September 24, 1975 THE NORWICH GAZETTE Section 1 Page '7 o Winterborn begins his editorship (continued from page 6) . . . . . . . indeed been th bli plant before leaving there to has gone to Norwich having Gazette has been in existance completely dedicated to the 1880 e pu isher from work for a weekly paper in purchased the newspaper at for thirty years and has a business of running a good T THE“. Kincardine and then on to e that place. The Record wishes splendid advertising patronage, newspaper in Norwich. He also WINTERBURN YEARS Berlin (Kitchener) News him abundant success as a which should yield Mr. Win- found time to become equally JS.W1nterburn became Record. For a couple of years member of the Fourth Estate." terburn good returns for his dedicated to the village of publisher of the Gazette in before coming to Norwich he Milverton Sun-Nur. John S. labours. We wish Mr. Win- Norwich, playing an active roll November of 1908,He was born ranajob printingshopinBerlin, Winterburn, who at one time terburn. success in his new in municipal affairs. For a in Milverton Ont. and began his The following testimonials was foreman of The Sun office, adventure, and have no number of years he served on career in the newspaper in- appeared in the Gazette on but for the past two or three hesitation in stating that the the P.U.C.going ontobecomea _ dustry as a young boy with the November 12, 1908: years has been running a job people of Norwich will find his village council member and _ Milverton Sun. He had become Berlin News Reeord-"Mr, office in Berlin. has purchases four sq11iEe.',' servmg as reeve. Recreation foreman of the Sun printing John S. Winterburn of this town the Norwich Gazette. The Mr. Winterburn became programs also found him an _ s _' VT _.. _ 'P C . _' V """'"'r'", _-l,-,-,, active worker. _ A '. __ -,," _ _' (ri,:,')';'):-)-;::-,-'","":,; _r, T _ _ _ , I . _,, .5" When J.S. acquired the -' _ _ _ ', ", 'ii.' (' Jr" '. N 1 "rr, o ' _',',: . rl Gazette he inherited the old , ' ' y: ‘“‘:;~‘{â€"*..~i-‘--.-1.;_.'my: " ' " _ ',.r j ", ' _ ' y _ _ Potter press which he kept in _ipsiic,r. . . _ “111:1; R¥§.1‘yao.“’~*o;"s.~ T _ , s _ . *2 service until 1931. He bought a 1,1 'rr,-', , _ T ", ICr:r,1ijrtii' :;f’;;§s‘.~‘,o’ytieo“f’~‘*/"rltgioscwl’%.tg4o V . _ , T _ __ V _ ' '. big flat bed Meihle press from a it†i . ' V _ l â€uriéï¬ggï¬Ã©xil‘r y . V _ T ' job shop in Montreal.Somewhat '(h'it' .r'si, ms l l l' ï¬wï¬iggw'ï¬zéï¬â€˜gx T V _ larger than the Potter the * A c'.), V _ ( .. .". _ _s,,/ci'1't, Vital, (' w"v . . a . Meihle took up a great deal of - ."_sr,i.ii.,ssy ' I C T ,rrri? T .113 1:3,»;‘i "ï¬ztbï¬eiï¬gm T _ s 1,C'c"i-," _ V space in the shop. When it was 1elilt'tf,r,rpriatii/: o.'ert"r?'" t r" the?" a“; 1itriil.Eii'jttt'it"fifct'r)i'"i,i' so 1 ' a-e _ in operation the building shook t "r a «At - Fiji .. ‘A id a ' -W’ " @1412», T Bhgh' on“ 'iIr "rl'ire4e, T3ti {“5†xv“. _' _ m - 'awiGii E 'ict,?.?,:?);"' ', . ..' an, iâ€.f;Â¥~;::~:, ittaiirtiIlirM . “kiwi . 'iiftiEBi, 'isii,',ytA'ct ol 't ' T o i C Cs "ry and the noise could be heard a K ih%iiik ~55: "rw, ., r. . “ï¬ghï¬gi ai";, 'M'W‘imi“ '-. t __.' 1 " _-:,, block away. Six feet of solid , iltliitliEii6i)! r-f, v " "h t , v, '~..-" Ҥffgï¬â€™?“&\iҤ$‘i§§;§ of“? 4‘8" s 3" "l" , r .4 lw , concrete was poured under the I Ill. liiilEif,,' ", a;",, P , l/i, Te tr? . 'aiilt _'rillliitlllllll, iiijiilSlihiii'i'i' ':, if 'i,'iiit1i:tis i" 3 '/ j; i, i V press to stop it from vibrating. AIh" W, fungi}. - W f i _ kg G' ' 'dis, '71:: MgiEli" tlil-tmill" l1'iiNisiri'."tftt, my: “y; we l J, it.» I _ - . .' . . . tat. Fifi" ,:l, rig if; sit',',;"]"'?,,":',':': 'itai?llgiiiiillilillltifltllll : :«Zéï¬'éï¬â€˜i; ' w"- 1 s, "r' rr V j During this time tt _1vtil1i- . ' . TEI,? tr" ~-.»: -~ (i "i-ii-is-fit". 2"" 'Mil I I _ . t. "es, IlMIMii' Iitr'lt' ')1'itfirfi'ii, gimp; 1C7rr7sri7iiii'i1 , terb'um had y(’lhanged r0111. 7,e s" , e - o , _ "tit "'Ch't' vow E5 'fd Ci . 7.1 ' _ :4 atâ€? ' i". 'i/pl" isTiei"ifiii?c),t-irr! "boiler plate to "ready print .. "T r. Rh', J in " T. â€ea. Iv " - ' y “i _ , ' ‘1†" A "j I. 'W-r," h ‘M AR'"e “(A 3 (it: i qer» m..' " _ M' , titer r 1 _ i. - _ i -. - ' iit' ,1: c, . _ a l,,' it Ti ue, , ri: V _,' The stock for the paper came tall . I EMi 5* Ji, _,r: j “i Fi' (il, .llhili8l. ' i in: _ UM, . lg? if'ii,1,ii' 'i', '1": pre-printed on one side with " g t 3 'rtt _v,'i',I1'ti':t"'llll itNl V59“ "ll I, s c'dj,,r,- 'ii'l,1l 'it, . 'rs',. stories and advertising andthen (?i'c,,rr?rrRl? iii/t .2 g _',tt.l, is†" l' at l 113‘ is; I C a . vi t _l"tr'; i, " f" l iii'; local news and advertising was ffLl)e.isr-lgJ7 , -- (ri-rr'-, '/r"'r'r'rrr-rf ms , ll ill 4tG', 'rc" ti , T Jri25..i,..t1c..m, '. '; printed on the Meihle. In 1919 'Ire'--'--- WWW 1 _ “,2 LCJiig - Jlfllfqi! 'r...!.,.:', E Ilr.riss"ct-ckee-cryL1 "ii...... .2' l, Trfcd it . oriiiiua i “1‘? J.S. bought a Model 5 Linotype _ -- . . " ' F, Ber, _ assâ€"Wm for setting type, a great im- 'sl, -- y s _ _ " _ provement '. over the old Q9544â€: 'r _ _ 1 ,. ' '. _ Monoline. The Linotype came . The Miller Block situated on the north-east corner of the main _ . . V from _the Brantford Courier intersection in Norwich was the site of the Gazette printing office. _ 15 G. i when it amalgamated with the iThe tree on the corner was planted on Confederation day 1867. . "" _ ( (Continued on page 8) V COMPLlMENTS FROM Best Wishes ' for the next. 100 years of service 1 ' t _ ", I LENAS HAIR STYLING SHRUBBS SHOES s's. 26 Main St. W. 863-2434 Main St. 863-2212 . COMPLIMENTS FROM . N N CONGRATULATIONS FROM , & NORWICH FERTILIZERS INC. ~ HUNTING PRESERVE ' Jerry Bishop and Moms Eccles RR 2, Burgessvi I le 424-9232 Highway 59 South of Norwich . 863-2242 ' _ COhhPLlhhENTS FROM _ CONGRATULATIONS FROM l o remodelling 0 new homes 0 barns * Belarus Farm Equipment * ' o kilns o greenhouses o cabinet maker Sales and Service , RR 2, Oiterville 879-6676 83 Stover St. N.' ' 863-2213 l COMPLIMENTS FROM , l GLADWAY GARDENS WHEEL IN CONGRATULATIONS FROM l . _ l * Flowers, Arts and Crafts * Cyl I ER. DORCHESTER . l Specializing in dried flower arrangements. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO I Look for the sign 2 miles north of Norwich - _ _ . ‘ or call . ' ‘ Norwich 863-2018 F 424-9848 ' o