean Verzyl John Isley and Ernest Lanzalone 11. Piano Duetâ€"Bright As a Button â€" Cloy 9. Pianoâ€"The Horseman â€" Schumann Denise and Suzanne Doan j Janice Palmer | 12. P ianoâ€"Monkeyï¬o I'nP? Tree â€" Berlin 10. Pianoâ€"Sonata â€" Clementi ri er : 18. "Pranbâ€"Rondo _ Amfre 4 Marlene Patchett ; Ricky Pullin «_ Vocalâ€"The Old Road â€" Scott | 14. Pianoâ€"Sonatina in F â€" Beethoven Lambert Baptist i David Corless 12., Pianoâ€"Sonatina in C â€" Kuhlah i 15. Piano â€" L‘Avalanche â€" Heller Lucy Groulx â€" ‘ Cheryl Moore 13. Vocalâ€"The Linden Tree â€" Schubert | 16. Piano Duetâ€"The Haymaker‘s March Lois Bailey â€" Zimmerman â€" 14, Pianoâ€" ; ; . ; j a _Marlene Patchett and Leslie Ferris £ Sonat';x;?leT Siuire pecthore" J + Planoâ€"KErom. Down Soug;;aur_lieyR:S)agï¬ 15. Vocalâ€"Russian Sleigh Song .â€" Kountz + + Karen Palmer (Repeated by special request) f ( 18. Pianoâ€"Minuet in G â€" Beethoven C panie! Rlassen Cordy Vandenberg . Pianoâ€"Introduction and Fugato â€" Harris § 19. Pianoâ€"Toccatina â€" Longmire § Charlene Peat Christine Boyce 17. Vocal Duetâ€"Indian Love Call ~ r 20. Piano Duetâ€"Summer Song â€" Hind (Rose Marie) Friml . | Ann Buckrell and Marlene Patchett Marion Avey and Daniel Klassen 21. Pianoâ€"Rondo in C â€" Andre 18. Violin Quartet (a) Festival March 4 Marguerite Vandenbrink . * <~â€" ‘Morle 22. Vocal Duetâ€"Dreams Of Galilee (b) Russian Dance Y â€"â€" Morrison j | (Charlie‘s duet â€" Sung in his memory) (C) Elves Da;c;Movssorgsky o . Lambert Baptist and Daniel Klassen > :Igikin R (Â¥es: please applause) (d) Selected Hymn son i 0. MAIL gop SAvE THE qQUEEN n P