ormer mig e ssi rson, forme : time _ â€"% atterson, t a time s _ ce Patterson e day a & eiy‘s 624 Ch â€" ' 3 \‘155" ,..... e e a Xe .4 * 4 4 / race Eate e one da Coizike /. Grace +# r life or Tacws * Ce, : : § F;‘:'A:’:;'}?";-‘N ; "" &v?;†' 'H ,- <& *4 %‘U M >A + Eys ’*'}{ ‘::'p_._' ,..fl. é.-\‘ 2; C AL ‘ , 2 V L "’)..1 > es us & [ Â¥ _ A ‘3{%â€"‘-’:‘. _< ; 32' M ’ € Q}‘E . n 3e 39 TB DYD <<~ MR o4 3 se w¢ _ f-;',_f,l‘,?ï¬;,:ï¬\?‘" dgy ,3'&3‘_ * ‘ y é e ‘ . R \;‘ i yer .::‘:}f‘."r‘! pirth ster > â€â€™ 'f‘«’v §e4. * y s s Jâ€"‘i'@::e ’ste; y %:*’« J t 3. se iess e | ‘ Ltï¬â€˜gw ‘*7’?‘5 6/ n J%â€â€˜z‘sï¬ [ To w,.‘-c‘-*f.,:u;}fi:.ns:i'%}'n _:_»S‘efg}fl ;, e .. e > F < J_:;;;@_,j;?s‘j.,}i es y3 -3 j rzfli}â€â€™â€% ernâ€" =_ 3 h hh > â€" llk . ’&3â€3&1"“«‘; | it _A.~»~:z‘.‘.,.~,~":‘, FO "hfs oo o bc c 4 s , P ~a $ & '{’“l“; : E ; "**'-""-“‘5‘7-4*’:"!5;‘1" rier i 322. s e > r.“ Toms: f;_,;»r,-;vz:â€",:::,,,.\ | .éâ€";.».»s_:it’j;" 1 as I!f“m'- ?f, 3s" f %A e s zi, fi‘s« l tro l,,iy"‘."“f’?a, ’~' *7 “’:_ i Lonk B2 _.; + x2 â€v'-,‘?ï¬?_'\'“ .5 w 5.3 'At. "f"':’_‘lfrfiï¬g:k. ,, 3 s &»;.’t‘«:& i. |â€" Miss P ?37‘15-5;"‘;513' ting _ ‘1 > «9:"2’ k e f o indopegl -,,u‘:x condu C s 4 f»a%%b + b ; years "nf"%"‘*;_.??@“;"?’f'i*"-};w eutst E 5 w*«"m\,’â€.é‘ée’"‘;,@ se es teachers /a a "{37’»:"â€":."»,- ns 3e ... * # vq, en‘ i a‘ï¬â€™@ y s . or the tR ":ï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜&;‘ t in > l 8 ~'__f:-;;~.: 2‘-;‘~,¢"«’§‘\, Bs n‘% wa k. 5 “'57 o W!L’f’L.'J,“ t& > 9B * 2 : :~l-..'-":’“'f~ n da an ’E:}'jkf?'. 6 s 3 as: s hk | w K¢" : d n "-':“-','A“‘.‘f,r?‘;_; 'I-i “",,.::-17;-) > l ’ f %*ï¬â€™" rds had a . _ < @0 ix45. celebrations for | bir 3â€"'â€*"}’“ birthâ€" h sn thday cel mt aer | 4 '.'.'.'E'V""“V'-'}:i.*ï¬ Ee P aid. â€" $ ¢ A . year day w | E: ’:.’.?\'ï¬m she said. â€" } ' hell during The 90â€" Halli 1 x:i'-]""i-_‘:_ï¬;‘ * ':ffj.j';l ::; 4 mmel s > f : A ‘day is },: oi C s : 291 F nesonee x Â¥ i \"That â€â€˜â€ 5 #~ @varsGe"'g Hall oon 6+R . (‘keenly | â€"‘z«*r w sbA : greeted by I Ch“'c,n aftern : if women men‘s | ot course to b le®"" d in _ -ght.is:.,., ister U ‘wishers y ber of wome es terson | 'L‘_"?â€vf'*'. -""f:.‘}“.«,i.-..‘i ;-;.'?‘: 1. ""3 son, ri es_ AEHea NE 1 w R : se n f m. Pat : I hest scPattermor :.:;Jf:-»:; e Patter at W received SA . janity . r terested Miss | "“., 917 ‘to 195 _ Grace: tterson eacher 1 ue se [ Christia uâ€" . in itute, itute ‘ § imattons _ Miss Patter te ~â€" ~week , > Thon institu | ie from ‘i~ ionaryand hers. _ ~~Seâ€" said th s insti e *â€â€œ:ï¬?" M . Miss 1 & the well wis ~ ttm.'.'ginn“mbef.. 34# 8 Tss port one | ““ 18 we, z the well jren P growing in n i tmily wo o an. Th 1923; 1931 ia l o 3 â€"sgro T thrilling The to s C n 1923, is to Indi y of a o+. .. et childr § igrowms ost day inues to . D motlo is i\ï¬"“'% fay of ) Sâ€" t E7 uld g Wntm,, igh. of the m bn'fll ntin! choolin b mo made by oo ind by way 2 “ï¬&,c g and thing, _ ‘One o t the having i nins i thecs try. _ ‘,"_v,’ H s "‘u 0 > s § on .' ce 1 # e ® : I ' n al a + ls r.‘T Q)‘m IS &n N‘ï¬ï¬; .: ' d(’i*mg&gem +mor nents > was . n ~gir ch yea and C stitute 73 Engls Pact ?“‘E“ 8 _ to P ould 4 Y nâ€" â€" i Aiphrn ons India id. ea e ‘s ins rk, [ the *4er _ that would. Of missio celebrat \the rsonsail r Hom: men wor| "‘f ’rw’y _ th. recalled. t of mi d of <ldke of Pa honow F‘f"m'ew". endous F“* Tok s 'Shï¬er “iflw:ï¬nm the fiel C ,»~’fh§xl:fi'}angm::howas doing_ tremendous . cltb | 'Lij'f'l;â€v‘r""ak.-,m:.;‘-:’izj ‘]:_a:’;_,? : yB ducting <â€" <4 ng I bu! issionâ€" iss Patter in the the trips which eeks ; #S T ws ols ) nada ~ _ Miss EP C e * 2e 3. f.g.gry_wmg, mgom’ l;at, .7‘; in C by the mlss: @ Enrojement “:nmng tht‘ fl 27. rh'er'-;;‘:agnc ents in co > aw“’,gar a yogs, attefldei'g ene._ : E!“au"eg s ttheprese;l7 fime, . . i "r‘..:‘:.'(; it hens ick peas, S brougt In + fee d ed s 4 bu & & | A l -"~-,’:was'?‘-?;penmch|c eans an/ aries in tterson retir has 0 years bt still rts \ Te e ingi ~a ï¬â€˜Â»e,nuw, a bea iâ€" .. al Miss Pa ve urâ€" 10y ip is 0 hief work here io t achâ€" m soya D * xper _ Miss T te to ha Jomis_ p8s bership up supp ord | x,;@,jn†"‘ï¬com’, fthe e the _ «,41.'- ometown hip meml The gro Oxfe | aching teach she was in Sediie. e of ut is PC homet lows . Th the . ho ho *";'3:3* EhE Togle rpos find o that â€" is er own "the fe ple strong. and t The first year Jearning the . The pu "to fi | for that "to her ‘by © d peo girls a t ords ind ï¬s%f& es _ tm was ~seed il, unded by © an hoh n istrict. find wor "“:'1“;7""‘*‘*“"'“‘»» Tmpnasis ents of seed so t es ilies ve Distr i ecistion Hind language ï¬â€œf &t'hflfr nc w ile â€"of the from I 18 Pull. cough hï¬:lippr;“mstit- ; ‘V.‘(i??"‘â€? “f’:.:l;‘f; and _ tip 2 s with h s _ it . * '!:"Yl"%!"“'gi“?ï¬i‘»ï¬" 26. â€" particul tterso t in a "oud prougk up." a wonde s s expt emevwomenmm and 4 -'fï¬â€œf?»":‘g’-w_...-e“;a.zfm% _ M ParriGd on ce ing br?[t has beer among yong for Whating for wo ity ané "" eCDl in Inâ€"â€" _ Miss carrie provinc th "It. ‘.;nve» ork am is do uni 1d," * ;ï¬ ol prca es the ing: o en g, to and wor d to . ute is the com e world, ~ / 9e . . greatly ; â€" ea of e en thin ple a and t« irls of the and the work E C improved gr (BEF _ preg an es .l wn people an ple _ ship", girls untry and Nee > iï¬ï¬iflfl"‘ â€Rgfl ‘were. ut the g arâ€" ur _own. Pepfellow . thego tterson sa d meet : xm %ï¬ througho Tober mour ur own fell Viss Pa ot attenc she oo 'Nll‘.?‘“:é' By ue se UHL i I ue s Ponsy 0â€" Nï¬ss â€" snâ€"l‘;' d‘“ Sive Py I;d‘ay: Sp. sionaries ?:mnombg' :;le?euyom‘.' _,pa"ttfl'son,edwin . She d°fo."g1i‘ e d oecta o Wff en _ Missi India it M ole. he Grace I , fou ion ings any] uich, owin Peol mehich. had . is â€" _ Miss mc Mike The G itute, " o ing esncb | *“fr ‘ ~tived in fls roopite, ien‘s Institut se et out mu on ohe have enand wo men came ; into . ~rive orke on mfll"s-"» a Club, â€"B c l* â€"does 6 iss _ and we hot mont! s s the try irls 2 : Patterson . ity. Ng, the C ~@ c yetne said. it month: ~1945, ?&ammn;dl oot girls 'Pagimlonge‘.’t'i%e,n »‘;F' i e %fln&t@m the ho holiday of the »s:-y'su,!‘d‘-x..-» »‘Xs instltl:,ol 3 one_.‘se"'on'egijgyatfl : ‘“ in : .@m;;gnn,?ï¬ holidaying 'a,%â€d;'w‘:,f’ Sunday Schoo just live > <_‘ a J‘ig{?;?rm i \-:f?ï¬: they 1 ï¬VOl'i tterson‘s a. h id a: p of Su en S she "Tige . m oy ’f â€" and a favo atterson‘s w is raruensys. dia, wa SS i deen t y4A is ~. ia _ Theg ormet es “i::?ï¬} P df*M’gs;P» in India _ %15, f leftfor I wer ) she sai e of _ ashmir. _ ork in sc nJefAIC tss “‘spo;,-,,@";" . lkes i m eipidnes" ; w'_f,i'\_t’<~'.~:f'i}ft~_. 3 Kâ€!"m 8?}' out un uch >3 row mE, eR s vv,«,a?’.n',!‘::_i Fer hM se y ned_ 3 is m t \gro Te yE i sehool" she . {is now car c i ie Aiice r,-::vl:ij;.v}.“-.( is no m to‘b%‘ s "'«.':A,nl:ï¬â€"};* 1&5@ â€" . ym [ ir vi llag KF es