" _ f - . . 2. V . . IR E Vol. 101 - No. 47 Norwwh, Ontario, Wednesday, November M, 1976 Single Copy 20. . : l it}: ' . FT' "I - ' t fall's“ - r NI .2: , “is ru'i' _ V , " V Err:.,' _ Cr3, 'V ru,', 1 If 1'; I _ h #“ VV ", i . , †it,ii' . . _ V I H I 7 T -» " __ Ill ,g. . £3 I I . , L V . wd , _ a ' ‘3: V ‘I Ir, IV Ty ", l a k. , ::‘ ' - VI V . tg F Ir V, .' L w L" " K _ ii? sr, " V , PH,' "KT a _ ' T.' 2 ' . K. li' I. . _ li ' " Ls' ‘ ff" C BK/W/i" , A ' - -» 'j'ls . .†T 'is' , l E 2- e 'ig, â€:7. MI 'rr?' .13; krs; .- A? _ '.'iis,r,,rrsir,-, (i4 _r.s',,riiir,, I " '.' JM "rc-GTR _ " . V ' _ 'e 4 2i. TJ MM, . 5' , . , V..- b", 'Y ‘f . _:. , I _r/, t VI; r',', _ T 'arlBtLiis'iia ij/ b?e, . l ", T, “ .2: “£5â€â€œ 'iir.a.IB, ' a. ' , . I RE? . "T . k/f t- 'iw, 2‘. ' V l l QR" “itâ€, 5- . 'il'ii,r,,NI, ym 'tiiiL"f' tt ~ , 1 w†e SUZANNECRosBY “Manama '. CAROLYN CHERYL HAMULEVCKI KATHRYN DAVIS KATHRYN DlCKSON FRANCES FORCE (nee Alexander) BUCKRELL BUCKRELL . (nee Chambers) Ontario Scholar Ontario Scholar, Ontario Scholar . _ “an w "'e 'u-er-"-, _ _onti1riosctoratr, . LT- - _ -." _ V _ _ T 4 _ _ Tr-r- ':: _"'t.y SS; _iLi'i;1)'-l,iC; a... si bd "cTCiicj1 _ . - _ V . _ . '_,"" / 7.i,feht1 M. - " . oct'Cs3. C " a» _ t, l " "7. tiF-ity' -"- " . Ir a" T 5 " l » ~ _ .. 'u', if" I 'd _ _ -: ' , . 2- ve .' , 5 :2 - , -- . V. ft} lr, , I " L 3" . - - ' "": rr " H ftIlir" _"'--i.' _;::’ I5liNigi lit ", _ .. A 5 a, _ . . - . Ititffr , ._ - F _ * " 2 5. 2 ":' ' . k_ss,' - 'ii'itiif,iiii 55ai " 2...: T . WW: F "it' .-, q f.- b' 2 V . =' ja".', 6"- _ ' Ag' Ci., "f .. ‘V 3 a,» I " -:N, , tiiEdallF.?,:i8 w, N V A"'5-V.~ -, C - 'sa' ' FB" 't_'-:-- was: _c', V " Bl cc" _ 2 a , 1N br'(-'ut'-, y 'sc. " ~~â€-':~‘i~' , "q r.rfts-: li - F.V, . . - A, F: 'Elitl ' I "", _ ", .‘ C '1. I '"". Jr f . " T"f_ ts, I V - UAt .' '..' _ WF e .1" iN "b, k .t "ti- ‘69 _ ' \VV l, C ftk " ".c. tre 'r' Ntil it..;- l'" 's -, . , ', _k.E'ri "R.ah t _ aalilliir5s: â€â€˜1' . '. . “LUâ€: " 5 _.-..'; than ,2†Kr. -. THOMAS GARY HINKs ' RICHARD JACQUES GREGORY LESTER DEBRA MASON F ROSS MITCHELL MARLENE HAMULECKl OntarioScholar . . _ Ontario Scholar PATCHETT :4†g _.' , 3 -e rAi.ti. fl 4., : __-' _.. V: "Ts")).,'"?' ;V-V.V$f‘“'“‘h 'ic2Faaiq _ A _..,',".' / "i"l'.:l'/a)?"s,'j,i. _ "'," .. .3 .5 .. _ _./, ..._ . 1Ui 2. . ., a 'l' " _"1':, â€.3563 . V , 2-3. V f, ‘ "ii,iic9l:, , h > kts iriisj : ' its): ,‘ " " ' {is}, _ A. ' i, l ’ F _' _ " 'I,» V _ aa Il l t .3 -. * _ i fl I l 7'3. 43,: MI “If? " ‘r .1 3 w- - irc,', ' . J. i . r 3 Ep, , 'rt: , (s iiltiTA--s , h _ lil . ",": ti f _ __"" :2 " l a.-".-, , -r, 13, e "ig, _'./ e - _'ir'. 5 IC? " t l (, ili I ' - V j: '-. . it†I -.' U _ ' 'a ‘ .i-4 Fgl 2 "C, q 5 “as? f, . Pst'" . Sl1 ' r, . M! i l 'a"iii'i"i"i' PEARSON ROBIN POLLOCK RICHARD PULLIN , JOANNE SUPRUN KATHERINE ' ‘ KATHERINE HENRIETTA T -, t ' . VanGASTEL _ VanNULAND . VANDEVEN arise: â€. f 'tiid t . , _ . ' 7 . 2gia ' Trim; Graig told ..._ , . F _ , l ' 1â€}; , __ November 3, 1976.T 5. . Gtpl _'-â€~V’_ F _ V ' 1 . q Fl Burgessv e Optimist Clu host Halloween party "V 'kiii,, ' , . T I "The Goblin's are comin'they Bowen. _ V Thanks' all you mothers and Hall Nov. 19, 1976. . MAUREEN ' , . _ are comin' tonite." Yes, and Then there wasa whole lot of fathers who took time .out of Newmembers are welcome to VANDENBERGHE _ _ . sure enough they did come to dunking going on. Two large your busy schedule to bring the our , young and exciting club. Ontario Scholar .2 the Burgessville Public School tubs filled with apples proved to little ones to the party. Regular meetings are first and l gym, my what a spooky affair. be very entertaining. With We'd also like to thank the third Monday of every month. _ T . t After listening to the giber hands behind the back, they following: Cowenburg Or- C""-----------'--- - . -. wentytwd l gabers of the little creatures we pulled the apples out of the chards,Bev Fewster, Apple Box found they were just asking for water with their mouth, usually farms, Van Den Boore Orchards . I a few sweets. While the‘candy one at a time. 2. and Morris Pilkey for the apples honor Cl etc. was being enjoyed we of- Preschoolers to Grade 3, you donated. I t l fered little gifts for the most apples, wee Lisa Ferris There are still a few tickets __ q l costumes. _ Grade 4 to 6 - Wild Marty left for our Charter Supper and .†j] Preschoolers To Grade Three Buchan was first while Uncle dance party to be held at the students; l -Best Dressed, Brenda Highley, Pat Wills came in second. Woodstock Branch 55 Legion - _ Funniest Get Up, Richard Grade 7 to 8 .. Young Larry n - - Samways; Most Work, Mellisa Hart was first while Grandpa . Casler. . Dave Topham came in a close q I] N Grade 4 and 5 .. Best Dressed - setond. . urgessv1 e ews Joane Topham; Funniest m the Pumpkin contest the / 7 y-i) , dressed, Diane Wright,' Most Tophams stole the show for first, l -Puer- . Work, Pat Wills. and '.seeorld best dressed VILLE (C) -Mrs. Hun eriord College, England Grade 6 to t - Best Dressed, pumpkins - Dave and Joanne; 2e2feijie,12, returned to her Cle a few days with her Susan Highley ;F unniest, David wlule the 1P.soyy Greg and home in Brantford after grandmother Mrs. Earle Topham; Mos) Work, Ellin Terisa, were tied for third. spending this week with her son Dickson and aunt Miss May Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnson. Dennis. A (I a n _' . Mr Tarn-n , Mrs. Charles Kelly has The Burgetsville Gun Club V ’ . I returned Mine yttr_,tpenli.ng met at the home of Murray 1111 a c ooll Ives concert four weeks with he. sister Miss Penny on Sunday afternoon. / , 710 Pauline Johnson, Simeoe. The best marksman winning . - " . . k C - BURGESSVILLE (C) - The Christmas was given by travellerwasi Stan Tribe and the Mrs Charles 22, dag,', jet in“ placedlglsl gieuite; ,Burgessville Baptist Sunday Heather tenhardr. Happy watchman was Lee Cohoe. The Bill Mcllellen atten e we 's iiymzan an d This club meets School held their Concert on Greeting by Michele Smith. three shephards were David Conyentlon of the Sign. _ pace Sm?" . fternoon and isa Sunday morning at 10:30 in the The offering was taken up by Topham, Cecil Avey and Allan cl.ty.titutes which was ‘e m every un a] a l b An one is Church. Rev. Alex Gray con- Jim Topham and Jim Gray. Dickinson. ' Tillselyrg, on November 9th well supervxsedcu _ y ducted the call to worship. The Rev. Gray gaveashort address Mrs. Merle Tribe sang the and 10th. Miss Jane Diekson,. welcome to Join; , beginners class gave the and presented Maurice Buckrell _ solo Oh Holy Night. Miss "ee----------- ', presentatIon of 'a'1teo,r.nis.". a gift of appreciation for all he Marian Dennison and Miss Lois 5 ',' A recitation "A. greeting Just had done for the church and Bailey sang The Name of Jesus , i' from me" was given by Julie Sunday School. is so Sweet. There also were l , Smith, the primary class gave The Cantata “Watchman tell anthems by the choir. Joanne "Christmas Bells.†Jayne usofthenightâ€was narrated by Topham sang No Place But a t _ Lowes played a Christmas carol Maurice Buckrell and the actors Stable. The service closed with on the piano. A recitation Merry were, Mary and Joseph - Wray the singing of "Christ, Lord is and Sharon Melloche with the born today" and Rev. Gra. ar-u, “a.“ baby Jesus ips.egnaruaer. The closed with prayer.