September 24, 1975 THE NORWICH GAZETTE Section 1 Page 9 _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _ FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1885 I ll il CLOCK EDITION. V _ "l------------- ' THURSDAY FEB. 181886 _ If You have a need for I I I intro to on 'OTS/ellie',?':,',",??",' .--.-... . T ,' fm'rtT, . "TheeditoroftheNorwieh . l . - Mu _ Gazette, with tears of gratitude, tMortgage Prtytectitm ' thanks the village council for . . '--"'"--"-i'r',-.lLI,rT,-,-,r"tT1"rsi'"r.- --_ $10, and the Board of Education * Family Protection _ " ay, pr t, 1 85. for $4 for reportorial services. ' . . _____________ Norwich isasort of elysium for * Income Protection (Sickness or accident) editors. Woodstock council . . . L ATE‘T N E VI s gives no money and no thanks, * Registered Retirement Savings Plan k while the count council does . . . not even provi’ée a desk for V Ahrmuities - Immediate, Deferred, or . FROM t'i.'tEsE,, W00DST0CK: Income Averaging I T F _ T 7 n It. would seem that whilst-in * Gm†Insurance ll THE EORJI II“VEST. Norwich the reporter weeps p . - grow); as sma F i',,"ii,sTirir"'Ti7i'rirc,r"i"i') stttgq,fipgi1iet)1eeettsedvrtff- as two lives covered, Including _ x " . p - '" s " " (:ENJRAL l),1y?,?J,u,"0-'i IO despair-Shed on, brother, we Drug Plan Short and/0r Long ADVANCE. . . , _ ---- tr) would shed in concert with thee , T D. bili _ TWELVE MILES on TI)Lfll- gaining-in 3‘ 2tg, 33Ҡm erm ISI I ity 2 _ . , E , , N N. . . _ GRAPH WIR CAJI DO V . Judging from the reports of See DiArce Corless - THE HALF BREEDS TO H AWil the Woodstock council sessions, . . ANOTHER MEEI‘ING iro_ the whole eaboodle-from, the representing _ _ M o1tROW (SU N l.) , y , . reporter to the Mayor, or better - T -_ perhaps, from the Mayor to the CROWN , __ ' A SLAUGHTER AT DU CK LAKE reporter-Wfould ftIillt1ttute , __ asessiono the orwic , tmei GENERAL TERRY COMMAND< and learn how todo up business LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1:.0 POST ON AMERICAN without blood and. thunder FRONTIER. aeggea1t."gtt t e . Phone Norwich 863-2918 - - es s or e repor ers m- 200 MEN LEFT MONTRLAL ms. deed! The man wants the earth. or Woodstock 537-2348 TERDAY FOR THE NURTH- w-.--..------------" WE‘Q'P - Bartholomew recalls ' ' Compliments from Go ti, ed _ F A _ - '. . I TY mm tml. page I) accorded me, and further ask . , have succeeded 1f.1. various that citizens assist the new professions and callings, and proprietor by sending in new seldom have any of them failed items, or informing the office of _ to make good. Much of.tly.sir, some. You will readily un- q Sucess has been We to this initial derstand that the gathering of _ grounding received in out news items by one not ac oe xcava m see? . . acquainted is no easy task, so f Life m Norwich for my family kindly lend your support until , 51nd mytseclfigfs tir of Elbe 11,t',t _ Mr. Manore becomes familiar . easan ac er, an W . e . with the district and its rand . many of the old friends have people. g * Trucking-Sand and Gravel * passed away, and some have removed to other centres, there With best wishes for the - t " . _ are scores remaining whose continued success of The 1.2.305‘ T . I friendship we prize very highly. Gazette and prosperity and ,3 ( f * Backfi I I I "g Since coming here in 1908 good health to the new _ "l! there have been many changes proprietor and his family, I T . C: l _ inthe business personnel of we again say, on behalf of my T ,f, C l I I . village, and the only names that family and myself, "Thank w" e" N . _ . * _ fi Iter Beds we can recollect as, having their You." c" _/f,--""'"" i' i _ shingle out upon our arrival, Yours respectfully, “g" cr" , , - (a: ‘1‘? - , and still displaying same, are J.S.Winterburn. â€33%, (T, tr) - I', is; m, in " . ' Drs. Frain and Moles, N.C. M23†C":'.', 7 _ I " ' 'rt-" , fl'rir, A Repairs Macwhirter Harry Roddy, and Mr. Winterburn continued to ', is "ff 7'9? 'Q ' K 'lr" 't _ Poldons and Madels. live in Norwich after his (tri';; 'j'/ P, ' 2Blt' tl, , ' Changes in both North and retirement. He had a cottage at ts, 'ji","',,,-. is, , . ' South Norwich townships have Turkey Point where he and his 'aC/Li, †. . l'. v',. T been equally noticeable. , wife would spend the summers. - Tig lit conclusion I wish to solicit Finally he and his wife moved It, for my successor the same into Woodingford Lodge in . , unselfish support that has been (Continued on page 10) A Trenchi ng _ ‘1‘ Q q 'ts a2. ll; :1}: .3 _ PX _ L,' 'rcc, (i,', .i“ I {91 . 'Ot d a}; if: - ur . '_. e " ~ " L I - V _ A Snow Removal ill-ry:,!,)')--":';';':".-']',".;'): QI "iii-ii-i-ies;,:;;'.')-'; . , 'l CAMERON s V . 1 its itl it .irrj,iiif7i.i, t " it , _r-r,ic,,,j; 'iliii,eillt EtcARR'AGES T Call Ill, n 7 L a t. -,. - I Illliil - k, s ‘SLElGHS . . . 'tit if Tlik i - .. l , _, 'CCle: “ T' 'Ueal ' rata, i“ 'F" " . , " ' i , Lari“. ", B8 r l . mm; " TWe M Van De B I , I ' , til, â€(Fixgi'. ‘3: V Ill-Nil - 1 ll ' , t 're g 'i5,' lftg I g f . ' E ' £1} L' Ill "If . M . r f" . ‘ . I " .. 1.112433 V‘ - ' . - _ . . 45- 'TL" ra WWiMLa'S " -.-~e . - t., The former Cameron Blacksmith and _Livery over 60 years ago. 22 J S 863-3243 N I h Norwich Collision Service operated by Bob Tokarz is now at this dm t. OMIc location. ' _ T l