l l _tiioneerfhijiin héélyreeunion --- . hi . . . y . _ War an Win show ans T at The Walker family, located Australia.Mr.Walkerisagreat , . _. , f . , for many illears in the Norwich~ Igirandson of Joseph. The q . if , 7 ' -. zyj/V/ f I '2 Bgrgessvi e area, staged an escendants of Samuel were . . _ . unusual family reunion Sunday, represented by Mt. and Mrs. reunlon T reld, _ 4-H adliiihifherit ays F My 18,Fat It Oxford Centre 1i.ll,i.ap, Pyle of Altona, Illinois. _ l:". 'c-', "rt , 11. or t e irs . s.P lei . , , .. I-. . ". _ rlthsS'dti,Q', o: “In: Samurai 'sagrandtaughter of . Biiriii 'skull Chris Abbey of Hit _8, Chris Abbey of Burgessville gtseendants of five different The smorgasbord picnic at urgess e Woodstock, took Junior club second. _', mothers came together. dinner for over 100 present the _ 'sihowrrtanship honors in the Stephanie Masters of RR 3, Spence, Thomas, Charles, discussions of the family _ _ Buggessvillet ita", 2tol'g,1eeckt 1t,ttti, Je Je,r,fch11; _ . . . .r ac levemen - ier1t'ode/tioe/g."'vl will?†'t2giite, pictml‘e talzngg 31d V BURGESSWLLE -.. The Fair. Barbara éylor of RR 4, Horse Club achievement day, w l d th y, for s we, d M tingWerepanne y r. annual Workman-reunion Was Woodstock was second. " with Chris Abbey taking reserve ask: E, finial: tof Thomas. and MS. Cecil Gill of Ingersoll , heldrecently at the home of Mr. Joanne Claessens of RR 8, honors. Eisdayin Ehatpartnoi Ergfgng 'lllhJ) lot 132%? Gordon _ ,and Mrs..Rod Workman, RR 2, Woodstock showed the best Yvonne Cowan of RR 1 in 1860 Spence and Thomas Mrs Mildred 'Walker of 1terge?yvi1lts, “in 47 people barrow in the club, with Mark Burgessville. was top senior Walker came to Canad l ki Norwich a daughter-in-law of sattendingHi'ol1osving the dinner,, Van Den Boore of RR l, showman, with Glenna land f b1 a 00 mg S ' games were held. The youngest Burgessville second. Esseltine of RR 2, Burgessville, for ,pre era ynear one of pence Walker alongWithtwoof. family member in attendance Jake ii"G'nirsi'i"n" of Salford second. Barry Irwin of Mount theOntario Quaker settlements her sys,. .Gren and Jack and (was Bebbin Treaner, St.- Swine Club took champion Elgin topped junior showmen ofthat day. Thomas and Spence their families, represented that Catharines; the eldest, Thomas swine showman honors with with Chris Abbey second and finally located at Beaconsfield brand}- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , Workman of Woodstock. The t. - _ Stephanie Masters took peewee onthe farm now owned by Paul Whitfield of London and committee for 1977 will be - . honors with Greg Fullerton of andJOhn Walker.an the spring members of their family president Rodney Workman.. RR T, W dst k d oi1964, the first two brothers representedthe Thomas Walker treasurer, Robert Workman: '--, l 00 S oe ,secon . were joined by Charles and branch. Grandchildren of sports Marlene Bennt and Joseph, who left the train at Charles Walker who were Jeannie Stephenson. Eastwood and walked carrying present with children and _ Guests at the home of Mr. and their luggage to Beaconsfield to grandchildren were Mrs. Cecil . Mrs. Grant Smith last week . join their older brothers. Gill,. Mr. Gordon Walker, Mr. wereMartin Vaquisro president . . Shortly afterwards Samuel Harold Walker, Mrs. John _ of the Spanish ' Holstein Burgqstiirilllp News joined his older brothers in Pettit, Mr. Ken Hill, Miss Association, Madrid and -. , - ' Canada. Joseph later returned Dorothea Walker, Mr. John T , Gregorio jiiiii1r,jiiiifrrii't",' Spain. l . kit-ist" A / 7 to England and m the 1880's Walker,Mr.Paul Walker, My Mfiiityri6irhtaicoii'trrefiGi, BURGESSVILLE (C)-Mfs. afternoon at tht. home of went to Australia. Charles took Bruce Walker, .Mrs. Pfhilip Friday for Scotlandwheresheis Sadie Fisher, Oakland is Murray Penny With a good over the farm originally Burns and Mr. Wilfred Bishop. taking. a course to become a spendingafew days at the home attendance. Keith Geer was the selected by his older brothers "------------------- midwife.' _ of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Palmer top scoreman. and “mat?†the oth.e.r T . Mis. Isobel Pocmic, London, and Miss Marian Palmer. Miss Eilza,b.etl.1 _ Varley, . brothers all lived in Norwich spent Sunday at the home of her Mrs. George McGill, Detroit, Sydney, Australia IS spending village. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur 1 Mich., is visiting her sisters two weeks at the home of Mr. Charles and Thomas are _ Morley. _ Mrs. Frank McDonnell and and Mrs. Merton Penny. , buried In Quaker St. Cemetery, _ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mrs. Stafford Smith. Guests at the home of Mr. and , Spence and Samuel in the Buckrell have returned after Mrs. Lois Pepper ac- Mrs.Merton Penny on Saturday _ N.o..ryieh Cemetery. The . spending two weeks at their companied by Kerri Richards, afternoon were Mr.. and Mrs. mild?“ and grandchildren of . cottage at Windemere. Chatham were overnight guests Bill Frost, California and Mr. Thomas, Charles and Spence all ' V ll ' Guests on Sunday at the home of the former's parents Mr. and and Mrs. Clifford Dougherty, grew Ham the Norwich and WARBQYS - Hi! I'm Angle oer.and Mrs.Russell Clifford Mrs. Ross Palmer and Miss "vNorwich. Bargessville area, where many Marie, born on July 14, ' were Mrs. Oliver Clifford Marian Palmer. ________ V "--t'-'_---- --'-_e---- -. of the grandchildren and great- , 1976, weighing 6 pounds. Otterville, Mrs. Charles Clif: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence grandchildren still live. The ', Proud parents, Brent and . ford, Tillsonburg, Mrs. Robert Parkhill accompanied Mr. and descendants of Samuel all live _ Barb. Special thanks. to Geier, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Mrs. Jim Parkhill, Oshawa on a lathe USA. The descendants of . Dr. Hall and. nurses at ~Morrison Hoover and son, motor trip to visit relatives in Joseph, most living P the I Woodstock General Larry, Waterloo, arespendinga Moosejaw and Eechy, Australian State of Victoria, Hospital. few days at the home of the . Saskatchewan. They also called “me YP.? large share of the _ , former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. on friends in Thunder Bay, _ total family. numbers. -""'"""""---a- D.M. Hoover. . Eastford Hearst and _ The special reason' for the - Grave nhurst reunion was the Vi?“ to Canada . Mrs Stafford Smith and Mrs. “ML?“ Mrs. Pity.', Walker, Grant Smith have returned who live near Melbourne, , home after spending ten days at e _ the home of the former's daughter Mrs. James Flett and ' Mr. Flett, Pt. Coquitlam, B.C., _ and with her granddaughter GERRIT JOAAN noon _ ')e,sif,1t11(,"y1,d'dr."aund and . arm , , . . Page is THE NORWICH GAZETTE July 28, ions B,tgedt,angt1 'fe) Io', _ The Burgessville . Gun Club . . "ie Wednesday,:li112.ï¬'y_§4§7_§, at his t held their meeting on Sunday Ohitu arles & residence, in is 56th year. 7 _ - . _ Born in Laren, Holland, he ' . --- _ _ - \ was a son of Mrs. Johan Rood and the late Mr. Rood. He came V Aerggflggévvlt-I A AY _ to Canada from the Netherlands , W Martin VanRaven- in April 1959, settling in the f ayne . f RR 1 M Holbrook area, where he was a , swaay aged nine years 0 farmer He was a member of Burgessville passed awady Emmanuel Reformed Church, 5 _ 'gift/g rog,li'treaVdyciii'l1i'. F Woodstock, and vice-president _ MRS.AGNES M. EMIGH ic/ii in Woodstock son of Mr ofthe consistitory of the church. The funeral service for the and Mrs Everett VanRaven- Surviving are his wife, the C late Mrs. AgnesMabel Emigh of swaa id attended North former Grade E. Ruiterkamp; , RR 3 Burgessvil1e who passed N -y’h S ho 1 two daughters, Mrs. Norman ’ . away on Sunday July 18th in orwle c tu. (Henna) Jenner of Brantford W d t k . . Surviving are his parents also ' and. Mrs. Henry (Grace) “:50 hselglc 2t','dr,eseovstev1 Chris Allen and Angie, all at Bruines of Woodstock; two sons, 21 y y , . . . stat the Am and Son Funeral . home, grandparents, Mr. and John Rood and William Rood, Residence N i h with R t . Mrs. C.C. VanRavenswaay and both at home; his mother, Mrs. William 'dlflsvd If Knev. Mrs. Elbert Veldjesgraaf all of Aaltje Rood, and three brothers, Presb term Clog fl w 0; Burgessville. Several aunts and John Rood, Herman Rood and stock difficiatin u c , 00 uncles also survive, _ 'tedlooadt, 'le tdents, The bearersg. were Robert . a e n an n . Rested at the. Am and Son Funeral Residence, Norwich, gothIak, Jack Emigh, Ralph . Funeral Residence until until noon Saturday, thence to 43mg]: , Ken Printer, Simon Tuesday "00" July 27th and. the Emmanuel Reformed f er and Paul Belanger.. thence to the Netherlands . Church for service at 2 pan. 1t.eryyntrasin Burgessville Christian Reformed conducted by Rev. C.J. Bons. . Baptist Cemetery. Congregation for service'at 2 pan. With Rev. NM. den Boer Pallbearers were Ike ofiieiating. . . - Rusticus, Herman Hoogkamp, , Interment was in Norwich Ron Dennis, Douglas Topham, ; thmetery. Hendrik Bruines, John Beltink. r