Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 4, p. 4

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I _ 'Pr _ - l; \ 24.236} Tt l ' ’ , 's, le. r 2’ Pl-: .. C' If». ’25. a; sr. i” d ll tes '__,,-,',,,:,'.:,,,, h 2.3;: 'ti") 249:4" (_")":":;;', 's, ; , 'N ,a')'c'i',C. f, a?” 5.52.; :2 a?,), calla a ennonl "'i'jusofsit _ii,Hi'r,' ', '),'r,,, 'il/i- _);'i"Ce, ', "curt. 5*": ly' :5 .3;: ”w €13,523” 3*, 2"”? "29” 3’. C? M. / 59 . a 1,fsi "i .33 (l"' il, .124 E; Ill-l * 's, t {off W' 'glr'ct ”V;j"~4§‘ 1’ ' 77 / 7 O tm 2, ", It 'li-tlA-sy,;;'"'-' 2”. "ptr') _,r:,le, 26’: ' o rl - 'sea":.',',':-.';:. ’ ’2’ C t C at mee g ". s,'i,",s,r'tvol J", 'iv' 'li?; 'r"'" 22 a. ‘2 N" ’6?: 1'aiij,tt'.,, id” tis',): UPI . q ‘ v. 4,' _ w? 37,2- 2; .2“; " iN 't ,1 22: _ w, _ " Yt _ .‘- 3 .5 n the walls of your iv,), ":, .3": "tr)",'))""',) ’j 2 3,2, t It». ‘rt’ 2p,i: ' cf/is,: 'r. "i. Cf,',: P, 3, IF, The ladies of the Bypyssyill.e isgS1,.ave o t, :3 3:, fillet / ct/i", W3“ I ' , _ .. > f"';, rl,liri"it,,,'il , Women's Institute held their Mrs. Clarence Parkh’lll, I , i; 17; l . P. r r'" is ," , .2 G.- 2 tr, I, , F) ~ © ' March meeting at the home of convener on World Affairs gave _ “pig ” __ ’ 'l'iAra5,'; Ld/ie _i, t ”3’? ,1’2 i, '?iii4 'it/Ci)';';";, P' 'iir'ieltil, _ Fr' . T 'qt-iN Mrs. Ross Jew/[508’ d ice the iiao"canata". It?, show A. ltr-s f“ '_, ' t. 2,3? 2 ”.3." M"'u P 5,1512; 'i'2 -“- iT l Mrs, Jack C rea y, V1 . . her. care a ' 5;? 'it L.. 'ft 2’ a; 2, -‘ "Q 'jc5 r 2l4lt,t), I w" , ’ l 'if, 1thtii president, opened the meeting ,r,1t.gnpr,iheoindot not express _ r x ’ T 'r, fi:,"',:',-::, , . gltl,llttt FyrttitliBiiti,i,' lk S'" 'iMil!,!, _ _ with welcome to all, The Ode “3,22,12,22 with regard to our "é, ",, 22325 ' 26" '4gitr'C1ri'i, T"' . ' , was sung and Mary Stewart 0 untry as loudly or ex- , : Lil' . b. >62... siif"/)l Iiiii)j'illlt:,, 2‘ 'rfe , Collect was repeated. Roll call massively as our neighbors to _".. i(i:ii((lc,i)'i(rt.j 'iiili'iiiiii:',i,_i:,,i_ @254 'ii," ": r. was responded to by 15 mem- the south. One of our great ., ‘. _ w 's)tfi'i-'ri,i)"_i_i'i'/iil,,'i',/f" iEii"l'iig'i4 21% 1'Liisr,,,','r, V -. bers and five vi.sitors and an- ccomplishments was the f a " ° stri(iisij'_i,iiij" ' " .tit,i:,'d'll1 (i:i5ttl, Illi,sf,_',i,_,,,'i:?,ll._:ty,l,s, "er)". 'il'. l _ swered by naming a famous Transcontinental railway. How I . 1ijjis,i//s"h, 2 - _ b, , ei"2'i1'i",'ll,',"L'u't' ’2 gig; il .'i'i'i.' ‘2' Canadian woman and telling any diseases which were _ '. 9 fl -r,s_,'i'i 'ijri'iii'ii. Lclif S'g,i,?,rl, iil,ij:?u,:,lcri'a,!ar "r'tiiii'ii'iCis':'icfiii Ir,;")'), 'rai' r why she is fam.ou.s. Mrs. $rminal are curable now or a, ", ur y ,/.,i. , W T . x J, v. .’ . . 'i"isiui'si,, lg _. :1” _ T l Johnson gave the minutes of the have been eradicated. The St. l [ 22W; 'f'. Y rf'4 ffi, 'si'iii)jrv, g', 4rp,ii,',is,P,g'i,i, i 3 rtiiii',sji,,ii Fj:li,rir, ' rt' "'""v, last meeting anti. treasurer s Lawrence seaway is the world's [ M. _ n 2 2ff li" 5%, 'i'til, "i'j'hfi'clr,jis' . é . . rep0rt. Membership fees for large st inland navigation _ _ ' . _:C,,i1i, if: _ " _ "ic't'iilia; 131?. "') FP tt joining the Institute .ty be . system. In sports Marilyn B.ell l , . if '1 _':;'iic" 33:323-fi2 v',t,t'irl" fr'::',::):,:,-,",-':':,'.";',)')':"'.', "e', - raised this year. Different as the first woman to swm ‘3 . N 'r', ll £23 / ”3;::wa r C, _,i'i'tijirii'sCii. L= "-, "ii, ’ BE reports of the conveners.were I' ke Ontario. Canada is helping ’. , (it:', ,'i/'j8, 33’ C, ___ "rr/tiii,'."),':',,',?, _f "i,':,": . 's" ' given. Fun money funds were a n people in other lands. . 2. . I" 'i/l,,:,');'-.',),':'" i 3;. "i, 'i, 2:3:32232: _ 'i'_sc,'-,ii'i"; z, (dt 1., " given, a penny for every picture ‘13:ch tly Canada Park is , ' i -12: . i) 'i "it" ”figs? 'rt': " 'j/rr' '2 .. a. . MI lanting trees in Jerusalem. l ".3 f . . . 'r.. Cl,"' ghete must be a certain fer- a © The Junior Farmers hosted area 4-H club members at a dinner m the Norwich Legion Hall Saturday . tilizer and certain components, l evening. Major recognition went to the following persons: Back row-Karen Orth, Most Enthusiastic but the trees are flourishing _ 1 Junior; Jane Orth, Most Enthusiastic Senior; Ralph Bertrand, Reserve Showman; Jim Topham, ' FREDERICK HARRY PENNY here none were before. This is l Most Improved Member. Front row L Cathy Scheurman, Junior Reserve Champion; Lisa 'hepanier, Frederick Harry Penny of RR W53 a few reasons for pride in ,,.' ' Best 4-H Calf; Suzanne Doan, Top Points; Dianne Lester, Champion Showman. l l, Burgey,ville, passed away at qu nada but the future of Canada l . his residence on Monday, da ends largely upon the _ March 6, 1978, in his 71st year. cartivation of a national spirit. _ . . (l Born in New Durham, he was . Mrs. Genevra Emigh gave the Bur esssvill Briefs a son o.f the late Mr. and Mrs. topic Our Mennonite neighbors. 'l g e 2itetL21,e'tis Penny. He There is a large settlekrlnent of 6t . . . . was ana erent of Bur essville . onites in t e state i, Miss Ann Buckrell, Toronto, week holiday III Illakeland, United Church. Mr. Pegmy was (,'p,1s,tn2i'd1ro/1l1/. They are quiet f _ spent the weekend at the home Florida. Watt/v JY 7f the founder of the Pheasant and ople. The life and customs of "3 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - . . Game Bird Association and a life Amish are most con- I Buckrell. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gilbert charter member, He was a life ervative of the Church and are l - and family, Burlington, spent member of the Oxford Poultry ’ :8”, religious. Their belief has i Miss Margaret Cameron, ity1i,a,,et.e,1/i,hggef Mr. and and Pet Association and a caused them a lot of trouble, l l Waterloo, spent the weekend at Mrs. Maurice Buc ell. meunllber of the Otter Valley They do not believe.in being l .. the home of her parents, Mr. , 'T---.'"- . . Po try and Pet Association. A . e. Hell ion is always 1 .3 and Mrs. John Cameron, Handel s MeSSlahd choi.r will life-long resident of the area, he 3,5352%:le the imish people, 3 _ Holbrook. be presented on SunBay night at had resided for the past 31 years they have great respect for the i I - 739 p.m. in the urgessville at his present address, where he land and what they grow and do i Miss Muriel Buckrell, United Church. -. . retailed food for birds and not have everything in their (, Scarborough spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ' poultry. home only just what they need. i at the home of her parents, Mr. Buckrell held a snowmobile Surviving are his wife, the They use no electricity, 2 and Mrs. Maurice Buckrell. party on Satur_d€4fy n.i.ght with former Elizabeth (Betty) automobiles. For light they use 3 --- members of then‘dsamllymelgh- Zavitz; one daughter, Mrs. oillamps andlantern,Vvindmills ' Rev. and Mrs. Max Johnson bors and frlen numbering Danny (Doris) Losee of to pump their water wherever it l have returned home from a two eighteen attending. ' Burgessville; two sons, Murray is needed. To work their land l _ ___" i. li, _'_' 'ttet', if',htthier"ittiat _ 'tttith)' Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Hoover . Penny and Gordon Penny, both they usehorses or mules as they l I ' ' 'C" 5" 'cr,), , spentsundayyv.itht!yirson,Mr: C at home; two sisters, Mrs. eat less feed and can stand the i, C _,f(_liirrieiiiii"ij, "_', and Mrs. John Hoover and: Charles (Hazel) Edgeworth of _ heat. They keep their children l . J ", . l" _ l/rj,' " w"" _ ':' family, Mt. Elgin. Burgessville and Mrs. Delmer away from secular life and they l (Helen) Miller of Norwich; and attend school until they are 14. f d , ts ' , one grandson, Michael Losee. They are very strict in the l C ' . ‘rOaS Rested at the Am and Son u brin in of their children and l tfor steaks an ‘Funeral Residence, Norwich, _ ygung timagine. The men. all wear 1 where service was held Wed- beards when they are baptized ’ C rke nesday at 2 pm, conducted by or when they marry. ', A 100 oun tu Rev. Max Johnson. _ A contest, Name the rivers of Interment in North.Norwich the world was played. Mrs. _ 777m/ 7 f" . Charles Kelly gave the . h same amount of ited," Dr, V remarks. Lunch was served by Can you imagine sinking your tginsd'lls'li says. the committee in charge and a ’ teeth into a thick, juicy turkey . fi social time followed. k? "The consumer will bene it stea f mthelarger turkeys because '_-.'-,',-' "m'. t9tttt?. _'."_"_'c'"'_J_'.".'._' 'rrrr,fe:tt,rC,,e,C!i:,et'Re'y'y19P:r, _ That's right, turkey Steak rife have more palatable, .2 Recent developments in turkey rt,t,letryiti'o1's', and digestible meat uresswufi nutrition have not only made than smaller birds." , _ turkey steaks possible, but may _ ___ __. ______________vt_ _VTtV _ ___. . V-___ .. .. _ _rt___v_. '__..rw_-._-e.. even see leg of roast turkey for The larger _turkeys. also sale in Canadian supermarkets. produce a greatei“ yarlety of Mrs. Ross Palmer spent a Two research scientists at " cuts for supermar e s. . _ , 1c,'ite2teec,.re.rshtie tet of Agriculture Canada's Swift "Some outlets-already stock Mr 1;: er andm f 2i7i', Current, Sask., Research turkey steaks which can be Eiim pp amly, Station, Ken Dun)relg.od. and cooked the same asabeef steak. . a am. Ray Salmon, are developing a special feeding program thet The meat can also be ground to Rev. Arthur Taylor, Welland they say will result in economic make turkey burgers and some V Canal Mission was guest production of 45 kilogram day you may be able to buy that ' speaker on Sunday at the (about 100 pounds) turkeys roast leg of turkey," Dr. _ . Burgessville Baptist Church before the end of the century. Dunkelgod says. t . "We are aiming at producing The whole turkey can be used _ heavier birds on a diet that by institutions and large food makes the most efficient use of chains. 2 . ' feed," says 'Dr. Dunkelgod. "Already we have produced 30 Large turkeys are also more kg turkeys on 60 kg of feed in 33 profitable for the producer. " weeks, That's a feed efficiency Because of increased feed ei- _ ratio of two to one. ficiency, a kilogram of meat ' And the scientists have the from a larger bird costs less to knowledge to reach a feed ef- produce than the same amount ficiency of one kilogram of feed of meat from the smaller bird. '-- ' _ to one kilogram of weight gain The cost of maintaining the I V ’ in a 30 kg turkey. However, to faster growing birds is also - t ' Te.e.ch, their goal of a 46 kg bird lower because they have less ’ __ - mum 3:930 one feed efficiency, heat loss from their bodies. F. ’ " , ey ' e to find practical The feeding standards , rT ',etfil,'lt Sources Wm. higher established at the Swift Current ' hutrl levels. This will allow . I an increase in the concentration station already have been , of ngtrients in the diets. adopted by many. producers. , ' _ _ Last summer m Western " 3 . “The birds increase in body Canada about 500,000 heavy ' size in direct proportion to the birds were grown on the concentration" of nutrients Dunkelgod feeding program. . present within their feed intake. The diets for the heavy turkeys I ' wr As We find other ways to in.. 31:22:33: 1t2ilt Tfvliechl s" ’ crease this content, we will be meal, fish meal wheaty an . _ . . .. _ able to produce larger birds on animal fat. , . and - ’ V 4"T' T mp, ""T'C', Jiliiii'da

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