.The theme was portrayed in dialogue by Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Keith Hammerton, who told of the work done in. un- derdeveloped nations to educate the people how to make use of what they have and to develop skills, including proper nutrition for their children. Provincial board director, Mrs. Keith Hiepleh, announced that Ontario Women's Institute week will be held at the Erland Lee Home June 5 to 9, 10a.m. to 7 pan. and also that the WI. historic home at Milton is open during July and August from 10 am. to 5 pan. County home economist, Mis. s. Hart, announced that quilts Will be the local leaders course and nutrition for the mature person, the food forum! Following the noon potluck dinner, Mrs. Hiepleh showed slides of her trip to the triennial conference held at Nairobi, Kenya, last fall. In the afternoon session reports were given by Mrs. Ross Butler on farm safety, Mis. Lewis Clark, agriculture and Canadian industries; Mrs. D. Pettigrew, education and rcultural activities; Mrs. Henry Elect Mrs. J.F. Walther Okford South Women's Institute head Women in Action was the theme of the 75th district annual of Oxford South Women's In- stitutes held on May 10 at First Baptist Church in Tillsonburg., Mrs. D.M. Hoover has returned home after spending 10 days with her sister Miss Jo C1utton, Oakville. Open House was held on Sunday, following the Church services at the Burgessville Baptist Parsonage, for the Church members to view the renovations that had been done in the Parsonage. A coffee hour was enjoyed. The executive of the Baptist Sunday School held their annual meeting on Slinday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Buckrell to plan their program for the Sunday School for the coming year. u W “IO IUUGI Icaucla UUILIDC 7 V _ V d nutrition for the mature «1W / ps"'" rson, the food forum! / VV " 's,, . Following the noon potluck ' is mer, Mrs. Hiepleh showed . _ . . des of her trip to the triennial ‘ l ' . _ M 'N _ nference held at Nairobi, » "' “ T '""t:,,T,, IB,,,?,,., J, cr'2"i""S"-: , nya, last fall. l, V a: 'r,',i,ii')')_'i_'i_iii:" s " . h the afternoon session a ;- it L , Fr"-'"" " Fe:, W Cr ports were given by Mrs. Ross, a 'il':)'"":,,', 'ir, †tiq A , ' ltler on farm safety, Mis. 's ' _9i,tsssii2,c, . F , M _ . wis Clark, agriculture and 'i, ~_;;.‘.*.1§ - l " 'hu,, "'l"l'ru . madian industries; Mrs. D. _ We _ L. "rvPi,ssmva'-cC:, a †IN . attigrew, education and , . 3 ",vt,,:i' } _ V 'iilllNll' , I ltural activities; Mrs. Henry " i, in “PCSSVIHE . _ I Ill' - Mr. and Mrs. Alex (v?iit," ' Norwich spent Sunday at the ‘ . Mrs. Wilbur Morley has returned home after spending three weeks with her daughter Mrs. Isobel Pocrnic. Inndnn Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parkhill, Burgessville and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howard, Norwich have returned home from a five week bus tour to Arkansas on the Gulf of Mexico. Friends would like to hear that Wilbur Morley is con- valescing it his home after spending three weeks in Vic- toria Hospital, London. The death occurred suddenly of James Henry Parkhill, Oshawa. Jim was a former resident of the Burgessville- Norwich district. Deepest sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Ida Topham and family in the recent death of the former's brother, John Rutherford, Curries. Norwich SPE home of Mr Morley. _ Mrs. Pocrnic, London. t Sunday and Mrs. at the Wilbur Mrs. J.F. Walther; 1st vice- pres., Mrs. Keith Hammerton; 2nd viee-pres., Mrs. A.E. Dale; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. Milton Chesterman; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Don Paton; assistant, Mrs. Mae Dennis; Federation rep., Mrs. Lorne Treffry; alternate, Miss Lillian Oatman; district delegate, Mrs. J.F. Walter; alternate, Mrs. K. Hlmunerton; .public relations, Mrs. Oscar DeVisscher; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd Irwin; Tweedsmuir History curator, Mrs. Ross Butler; assistant, Mrs. A.W. Meek; and auditors, Mrs. James Bell and Mrs. Murray Allison. The following officers were el_ected_ _f0r_1978-79: president, VanDorp, family and consumer affairs; and Mrs. S. Eitel on resolutions. Mary Frances Reeves and Marilyn Anne Reeves, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Reeves of RR 2, Burgessville graduated recently from Wilfred Laurier University,.Waterloo, both with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. Mary and Marilyn are former graduates of College Avenue Secondary School in Woodstock. Ruth Anne Johnson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Maxwell Johnson of Burgessville. has received an Elementary Education diploma from the University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Education. A former graduate from Blind River District High School, Miss Johnson has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario. Past president, Mrs. Clayton Arthur, chaired the meeting During the day ’sing-songs were led by Mrs. Bert Newman and Mrs. M. Chesterman. ' Standing committee con- veners are: agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Lewis Clark; citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. Ross Johnson; education and cultural activities, Mrs. W.F. Wilson; family and consumer affairs, Mrs. H. VanDorp; resolutions, Mrs. Lillian White. Nominating committee is Mrs. Owen Hawkins, Mrs. James Hartnett and Mrs. Mervin Hicks; safety representative, Mrs. Ross Butler; and finance committee, Miss Lillian Oatman, Mrs. Doris Richmond, Mrs. Glen Cole and Mrs. Henry Watts. [ii: ~47}? 'Burgessville News Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Salmon spent Saturday with friends in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, Leeds, England are spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Penny, Burgessville and Mrs. Beatrice Jaques, Norwich. Mr. Roberts was a former employee of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Penny 46 years ago. _ BURGESSVILLE (C) - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hughes spent Sunday at the home of the iormer's. sister, Mrs. J.W. Wood, Mr. Avood, Goderich. ' David Hoover, Toronto spent the weekend at the Marilyn?" Bilckise'H received her Bachelor of Education from Elberne College, University of Western Ontario on June 5. Marilyn is a graduate of N.D.H.S. and University of Waterloo and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buckrell, Burgessville. which was attended by 130 delegates. Mrs. Jim Deer was hostess for a party when she en- tertained 12 "friends for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Terry Pilkey, whose wedding takes place on Saturday. Games and contests were enjoyed by all, Many beautiful gifts were Mrs. Bill McMillen," Burgessville had a display of watches at the Historical ' show and Mrs. Fred Newton displayed her collection of bottles., home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Hoover, and helped them with their display of buttons and old pictures at the Historical show. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of Norwich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Gail Marie to Mr. J. Brad Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, RR 2, Burgessville. The marriage to take place in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Norwich, on June 24, 1978 at 2:30 o'clock. May 17, 1978 Rev. and Mrs. Max Johnson attended Con- vocation exercises at the University of Western On- tario where their daughter Ruth Ann grduated with a Bachelor of Edueation -degree. THE NORWICH GAZETTE Page 5 Mrs. Danny Loseeheld a shower at her home for Miss Terry Pilkey whose wedding takes place on Saturday. Games and 'contests were played by 16 friends. A miscellaneous shower of gifts were presented to Terry who thanked all for them. presented to Terry, who thanked all for them. Carol IBu'ckrell graduated from Fan- shawe College, Diploma Nursing Program, Woodstock Campus on July 30. Carol is a graduate of N.D.H.S. and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buckrell, Burgessville.