February 22, 1978 THE NORWICH GAZETTE Section 2 Page 3 i regesys sCk New crest ; f 7 f THE NORWICH GAZETTE /‘ February 22, 1978 _ . h T ; h C _ 3 + Norwich Township Counci : ' ired b - acquire - oo > zor Ken Peers _ scquired by _ w9 v fomimmaamiingt : & _ : yeue &1 04 B 1 : o 1 4p9 . 11 2: j ] f townshi . @s s 2l P . t ~_ 1 20h | l I ‘ " ' .\ > .iA 3 4t 1 â€"e~ .3 : ) \ey® & > Cc ) oo lt $1 j } o . cz x 4M \*.. 2 ; % C hn it 12%1 g mag "<" m C s n #"" Lo LL _ i 38 | MB 1 Npm, v tS I 0 .»' ow g / % i » * GAd TD 4 It shouldn‘t be long until LE _ 2 Pypts 2 ° + Cmm sls tA .c $ 19 A t * l von. ? eth i ‘ $ G s . "a $ Norwich Township councillors 2 &"& pi B4 © T EY ‘-“'f,‘\ ? y it .. \ sion 0 iï¬ f | ine~" ~ y\ are holding Calamity Jane next AFÂ¥ s Lad ‘Q +~â€" & ~ E. # 4 Ate, $ilg % ( P â€" f | cial plan w 1| i# â€" “;;:w“* to their hearts. J# ’ * " Hipk, â€" JhR+F~ * €*+ 4 â€" p ty reca:unt(‘:a;fmiï¬ [ Iher +X . Calamity Jane is the Holstein ;ï¬ e ie l® B NJE NS C *IJ) ’ t ‘ ) f . . 4 s 1 x > & : & 25. +8 +A \ t {5 o f K ‘ 4: | cow _ who tOpS the Norwich ie : hap 4y ‘ "‘ } ‘_ i se P â€"as i y M y F according to BF °_ Township crest. A man plowing ;g it :: W o * 4 o es tA 1 s §?7;‘}3"-}*',‘-“.{7:f:"“‘f" uons ‘ $ E. i i d _ with a twoâ€"horse team, a corn 2 j i se on e | . ~~" Py 73 ‘.,;;i;,g-"-';‘;?;'}.;',"f_‘ Fine en ; t 1 . study Wa; & _ _ e o Bp field and a tobacco field make 7 amarti() #. * s ons \ 'filv $ A ’f: Ur tyXXX : ToA id B E â€" $ 1 last mont L 1 J . 9 t . _ ari. 5 C 1 up the rest of the crest, aloog PMA OA g ‘a‘; i )@ L.e &J is 15 & AMicae q:& o dirses esd J g‘{*& SS]‘.On by the 4 ‘ C m €1, i hk e _ 3 with the words ‘“H'lstorical, ;’ f "a $ "’. s v"n‘) ’3*& P 3t o. WPP :_::.-'3'--'" ult _',':g‘ pÂ¥ "ï¬ â‚¬ )\‘ ‘\Â¥ ’,';’;":'(:‘:K:“‘::K?‘: # ';‘..‘;:{“..1;;15 “{;*r). ipoumenmtiens _ 48 M ,? mittee. The E_ .n E.0. § Agricultural, Beautiful." C _ C ‘é‘ peâ€"< § : ak 4y ‘<3#% o. [R L _ ar it2] f y result in & _E : . ~ o A sample crest in gold thread _ " inl _> io t iremant * . _ _ . ~% e ol ’5“; [i> Jie ations from | E0 &_ 2 . 3 is being prepared by Reg Hall â€" ig_" o o smm 2 M C ies K ym o_ _ +A p i. . i < [ $ insportation $s . l Ltd. of Woodstock. If council is @7% 42 M * /4 . C e o s se @ ~@h:! 07â€" â€" BP ~@ E lsth en of ° w passen tee . i s M satisfied with the sample, crests KA . > PW «BBR > C 6 â€" rth draft o [ > o s stt _ for councillors‘ jackets wi § 4 bert Watkins, Roger ‘ plan were y : Samr o ) ordered Townshgp'Clerk Rl;{)et:-i The Township of Norwich is represented by these men on council. oo ho pronons Norn:l L(;l Sk’l Cl\l:i‘x‘lkglgo geputy clerk John ‘ rmbers of s > ‘ Watkins said. : Seated from left to right are Councillors Bob Pettigrew, Ross Orth, Jim McDowell an lecl mooge at.council s eclnies. n the county ie w e J Council presented enamelle d Warboys, Mayor Ken Peers, and Councillorâ€"atâ€"large Jack Burn. _ Gilbert, not pictured here is also pr | ldiscussjon. Sincmmill *ss f a/ township crests mounted on Standing, left to right, are Councillors Carman Sweazey, Carl a . 1 outlu}es f 6 s 4 _ walnut plaques to players, : ; : county for 35 4 coaches and managers of teams ui. | honored at a sports recognition * “ f ctory water - 3 eb mate t i VC in OTTERVILLE â€" ige of Norâ€" v Saf | Controversy over where and KEN LEE & SONS n o ority tltiln;, f when the crest should be ie past, Mr. ¢ %€ % ; displayed has emerged from in stoc choose from guarante;d y *Gyl j time to time in township has ovar50Maytagsm k to yY pmmgs Pss s encourage . 4 council. In August, 1 i Grrdy ppppomemispctnmmemmememesmms “¥=“Ww%>q*Â¥*w%§?§‘v s (ore ; a*/ sliowed enginger Kef;,g‘;‘;’gig porrr W%ï¬/“?%,‘“*é L O O O *“éï¬â€™%& lall Norvtv;ï¬h $ CS # g use the crest on a roads needs Zvï¬ï¬ffï¬ï¬‚’â€ï¬&; i. : s % rlier this %. / study booklet, but refused the _ * / C s . € y / d » e w c s s 5 tite came N Chamber of Commerce per. !\ MAYTAG _ Mr. $4 C c mission earlier that â€"month to w 2 2 P _ ing around Y) reproduce the crest for display f a, 4 Blg Load Dryel‘S k e 'f‘;., SA P at the CNE for Woodstock and ,41/ °: (\ff'f s “ comemmooomancocvummmmumem, Beooe (.. Aicvcwcs siproposal h M . This is a yery sacred thing to _ _ C e proposal - me, this erest," Councillor Jack _ MA Z Th strll?l]t %ax_'k Mayor Ken Peers «_ Burn said at the Aug, g council _ __ 5;//â€// A w e > resulted in meeting.""I don‘t want ; C # f 2Â¥ _ Png s to see * M\ ~ w K â€" dA ) municipal a < , â€" W# R ) , However, Mr. Peers has been mayor of cggr(:::lï¬lovrv{t’h it unless he‘g a 7 %7;; \\\‘ _\ Lacin ie . O vate citizen the township for just over a Couflcmor Nortm â€" gf% \\\ \ T7 ~‘ ta 12. leveloping year, and said it has been a agreed, saying “(}F(;nbe Lusk %%; | \-\\\'\\ I MOdel _ satisfying year. % f 4 very wX tR . Al MB %3% Iso warden uwZ’ gft };long very well, and ppo}:xd to have .the exclusive â€",_ Y $ \\\\m N New 1 there has â€" _ we have a very good council," oJ ts to wear it as a counâ€" n on the he said. "Of course, you never c1Ror. t $ 1 wish to icil, but so get everything you want done, 3 oss Butler‘s design was relatives an n taken. but we‘re quite happy that last 6 chnosen to Frace the township / cards, gifts â€"willcome year our tax.rate was held right‘ . crest after a contest in the _ | was a patie _ or five down and I don‘t think there‘ll municipality in May, 1975 and General Heos unty will be any great increase this year. two proposals by International _ thanks to the >\ ng here," It‘s also satisfying to get the |â€"Coats of Arms of Toronto failed second surger e local official plan and roads needs to turn up a design acceptable to Dixit, â€"F ton ; property study completed." jeoanell // % e dohns enion. A rial park) Mr. Peers was reeve of the Council rejected the first coat 9 es C Audre as to buy former East Oxford Township of arms submitted by the n H;/ [A ,\ in 1970, 1971, and 1972 and before ‘Foronto firm bécause it didn‘t | wish to thank m he downâ€" that served as a councillor for melade a cow to represent dairy relatives and neigh wich and _ five years. On Norwich council J pr,"{d“c“"“ in the township, their many kindness yeprionity, in 1975â€"76, Mr. Peers was wor(;;nev'er, council decideq the while I was a patien Norwich councillorâ€"atâ€"large and was a oang point l;)f the second coat of Joseph Hospital, Lorig ommeree,.._.__ member of a number of county ternationsalil C alled oby . "In: since returning home. 4 s in that _ eouncil committees. He was the cow rigp; i2 f, A Arms was thanks to the nursing sh own area elected warden of Oxford j crest wféhtr"étme méddle' T8 four â€" east andâ€" Dr. : 977. urne ; County January 12, 1 company after ceaded rg‘;ecttgg Cameron, . Wray Broad #Ls A eoy is 1uine 10 20CEDt it if the f \ i ¢ orns were removed. Le : year old, Arthritis Society _ gx= :.( | f time, said any councilloy sit down and do a better slcxg?lg than either of ; C uccessful 1977 We euter af the t Ton t { * in Pebrugary 1977 f t mmnnvane o mmmmmmnemmennnnmmsnmmenmummmcern COmpleted WOI‘k On,lâ€"ll?sr.dgu.uer e Norwich, . total of $1,830.00 was raised However, Council} ies id Ofterville in the area, a terrific inâ€" ‘USkpoiflledoul_ th or . Norm £ Arthritis â€" crease over the 1978 total of O0t be the townst;ip'g g‘est could y established . $439.00. 'mlmu_t the townShipa E’:‘l]?;k o aenn" This year‘s fund raising :g lsive rights to it At th% to Mbt_ > o ainmne ty ut sth utm old _ “e l-fi meéeting of council, ,