x13, IC) fund is“,feflgwumlsuration costs, travel or publicity has ever been ttyTjlyei,'/,' g2:- vatlemï¬ï¬‚nï¬gï¬eus SuPport from people, churches and groups is received, and e FV 1tt a'it'!'i-i't? (esettttarrrtreii, to be involved. name off. 121% (tttii/jiri): are tty {big- 'lisittrtsttt, .1 Ev eryehgi td)tt (itjrttr1 ki t .- 'lls2rtirt-tttsitigjtts,,r Dryden (ttttpet, jig,': ttt ftjtt(tt month in which a Grace Patterson Women's Institute member celebrates her trrri'it2"itihtisre/ she contributes a sum of money to the Birthday Box, part of the collec- tion Er1tisttirtiiii:iteh goes toward 'Sleeping Children Around the World'. Since 1980 Grace Patterittttttciittittttyn"s Institute has been part of the project through Oxford North District Womerrt,trt'ititytgtt,iijtg1rt:e for the organization, 'Sleeping Children Around the World'. 1itRtit:-ay Dryden of Islington, Ontario with t:he help of his wife, Margaret has become ti,trsiat sandman for Third World children through the organization they developed in 1970 (etisitt.tt-s,iilr "Sleeping Children Around the World' . 1littii J)tyden has a fascination for photography, his favourite subject being sleeping: (ttttit/it/ttren, and from this an urge to have children everywhere have a warm bed. In the 'l;reit))1trte.it.gi-riii.on Years his own hardship led him to sleep perhaps on a bench or in a boxcar, Mr s . airireii1titit _ ltttearr C u rat oat ' _ (ltsitttliili,'r--ilii98 7 Clark which us ed tit? (1'jtitf-iiill ed . irt 'i'isf s c 1 erasing E Ox fey.ttiit iiitia1itiliii' j, pool aiit., (tttii-ttaft/tis. . ttttis Itttrt"k the International Year of the Disabled, the sevent -. _ "tr" s-aaa _,. I . een iWflï¬ï¬‚ï¬Elisst-rict Women's Institute pooled their monies to a sum of ESE-ES _t-ertitattata1sr/t'5f a hydraulic Chairlift to be installed into the therapeutic I if? ‘Eiétéï¬iiingsford Lodge, 423 Devonshire Road, Woodstock. tShi (ttttsri/tttxii-il. 6, 1981 it was moved by Mrs. Roy Ross and seconded b "ttjltitttt; $§i@;0'.00.be added to the fund from Grace Patterson Women's o:?dt/ieiei, t:.tts-isat-strt-ire2rtirr1ip agreed. Dedication in Woodstock took place July 6, 1981 '.. {gag-g pool is opened to any disabled person in Oxford County. The ch Itt) ttiiasil'i'ia's.srtt1d lower patients into and out of the pool, and is easily hand t jti,trt tttttttii, regularly in special swim programs and for exercises b th ,3-w;s,gisg.tai1' (arthritic societies. Y e m Till"2iki'l.ra'ti, country that is affixed to e (an, Mr. Dryden goes with his camera @Qntributes a kit receives a colour Ir f":: urycen goes with his camera to capture the child's picture. rlbutes a kit receives a colour photograph of the recipient of the and child who receive the kit also receives a photograph. Mr. Y be the only photograph the mother has of her child. POOL CHAIRLIFT AT WOODINGFORD LODGE, 1981 M SLEEPING CHILDREN AROUND THE Canada honor in 1981. WORLD a-a-y “and operat by the multiple by Mrs. Carl Institute to 6, 1981. The chair branches of $8080. 00 for ic swimming If