Page 8 Section 1 THE NORWICH GAZETTE September 24, 1975 l . M h _ V d â€d " g this time (Contmued from page '0 return to the business $333333 itt'tltil,icilll Mi ., t '%! " ilril M. Bl " Br, _ I . . r S. I present day Expositor. It men and citizens of Norwich aSt, est-Slit" . 'i' Isttt glist‘ LI - - 3 _ " ~ " . arrived in the spring, while the and countryside, most sincere 'tll "’ , stiles" ' Lt', 'rsri . ' F. Ii', S‘u‘ " ra . . i ‘ snow was still about, by horse thanks for the kindness, r . - ' - 'Ea'hSN, so " . r' & S . _ - - and sleigh all the way from thoughtfulness and con- » Wd _ _ lil, T PN' q il " p ' ' itlll TW.' ‘ i Brantford. The sleigh upset sideration which they have ï¬g I C I _ t' ‘ s al I II about five miles east of the extended to me without "tti, sa Mt "Fla . 3 crj' sf . I village and tipped the Lino into measure during the years which w “a "tlcd _ ' 3 , - ll ' F q _ 'it, ", v' 3 ' q M a snow bank. Some Indians have gone by since we first a . an is is_.: _ V Lil' 33,.»3 _ ,3 1 Gt .e,si,,t ti M cutting wood in the vicinity became "aequent", and also to "' Hiiig, - 33 .,P,", s . w _ 5S " l rls,T'irs'.1,' Ci;. " V ' _',:',,,-'?,-) "J, Mi it» helped right it' and it was return the same need of thanks ', It?) ' llliigltiilcN P, ' * Ilir)i'(("i)i_',/, :33 , "i_f'r.h"& " , j ' brought onto the Gazette. The to those who have been regular' r A , i" a,» API, El; "all thi, Il,!) iF)"')" i' 'ij, ' "'t'r,',i1 _ ' $23: ' il No. 5 has been in operation or occasional contributors to its "s,,., . “a _'V' if". . _ kr 'r, é 3;'i"-3-â€â€˜3‘V3 5*“; E , . every working day since its colunins,and have thus assisted tit \de _ £5." ' (i" »- 'rr/i),.),; , S'-"'2hct'"ii:"'" 'ricii,,r:ia'i'a if , arrival, but alas time has greatly in our work. While 's", "' '1 ')i?t ' - 3 l 'iii'; _.~_ bi-l',-" tii' 'iiaM, ï¬g caught up with her and soon the expressing appreciation we also ' l ' V _ (j, U' f ', is .3 i 42' 'fi'.il3iil w . 33. r ' museum in Norwich will be its desire to mention the staff who =' _ cr4', )\ g l. a ‘ 'l, j: . â€is A M " I is il B, 33 no new home. have assisted in the publication \ . _ (/,.,c, ' g i . ,33 . 'iitkri; "r,,, $12 t ' 'str, " . After nearly 40 years of of The Gazette for well past a q wttir,jil',_'is" r',, it“ N ti T ' L, Ktl' , Itit N, . is . " I!lrr?s'ii'll , running the Gazette Mr. Win- quarter century. q". ,3? _,v_rs"rétticcs,_'iiifi, i , 'ip, " it: ' V TTiliii S Mil Ci terburn decided to give up the It has been mostly a pleasant LN , “Wig: h" t , " , . ' ' " (Ti, viii; r', paperin1946. In thelastissue he task to record all the changes . . . 53s Ext] ‘ , 2 V r 35'- 'rt1Ql ~ published the following ap- and successes of the people, and M, 'M " ' 'llm . » - ira if"; ‘ "_'.. is.“ . . - ‘ - - . 3 C -S . ' ' . , “.3 _ w peared: to mark the number of young tux“ _ tl V p, l.! Jd V _ men and women who have gone . » IKE! l l TV T .3 " . VALEDICTORY out into the world from here and 'ie), - Ea. v. E C.?t u "C, ' _ “' _ With this issue of The Gazette 3% T _ B, ,r' 3 ,. I bring my connection with. the _ LT, si E -“* i -» "m 2 i‘ S paper to a close, and after about , u , . ' {33 ‘ , ".3 38 3ycars’ occupancy of the , F il . ')'isicA. E) . __ _ w‘ position of editor and proprietor FURIOUS DRIVING i: rt A i â€he! F , 3 Le, I step down and out, and hand TA3KE WARNING t "_'" ", g ll » - aA, . , r J C over the paper to the possession All parties found r acmg on the _ "3 _ , ' _ (ri' ' 3 ' -- _ C 3 tE of Mr. S.N. Manon, who comes streets, contrary to the bylaw of 3 3 _ -3 B, .' . t: Ts J5 1w 3 ' " 3 here from Woodstock, fully the Corporation of the Village of ",. . r _ ' '"ei' F: 33 33 J. I, T . _ ( s: informed in conducting an up- Norwich, will hereafter be rrrri" ... V - - N _ V "Fr: m2“ _ but , cs. ms _"... 3 _ -be s33? 3, .3 to-date weekly newspaper. In. prosecuted according .to the ' _ - . s.V V e . . . » " ' _ . » __ d - S E‘, introducing him to the people of law, without fur.ther, notice, the t " Norwich and districtldo so with said offence having become the' , 3 3 = w. = . 3 _, . - - i © F confidence', and I believe that cause of frequent complaint to 'il' WW, Frm ' lilIlllitltllilllllilil 3 _ ' - il "e the people will find him a. me on the part of the people. . ' t qt$'a"'ilh%'iasr.iijci,:'ii"a "is; 1 . tp, , ' liBiiiiii, T _ I prompt, reliable and intelligent _ (Signed) Frank Adams ' , ' I ‘3" 1llIl, te tg , " it" . 5 _ L , , CMT" , ',, representative ' of the Fourth . Constable. ' _ ‘ ' ' ' . Estate. Norwich January 22, 1883 Publisher Stan Manure (right) with his staff, John Keough and Doug Avey on a fishing trip in 1947. For myself I may say that I _ (Continued on page 9) _ Best Wishes CoNGRATuL/yrloNs FROM . tar the next we yearsfrom " n W. JACK LENHARDT & SON LTD. f V _ . McMiLLEN S GARAGE SURGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT _ GENERAL REPAIRS Sales and Some Burgessvi I le _ ' 424-991] Burg eSSVi I le 3 424-9155 Or 539-6611 . COMPLIMENTS FROM _ _ COMPLIMENTS FROM _ F _ _ . Shirley and Hilda Thompson ' OFFICE E V q . SEARS ORDER MENS WEAR _ 4 Stover St. 863-2707 25 Main St. 863-2406 COMPLIMENTS FROM COMPLIMENTS FROM 28 Main St. 863-2108 6 Main St. , 863-3103 / CONGRATULATIONS FROM , CONGRATULATIONS FROM [ NORWICH PHARMACY NORM HUTCHINSON 8 SONS . it Prescription and Drug Store Needs * , _ AUTO ELECTRIC Main St. w. 7 863-2401 Highway 59 North of Norwich 424-9131