E-ï¬Â« 8¢ . d atten 50,000, . yeste THURSDAY o â€"‘Queen of the Furrow plowing contest. Antique ng. J exhibits closed .to the public. Queen of the jet (by invitation only) Princeton Community soll night. _ f f sn lowmen‘s Ball, Embro Community Centre. 3 FRIDAY < ubits open to the public. Plowing classes begin. idies program begins, Antique tractor judging. eeches by Queen of the Furrow contestants. Antique tractor, plowing. / exhibits closed to the public. Awards banquet, ium, Woodstock (by invitation only). £000, BlUSP C e, Cambridge. 2. William Gorrill, Oakwood. 3. bbie, Mount Forest, ows â€" ages 12 to 16; ons, Wallacetown. 2. Brad Fried, Plattsville. 3. ey, Brampton. ; ows â€" ages 17 to 19: bers, Souffville. 2. Don Crawford, Norval. 3. n, Cayuga. 7 * houle ws â€" ages 20 to 25: _ 4 irs, Uxbridge. 2. Keith Wells, Stouffville. 3. Hagerville x0s ‘ vs â€" ages 26 to 34: wn, Ayr. 2. Ken Ferguson, Stouffville. 3. Wolfe Island. â€" ( ows â€"â€"ages 12 to 19: Uxbridge. 2. Kirk Blackler, Kirkton. 3. Molly eTKStON. . $ rrow 1Elows â€" ages 12 to 19: s 3, Walkerton. 2. Kevin Schweyer, Hagerville. on, Sunderland. : rrow plows â€" ages 20 and over: 1ald, King City. 2. Wayne Downie, York. 3. rdays highlights was the â€"media plowing by Dave Taylor of CKDK, Woodstock, 2. k, CBC, Windsor, 3.)Dave Cooper, Toronto ers in the plowing competitions were: es, group 1: 1, Woodville. 2. Anthony Featherstone, Wells, Paris. ws â€" ages 20 and over: uses needed : with crowds ng match events : added h run ided how many buses are needed,‘"‘ runâ€" Parker said, "but we‘re doing e an the best we can." Wednesday ners, was ‘particularly hectic,‘‘ he head â€" added, but the extra buses were on duty by\ 10:30 a.m. and room continued throughout the day. ransit â€" Two of the buses are taking ly, he «circular routes around the city, Woodâ€" while four are express buses, inutes running from the fairgrounds to it 6:20 the plowing match and back. city at> . Parker said the $1 a head fare iour, _ isn‘t outrageous considering the th the ~expenseof operating and leasing ; and buses and paying drivers Iso be. overtime, Two buses have been st the leased from Chatham Coach _ " . Lines, and a third from Ingersoll ahead to supplement the city buses. At tendance ncrease nd sunny skies attracted 30,000 ‘lowing Match Wednesday. The first two days of the five day en id Winger, Ridgeway. 3. 1/