Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 11, p. 7

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i. w'.:" 'Ctr-'. 5, I Page 26I Section 1 THE NORWICH GAZETTE November 24 1976 urgessmlle â€"- Fai, . . .. . 'ltft litre " . " . M ii . g BURGESSVILLE (C) ---'Mr.. . . e " "" I“ I " I » Z. I I - _ . . ' and Mrs. Clarence Parkhill . I 2 II . Rl-ill 'tillll" BI - I a ll I I I; r I I he!“ (rec)), the home of the L'. - I Am Bill" " 'r q , » I I Q} I . I ormers ro er Mr. and Mrs. . . A: *2: - _ . Ilgitl, El I _c:fs1:'i5s,'i'?'iCii,iia Er 1,32». Willard Parkhill. I _ . Elgar-F . - M8 'llll a yr , _y':ii::,viv,ii"'ic_ii_,'ii'i', “fig: ' MB Iiltl Mrs. Earl Dickson and Miss -, I W7 " q Iial Bl _ I C Ia W , . " Cr May Dennis spent four. days at ' I, a, 3‘25. - . an, B, , I I , " - '_rr'rC,i'iir_',d orciiii,teN I I , I _ the-home of Miss Thelma Skoog, I I ll , " . IMG Iit”. J; -r" we“ _,:i:is1viCi_)'-ji',sl'1 TM“ I . - - - _ Oakville. _ . - - " 'ttii' II , BiMiltel illllil, F,x",ir,'rcC"jii'r'-'<rN - Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hoover l I llllliBll 1lNl FdtilNl1il '" T I - f , - ' spent Sunday atthe home of the "f , I I ' " " 'lil" - I " I " I a _ latter's sister Miss-Jo Clutton, ' " ’ - - Ib" - . ‘ . . I’ “ I Il C It) a B, I Oakville. V " » ' " " "tIlia" I «5%, - ' tiM l FV...' 'jd'-' /NF' I " . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton, ‘, RN - " _ MEI IN q . v“. ill 3 . _ P. " ra "" " 1 a, ' ' V '"; , Burgessville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob 2 I I " " . 'Ili-ill, ‘ P.," " It _"'. 'ills")""" TI 1 M ' ' I Longworth and family, Zenda, l - , " " I , , _, iksrp, MI _," , r l, - v. .%. i. I Mr. and Mrs.Leroy Newton and , , a I - . M! - I‘m. 'III N III "I II t Aa family, Woodstock attended the . - - ' > , " Br, . l" s t _ ' 50th Wedding Anniversary on, . , I Ii" ht, e I s' . I‘--II»‘§: C Sunday, Nov. let in Mariette, ‘I " I 'CME il ' "y"'. 4- A, AI‘I: _Michigan. ' M, . . r' , 'Ill . t 'wr t A ' il "tt Mrs. Bob McFarland and . IllililM, trr] t: a 's, .I I ts. art-III” ‘ Mrs. Dennis Pilkey spent two q 'l8tillrllliltil 4" Rf, I - " 2 f 1 da.ys.in Toronto and attended F' " I? a; _ II cr " ', w-eh' ; the 4-H Breakfast sponsored by I . Bl ' " gig: . t I ,rC I a I , the Department of Agriculture _ 2 T I . I _ . tiiltl Bit f I C of I “I if“ for Leaders of 4-H clubs of wo members of the Burgessvnlle Gun Club line up sights on the indoor rifle'range at the Norwich Ontario. High School. Members use 22 calibre rifles for target shooting: V The Burgessville Gun Club P I I will be holding their meetings . F on Wednesday nights in the rifle un luh form d B 11 _ range at Norwich District High _ e at urgeSSVI e I School. Everyone welcome. Last Jul I V . L y the Burgeswille for action. at 424-9073 f . (fleas)e note change of time and '; Gun Club was formed. It was Members do mostof their own joining the at; particulars on p 'lit.' R be . started basically to promote shotgun shell reloading and the - - . (forrrnerlIy ('fdlftf,',ns'fggt . better safety, efficiency,.and . club is registered with the . II l In, n an _ s rtsmanshi in the ha dli I . . ur essvill ' spent Sunday at the' home of his agoguns. . ' p n ng 21s'lJ1e.1 Shooting sports B g e Tter, Mrs. Earle Dickson. _ Rifles and shotguns are used The members are planning a ”Marv-20 "pr , I ItItznd Sis; Ross Johnson by the members for target and turkeylshoot and are looking to BURGESSVIL E ( ) - Mr. 5?? . 3W9; end at the home skeet shooting. They are at hold an old fashioned rifle . and Mrs. D. M. Hoover spent _ gt be" st/ill,',, ter Mr. and h.1ys. _ present using the indoor target match sometime next spring.- Sunday at the home of the A g,', ert kGI son and family, range at Norwich High School. . Always looking for new formers sister Miss Jo Clutton, f ewmar et. F AnoutdoorlOO yard rangeand a members, the club president, Oakville and called on Miss skeet range are being readied M.urray Penny can be reached Annie Gaskin who is a patient in . ' 'rr ' _ - the Oakville Hospital. ' . Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Salmon spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ' ‘ ‘ 'tittiiGa'at FI E . A, I 'tt8aiiiKa's' iu li 'rsigi'i'id .. I'l LitiTA3'tas3-j" and Mrs. Lorne Ballandyne, l ft‘t; l 'l 'll q 1llI itll- liiiatt wfI if”? ' Brantford. t - Bl T, - 'ttlBNI Ii5lltllllMl, I BE/ j t r-j, .t. MRS. EMILY MARY . _ 'lllllialt ’51....“ - Iili.llli'llll P, "iq iiMI LONGWORTH Mr. Vie Wand-is one of the l , _ ‘ " . MP , "illiiiililiitilE * IllM! Btellltht “:3 = Br, Mrs. Emily Mary Longworth, hunters gone North to hunt deer. . . ' w ‘ ' W ' " . 15iillMlli . i. ai ='iii' aged 71 years, of Norfolk St., Kathy Shelton, Holbrook ' 1%» .1 ii-er-Jia lllrlr,ilillltig ',tifll gj ir, Otterville, and formerly ,Of entertained nine little girls " - 13'. , El “2* Iltiglh' new 'aL'iL,, is; North Norwich township, when she celebrated her 8th ' I I I " - " “at: 'iilltillilllt I 57 IEt passed away On Thursday, May birthday. , e 2 ._ _ 1 ' I I 'llNiiMlliitll8 M- KdE, 13, 1976, at Tillsonburg District _ , - I . " , 'liMtl, Ill ' 'tll" " ‘ ' _ Memorial Hospital. Ralph Shelton has returned. ' p I 57f, li a)?“ - '. , . ' _ llMBttMit/. The former Emily Mary _ home fromahunting trip North . II " . Bii?alillEi'l ' ‘ _ " ililllletiiNlltiI Larner,daughterof the late Mr. and was fortunate in getting a J . gasp: :5, a: 2 . I " t t , tgl i. - " " d Mrs. Joseph Larner she be .. l ' ’22.” _ tik 353 - -t q " leMlllE2Pail Lm, i an . ' ar. . ' - - ty, ~»-. - - . - . ‘ - “e c, , E , . . , éfl‘effi L51". q I - . tEalll 'iitl II. 33-mrédmtoLgm3a vyitgllialxigr The ladies of Beaconsfield I tag. 1:35; :1 'Bl e ' q , 6&3. T It . . . . T h d a lunch booth at the farm i1, +3..“ "i. Ct.) I " . IM!- " - 'ESB' family in 1915. She had resided _ . . , tel. 5.1% 'fri? N " " lit lllttr2aia'lIllll!lt, in Otterville for the past six auction sale for Lloyd Thomp- .RiNt"S" ”:7”; ,. . I ill It21limi :- " "i', years and attended the United son. = " " " I " 3.: Church d b f I -. " T . * " a. fiiilBi (!iqlil . an _ a mem er o Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hoover I _ . “ " fl t 2 a . A p; =er.e3t. a Otterville Leisure Club. _ t J Kill, llMl, " V' " .5 M I A, . " il' FtEi' 'tip..?, l-tii' Surviving are one son, Robert attended the fitr"'trg.g'an, ', k ' ‘7: , é; 's'N » 'l, I i as: 2 " 'h'rlE5Mith" ' of RR 1, Burgessville; one exercises held rt ay I‘ . A " " apt-u, " Iat,)sktitPrf7iPt,r.?.Ci'Al ‘ 'tlllIliaa ', daughter, Mrs. John (Doreen) Yem.iler 5th.” therrngttso.li I ' , 'aBitrqe!5.-.e!, PE -2e , g ff,', i, - , . . 'ill, , _ 2 Hansford of RR 1, Otterville; Collegiate Institute when their I 1 “j" " M,“ Mfg}; is iN ik ',", I. i, two sisters, Mrs. Frank '.' gypdson Clay Hoover, Mount i Clg'd P.. ' 2- .7. 27'riacirauek" C " $t5i. . 3. ’ I (Winnifred) Evans of Kansas _ ‘Elgm graduated. I i will” Euchre]! of P1rgetsville, a member of the Norwich City and Mrs. Charles I L111. sounded the Last Post and Reveille at the/War Memorials (Dorothy) Godwin of Grimsby; I Wr. and Mrs. Merton. Penny I gamma}: and ottervitle on Sunday. l nine grandchildren, and two ' attended the Guernsey ea/ iig,iei!,gyss,zzaagg, great-grandchildren. She was ( Breeder's banquet held in the fi/kzgfifgfiéégfg predeceased by her husband, Embro Presbyterian Church on ..iatit.Mttttqe't'It'ttTta"t"h'C!ri'i'gr 2 Francis Joseph Longworth on Friday night. « 'lbr53rahrr3,,a,ra:i,i?s!:is,%April 17, 1972, . . ///$/w Funeral service was held . hrierglt, 831th is up North _ . Saturda at the Ar and So on ' Wt mg np. , .Mrs. Florence Mlclash of , Funeraly Residence,n NorwiclitII I I I Niagara Falls and Mrs. Irene with Rev. E. Egilsson of' Ot- Mr. and Mrs. Merton Penny Losee of Burgessville wish to' terville United Church of- were Slipper guests on Sunday announce the forthcoming': ficiating. , at, the home of the former's marriage of their children' Pallbearers were Robert, sister Mrs. Don Jacques, Carol til',; and James Losee. William and David Hansiord, , Norwich. _ e w ing to take place on Frank and Fred Longworth and I I T o wen January 15th, 1977 at Dennis Godwin. Interment Was - segutir2t'irgirey1e2l1 BUrgessvllle United Church in Burgessville Baptist attended the 50th WeddingI at 2 D.m. Cemetery. 7 . Anniversary of, Mr. and Mrs. " Arthur Manson. P" . . V g”. l

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