Page 18 THE NORWICH GAZETTE DecembetS, 1979 But Don Orth/Director of Student Affairs at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, and co-ordi-, nator of the new Dairy Farm Worker Training Program said on December 11: “I am constantly getting requests from dairy farmers around here to supply them with some- body who knows how to work with dairy cattle. I can guarantee that anyone who graduates from this course will have a job." _ Orth-will share the duties of Dairy Farm Worker Training Course with Lorne Marshall, who will be field co-ordinator. "My job is. mainly setting up the educational pro- gram," said Orth. "On December 5, I met with an advisory committee of Dairy farmers, and people from Manpower who ad- vised me on the kind of nro2ram to set up. From [1.2; . lr' fc/ _ I y a . n_:__. 1..-... __i"r'l'icsr,/,f, //‘1 For than nonnln n... uran .. ___ - It is very unusual these days to discover a field of work which has more openings than workers. up the eaucuum gram,†said Ori December 5, I mei advisory comm? Dairy farmers, an from Manpower vised me on the program to set E the advice they g setting up the course should be easy." Some of the trainees who will be taking the course will have had little or no experience with dairy cat- tle, therefore, all phases of herdworking will have to be covered. _ A .rr . I" ( _'C.,sv,C", C 3/0, Dairy farm wo'irk6iri, pt/‘ggram launched at Centralia College em thn some- knows how to iairy cattle. I can that anyone who from this course up. J gave Orth. "They will learn about animal health; the prevention and recognition of symptoms. "And, they will receive very.important training in Employer-employee rela- tions." . "We sent around a questionnaire to 500 dairy farmers in the area asking if they would help us in our training program. Close to 100 said they would," said. Orth. "That, to me, is a really excellent response," Those wishing to join the program can go to their nearest Canadian Man- power office, and get an application. The only re- quirements are: the appli- cant must be 17 years old, have a minimum of a Grade 8 education, and be out of school at least one year. If accepted, the Canadian Manpower Training pro- gram will pay the entire ‘60st of the course, plus supplying the student with a living .allowance. "Manpower will supply Us with ‘15 people," said Orth. "There's room for people who want to be in the course, but,. for some reason or another are unable to. get accepted by the Canadian Manpower Training Department." One-third of the 10-week program wil be at Centralia Cqlleeerrand . the» - other tdo-thirds will be on selected dairy farms in the area. For these people, the cost of tuition, meals and living accommodations around Centralia should be in the neighbourhood of 8700., said Orth. "There is room for another half-dozento dozen people," said Orth. "It will be a case of first come, first served." The course starts on January 21, and amilica- tions should be received well in advance of this tinie. , SETTING UPVSWINE WORKERS PROGRAM -.- Don Orth, Director of Student Affairs at Centralia College, 'jots down some points' to remember about the Swine Workers Training Program which begins at the college on January 21, (Stall Photo by B, Constable) §-. '. - F 'pg tu-c,, ' CNA hs. V_r," ' , - V - -, T _ 'i't?iils6tisi,v.q 2 I « Ji. . ' bus , M., V a ’2 a ' a r . K), .5 B?, N GT a ,... w: v . 'Fat Et I ' , a “my .,'i'.s ft Ee' v « " . W' > I ' _ TMr, m: _ , l ' . (5 - rd cisco/it,? " E - . 1 't'iuN% , . ".1255! 5.; P 'p:' ' , * 'kt " SisNE:ssiv' T , ' ki 3'; {5255:5353 5: 1eCcifiiiE Mat _ MW' , . ‘55" ' ' ". _iiiiiclii'ii'irti't. "ifi,1?,gif. F, ' 34:32 , _ . Q f 7 . _"'. Ft'i7i'l ",iiiisilii,')'s:,):')',i,i)iiii'; T1iyiikiig1 f“? .‘ s.' T 5 ‘ A. « r:r"iii'it'j'jijiv1'i:e2" .' -.‘ex*5- ,r1,v,- . l '. ts,", Jig _ kit†_ ',". -e‘;.5:5:§3%&5 " V ‘ tt Kw. rttit \ 'ii)', a“? ‘ 1: , _ ,-' _ss'. _ Bt, " ' , TMY, fi/A/r"'-' 'itil: _ ust5s)?viif,te': g {k '. "is,sr"r IMF. " r if:it" 33:1. {4% ; K en’u, _'.5. _ y, . - - "ls, . g _ I,))))'"" (ii-_';),).'?)":,"'-."" wr "_:.,'-',"""::", v " _ UNI" . _'ssita..-:is'v'2riiHt tiriicriif i _ v" T _ _ 55" N---. v . : e Tl ur,, I r 5.2-: _ P "rr, â€by . v ' .', ' - t ‘3; ' (ts/ij :54? "l-__: _ . â€MSW. _ ,, > ' ' Br. q _ _ 8 'rWls'ic csjt)iiii, i "'e, f u N "'qti= (T " , mi' a w '.5’;_\ i?r" _ _ 'mWh",rN. _ » - . Mg? I ' w csstssss' " .: ".. * 5 - V __ ‘ 3,. ='ri'.'l ‘ . - , - v _ "ir'ps P . . l, Mt > tFF ' e _ " " » ' I cTs:,tj's"ets- scdal. tttt ' iitlN ' Fs') I a» » We, Flora Ma _'lsfiiitti'ra ' . " ' , Mlll . MriSENiiiE "c)"ii)itsiN . , « WT Fu" " “m RKa a â€we†5 r I . ' ‘ ‘ . w', MS V - H - "The applicant will have to be passed by the Manpower, and then our selection committee will speak to the applicant to' make sure each person is not going to just come in and drop out. "From all of our surveys, there are a lot of jobs out there," said Orth. "And I' would suggest that anyone who wants to learn this business apply early. They have a pretty good chance of getting into this course if they do." F, w ,~ . Eirt 1tt/'rri. "iii, g 7 s?'"'."),,; 1:59 otlil,irsi'_','sts_ii3; . xi 'tiii-iii/iv/Ci/t 1'"c:i) Kenneth Clair Longthorne and Debra Marlene Bowen ex- changed marriage vows on Saturday, August 18, 1979. The wedding took place at Burgessville United Church, with Rev. Max Johnson officiating. A reception was held at the Woodstock Shrine Club. Guests were present from Alma, Burgessiville, Norwich, Otterville, Delhi, Millbank, “ ' Milverton, t Listowel, London, Hesson, Guelph, - bridge, Kitchener, Peterborough, Woodstock d Draytoni Mr. and Mrs. Longthorne are residing im w r.. wich. _ ". Our Wisdom Corner: False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sun- shine, but Ieaving,us when we cross into the shade. we cross into the shade. DON'T QUIT When things go wrong as they sometimes will When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When cares are pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't Life is strange with its twists Flora first vvol1"1trn -foreign miniséEemr you quit! wish you much success. Flora MacDonald ...external affairs and tarns, As everyone of US SOmatimes learns. And many a failure turns about, When he might have won if he'd stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow, . You may succeed with i another blow. j Success is failure turned; inside out, -l, The silver tint of the clouds j of doubt. 21 And you never can tell how? close you are, " It may be near when it seem; so far. A' So stick to the fight when; you’re hardest hit, -?,, Ws when things get woni that you must not quit__ ' One t contains make tw sheeting hot water bottle as enpugh rubber to two yank of hospital sometimes