ro Ives MI I - . . 'lillilllellBlli, _ , t ‘ Ill . I llllIill. Ill 'lt - I ll - Ill, . ' , ' . ‘ _ .s (.r' - , ill' I 1lltllllllEttiff:/tr' V _r,_'('i:l,:.l!8l8:"tsiigliltl Itll' ' lil ' . " By Denyse Lanouette _ . Je,', photographs, .lll'aps and painting's s' Janie g: _:i"jr'e) . . " . - _ . . 'ir,';,:',':,.) 17:39: . .. t " ll 4 : of The Free Press . nets Jlegv,tlcv2e oy Wooden cabi- / IlllltllitllMl ' " .t , I l I . . books g, with documents, T . . I P ttiiiiiil 12. Bl 'lltllllllrllMl " ill ' . " tt NORWICH (Bureau) - The mother of dating (f/fl/ttteg-Lit?,)),?:,:)')';)' plates _,,.':?:?,:,',,,?,,,,!,?,?,.,, 1ltll Iilllillllll.lllilll il tlil . ,. , Ill, 1l8tll 'tli" former US. president Herbert Hoover However said Mrs fie,l1?: . _ <>~3~ Illlllllllllllllllllll . JET-"3...":i35f’. " V Ill' , . - 4 I " and Canada's first woman doctor, Emily lot more “$0,“ for I ' 4 Opkins, there IS a t§§§ "iii'i'i'i'., 'ir,,;; r,'r,'-r) 'lllgllliiitlgllgNIt 4 I Ill. " flaws.’ 1llllNl . 'lil llllI ' Howard Stowe, have Isomething in com- cuments, “we records and do- [ &. Illillllltlllll" ll ' â€1’s. I It " - mon with villagers tere - they both She sai ' . V <3 BlllllMlll I ' x. Bl.):':'?':'-:?.?'.)."",".'),'),) _" "1 illt8ltitl1llllIl8 I I IlIl came from Norwich. V opened, ll :tti’l’loi’sgilo a?" archives have ii'i'iiiiiilEiiiriir Cl, '4 "il:,' lil I†" 1iiI li" 'lilllligll ll " , V ' i. , 1MllllllilMill lllIlllll ' q Just ask Johan Hopkins. She can tell a tional information sh 0 "lg-for any addi- l 'Bill-Ill, Ill, ii'iai " .. - . i Illltriil.lNk, ' ", or; 4:“: If†- . , person all about the tpwnas famous citil She said that last 2C3“ find. . y , 1lltllil1 Itll l _ _ , 1llltl at}; “gnv‘gf T,tMSttlililla Ill. li' 'l Illll . - zens, and about its new ones as measly party" add if. the held a 1?tt ee ' tt'jliglllEiiigillRlll8migilllilllMl llllRtlllIllilllllltir'r the: 'allllMriiMll, " I well. . senior citizens to help 1v Ite.d, the ttyn s ' "i?itaiitiliilr"'l5, steaks; . "Y' _ dlliiillli)llilliii"tllllilllilall ' Mrs. Hopkins, a former teacher who photographs. "Theyw p o.vide de.tail.s of .42... , I lil . . _ g "'dR'iallll8llillll8lli" C i,' 4. T 'ttill-lt-NI ., " spent 35 years instructing Norwich's We got half of them t',1rlest.hys,,iteriyl. . 'li' 5:551" _ ' "%tlllii.llllllll' saMiiil!Mil Illl-lillllll youth, is the township's archivist. tographs) identified persons In the pho- IlllllMlllllilt' 4 . T-tIll.,?, l if" v, ' 'tlllllttl lit - For the past year she has been compil- Mrs. Hopkins s I'd '. 'ilil, if G kt .. . ', _ 4W†" ï¬zzyWoyWW’W» ing the area's genealogy, drawing census open to everyone a? the archives are 41 a» MI , allriita, - - so illitiililrllEllllBlMlill . lil charts, and assembling as many pictures she opens at regula so Charge She said _ _ "'Mlllll $,i', V _uar8r'lr,lalhittts ' tymw‘d§,iÂ¥ ilg " and documents as she could for the ar- visitors to make; r Plrs but would like 2 _,:,_lllll,ll, ‘7': ‘ $.32 , "i,.i".'/)liTiti-lNllllriillllll ' chives here, which officially open4oday. appointments. , , sia.allllt.i; All e†4. "tit)"iisk)):sa::,iti' _4,iallElllilltMlillllM.lltli Il' The archives are in the former town- ' T t- tNrlll a...†'rresc,' $3...\ " llftllllit St ship offices in Norwich, next to the . . {3155-1 '34» 'i1tiititgiiiiliig:)llllllllllllillllltl gl town's museum, The archives contain _ Q L“*†*§‘esmx.§ illtgl" - documents, photographs and personal di- _ _ ¢â€\t~t lirk"'i'iii.i?: ':i,j's'j'vi,:ii3,rsi';i,-,r"dr,vidlh all» 'i)'atalNlilr$iiiliiaNllililll 'l aries tracing the distyict's history and de- . :7 'r'iirf,a'tr, ' IC, "jr',' Ir"?: W“. 't,3llllllllRiMllilllalgatlllllllilll velopments. __'/itctl'i'js',)'iih,' .2 _'_ii7,irrl'_i'ri",l,li,ltf, ' k ,rr,r'. 2 . . “it? 'llrllllr . "_si_3,llllll,,is,i.,lt.!!liNtltllllllilll,.lc!l: The archives are supported by the ':irT"C.lr_r: ai _ 'igii'-C, __","' '/ C tWi‘“ BlllMlllllMEs T . "1.. .. "ii,. . . s"'1eaelsellaiii'iMillMficie, Norwich and District Historical Society 314;": 2 , gegwfy " 'll RlilNillliit . ll, I - il lil " ' illgalllilliiMlNiBl- Itll which has financed the project through 4 1."; 4 . “H†can: " IllllBilllllllllilMlllllillliillqhmiiiillim its annual steam engine display. _/ii; L _ “1’ ilgllllMlillgllIllE ll I Illl IrilI MlllliglN , .. Bll l M' IllilgBiltltai'ali8llMal The town was founded in 1811 by Peter . f l T, .. " .. ir" triiEr.i,_ii,)u" Illlllllllllllililglllillilr1 Tirqllllilllli - . - * BlllNlllt Rlillltlilllillligill Ill . ' vet . 'w"Tesr= - F _ ._.. ' . iN . T, -ltMt F, " .†Ma - r - 'F 31:... . - " . in.“ I' " P. " " v'liMiiM tar.e wa" " . Lossing, an American settler from New, T F - _'ecricrrrcrits'c':% _. igrr2e:;,i':i'._,'j; - " 'MlMilM8ie , rr " ’5: - tl 'tl ' g - 2E 'NIE. - MIli8laillgMIl York state, and histhree sons. "r/e i'dtirs'cv,i':iiiiiiii 'tgi-m sris, ‘. fit-iiogix’fz '3li8rlillllllgMillllllllllllillll â€2;" IlllilBll ililllllllilllllllltltllrll!iillltiilll Lossing bought 15,000 acres of prime _ its.» . , J-" , (ar,li"glMiillllllllililillliil'" " I»; IlitlN . illlMll1lllllitllllllllllrll%k"i"'t'rii't'iiMt" agricultural land from the government at "/' M.. «or 1 tifrl;isdalls!lliMlgllltMlllllll "ttIMI-ill-ll" Bil SllfgtllllillElililill 'rWllrNllllR a pro-inflationary rate of 50 cents an _ _ -_ A? _ . 7 Woodstock Bureau acre. _ - 2" .41....- , " I, _ . . He then returned to New York and put'- l ‘ '"a/i(_ii_,cl','ri7r'c.:_'l,;lSl"iill, _.' " Archivist Johan Hopkins leafs through an old personal diary at the Norwich suaded 11 other families to join him in l . '""ati'iCqt" - . _ 2 archives which opens today. Canada. ' l 'NB? 3, . ' a ' Many of the original settlers stayed ', . ' 5h 1 _ ll . ' I .. T and their descendants still liveI in the q _r." 1 , . . . â€wow/y Ji'f" area. Others, like oover's mo ter, re- L " T hi t 11 t d V .i" ,f ‘ . , turned to the U.S., but they have not for. i ., _ owns p attrac Ions S e , ‘ gotten their Canadian roots. I lil . _ During the post year, Mrs. Hopltit1s.has Burgessville, Norwich and Information is provided on booklet will be distributed in 1 received inquiries from New Mexico, Otterville are' listed in the 1978 population, highway access, Michigan Ohio and Toronto and Missouri, Mississippi and she even had a _ South-western Ontario Travel attractions, facilities and will be avhilable at Informati I visit from one of heter Lossing's descen- Guide. The Guide lists at- events. Phone numbers are Centres throughout 'le ‘ dants, now m Alabatrna.d _ tractions in every populated pryy.idedin most cases for those province. e anhdlrin Jute/ini, an; egdaist ggenéégggggg Margaret Cameron, centre witha population of over WlShlgg tTore details about _Bur essville's o ulation is _l clippings wills land deeds maps diar-" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. onehyntirefp_tysin_the eight spetn It? a raetions. soLeiflandgï¬ssgup-edasie ‘ ies and photographs 1iiiiitiU' the town’s 4" 0 h n . C a m e r o n , . cmounties of Southwestern On- The 99 . . Pestllesgfltr-gf-Qtï¬regpswlé. cultural and commercial development. 2 dhtrgessvil1e, recently ’ rp. _ page, picture filled cptftipllestp,.tisi../' f‘It’s just faseinating...The important ' flee,.'?,.',? from the _ Norwich's population is set at " thing is to preserve our history. This gen,- I st/ICT,',",', of Pee' . _ . . ' 1,800. The Guide says, "Site of ll' 3231110118 fast forgetting all about it, . h _ History, 4 onours BA, m . .w. wr . lllllM Canada's first cheese factory, But then history is important to Mrs. 0 2 q V _ . " Il F. ' t . I 1r8,r,1i, g’t’e Annual Historical Show and Hopkins who can,trace her ancestors F. F . _ _ --' -- . MlNllr - l "at , 'ka:,:.);:-')),'." 22f§mfFisnvaL June 2-4 (863- T back to the 17005 in Scotland. She said a . ll " Ilr " MI It!": "i:rs/isj,',' " ea ures restored s.ttarn . ' . - . " tN _9"i' .iqr. . Pr* . ingot engines and tractors, antique one of her ancestors fought with Horatio - a .-2 . 4» 'iiii:lTr; Cars and an e . . . - Ll T . _ hu' 1.ji xeiting Midway. 4 Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. ' . i-tiii?,, ' " tiEU. " s/rc':, The Norwich and District Mrs. Hopkins said her ultimate goal is _ 'r,.,,:)','.-'.,",':':"--.),)'),.',.."-?-!,,, seller,?:)," _:, Museum (863-2632) displays a to writea history of this community. l _ We trig» C?'ria, , fine collection of its Quaker . Entering the archives is like stepping . ' Cs-i'):"])",','-,),','.":".,:)')':':':", /U), lt: _isf)',i," ‘ P pioneer heritage on Wednesday, into a time machine. C _,;::',.':) l - cet? "dry', ff? Pt tSaturday and Sunday af- t, . (rir's"atetvr:iii'i1 -. "tuiit,ti,"ii'9 'S. ernoons, Ma throu h the- F -‘ cl,,?,):?)",?)";"-' l" 5r'"ia . tober." y g ’W“ VIP _"""-,:', Otterville's o ulation is l . N f l l AK: L listed as 800 Tlfe Itiruide , _ . G g _ . . . says, Burgesisvil1e ews ,'," /7IP Chris Van R-avensway, son of CVisi.t the intriguing South . , Mr. and Mrs. Evertt and Co Van [ IT1t: inStorical Museum n - BURGESSVILLE (C) - tour of the-craft shopsh.oyed, many 1yyPnat,ie.yeutifu1, , _ 4 1',1,'.p,'sss",'/,a, ff aRees,nit' 'l/lull/dll,.) gr 'lilhnl'gy, The ladies of the house, which ,as..furnislltf. 'c11iltutt,i,15Ak1ie,'d, fand " graduate of the Agricultural five-sidedAudi House which has Burgessville Women's in- with original furniture, was groc , WEI†.f' :0"; o tt .‘ Business Management program 'r been. restored. The relaxing stitute held their meeting on also made. h re log-1:35 . e 1;: I Dale? s of Centralia College. Chris plans Municipal Park is beside an Thursday with a trip to tour This home was W t h“ 1 b: m. -4 nsuTuum T to work at home. . interesting fish spawning Erland Lee and Adelaide _ave en in existance for a . area." 4 the Erland Lee home and ' d a ers eighty-one years. " ' . _ ' craftshop at Stoney Creek.A HoodleSS Signe p p Apicnic liinchwas enjoyed 7/L‘L? / 7 " - _ __ l - Mi Ri' Illl .til I 33' Bil, ' . IllllIillIMl.,it,", on the lawn at noon. A short T '_i":ii)iai1 4 g, . r to TIB, . 1glMltlMiiiiril: meeting was held. Twelve . ("fi'rgN', i1:2". ,, ' , ll 2 ' I , . ba 'ttl Ile' members answered the roll "x _ T l ".' 1†id Eral b8lll:1 'dl , l , 2 'lltItlBlll call. A letter of thanks for , T v?RlMlllllll t c Clira©llieS the crib quilts which the .1': " gl BiiMi. i " 'lllMlilrlr, Institute had given to the , T a, '4 f f ' ' tVe _ 4 _ y»-_44_&4m14 WM-"- " AWdMaw'aaA45Fm ..-4 Childrens War Memorial in I i 2-5..“ !l!.'el !t' "T'", EEeS?-Cs'J:51'b"faM . £w51££$wi I iitEiltltii%8is'i,'.iCfi, London. :1. " _ -. _ _ . ii' g ’55:? ' . 4.; .. - " We also went on to _ 4 . rr2al "LI . . Ea Ea . , $lg Grimsby and toured the , , , a. , /' 2 is " Mlil IlEi. lit Stone Shop Museum. V . tt 'r. I, J is. _ MIM, if t E ' , ""†r'-,t',?ie7, tr," f