. On Sunday', Mar. 13 the Mary Hogs, Darren’s , Ef,:"'?':':,,',:)))':':',':,)-:' I te", _ __ I , "', r"i'""r'r1:',ra1)'a"";'iall ‘ mm Eiiiiiiiiii'ii'liq 5 ( Kintore Sunday School en- mother, said the visual ear MN F,i'irt'l1'irjil", I. .' _ ', T _ "ar"i"a" , _ , 1i,sCil, I joyed a film entitled "kenil- can talk to TTY'S and f? tr/rr/e/r/sri,)" f . T “V - _'ir,fl, worth Caterpillar". The film TDD's, two other phone aids kr?), (i'-,, _ ('iiir' I ,i ,3. _ If iv', _ -.r V talks about the changes that for the deaf people, as well , ¢ '4 st,,':"- T _ _j,fji"'i'i' _ _ _ l: I f a caterpillar goes through to as other visual ears. _ _ 6,e,i.'ji,l(:_j)/j, rr)ii'e,.trcssfr'11".%ll 4;, "l, T qs"','-':',-::"', .' I. bi; be a butterfly. This was used The visual ear has a r,' i' a F,,rl-r, 'ii/ T l T . , 'rrr/'/1 'itfi" as a comparison to the standard teletypie keyboard, 2 W sri:,-')'. (s/rr)'--,:'::-:'-,)';',))", ", IP, 'r- 'l? Bt crucifix and resurrection of which is slightly smaller I _r'i),'sa,5,sil'e'iilr-r'e'r: é r,ff:,f::,:' _ .V "llc,,:,-':)"))' _ C . a" f:,':" ,V "'d ; fly11.. I, than a typewriter's, and it - M4 sir,, (, F _ T T _'" 3’ I. V V r', - On Saturday, Mar. 19, the also has a digital display r "i,5'rr, c)":"::'",?',?""""'.',' cr) " Eyrfii)r, "'r'ttu--urrtr, .-r" W. 'P. ' Junior choir held an Easter for a person tg see the , "ti T / V .;WE%'V . cl; V 1 ‘5 x T .V Ttl ,,I . party and practice. The message coming' from the 'sr/tir/lil', _iira'" ll, "'m'iiti'Pc,)r, C 'ara _ r . choir practiced two new person they are talking to. _ . . 'tlr'" "rt "l" . by N _ . ' fl ,3; songs: "Sons of God" and Mrs. Hogg said the unit i ' rr, _,;'-. , . 'ls' _ V r/Cv., __."" : ', rr t': ' 'k' 'l. br,' "This Is The Day" which can be plugged into a wall ' - y P . x r s V f Z _,r:?,,i1 rjr _1TrgalB, .-;»::3i:;1..’: , they will sing during the socket to recharge the bat- I " ke. , _ , rt:"" F H", ', ;" " "'"irTli? b':jvi,'-jr,',ji':iiifr,i:,i:,?,l,, T, Mar. 20 service. terieS, thus making the unit . ‘ , C dl V - I, Fr . r r, I‘..‘ g, C a: V Jf «as? F- V “it, After practice the children portable. To place or re- _ ll 1; I , _'." _ V 45 q ' I'")":.:,?':?' ""ic,ir,'"."'rri'i" eylyed a delightfurmearof ceive a call, the telephone F It " , T" , , 4 J; â€44 ““44 Pfrs _ L,'.; l Chili and hotdogs and as a receiver is strapped to the I Il' , V srsiif:' V . ( . . I â€' treat there was an Easter visual ear. " ' lt, V L' 1liri,:,iii,,r-'i:i'ii,rii_irrr. "ri,iilr:'vi, , __-j, V» Egg hunt. organized by "After the first couole of ' I. g ‘ Plertiihu'itir'i'ir:(vri II . _ /1-"' " Walters. going," said Mrs. Hogs k ', - rt'; reT:'i','s"v'r,i,'. V ",i'iijCr'isj?sttr,e itt" " 'ft'tigdc,r,', _",')'.',',- , . q'" A“ yi' l Any children ages 7-15 are She said it will benefit _ ', tr' "r' ( "js"");),:;:.)."-").','.,',-"'-, IQ t"i'iigersLs'"'iiri7crsr,, V ttt . tlNllNg'i'iiiiijri,vlis_,i/a"S'1 1sc.re'6 _ ' welcome. and, encouraged to Darren because he is isolat-' l, _ 'riri" »'I _ , (ja'i'i'i_:ji:,rc_'2lSll "t"Eo,"iiir7, V "m' ElglEiilt't'trse,dt, k f _ come out .to practices. edfrom his friends since the I227? , M', Tr,itf'ii'rl'-f-7, ji') . "iA'q. ';e,!ii')"'" ' .1. . tiiial.il .1- . A Last Wednesday after the Hoggs live on a farm. , Je'rrfrfrr;' "/ 'trfs,c,," . "k"sspu'"s' trc? P"" _ funeral of John R. Hargrea- Darren can't just walk "to""'" "re td q . is, ki, .- ' ' ves at the McBeath Funeral around the corner or call up . ' ' . 'fi'd'2 " - ., _ C Home in Ingersoll, friends his other friends at the l i V Lci,%' ' rr.' . and realtives gathered at Robarts School for the Deaf T' , - _ " "t V 'rr: _ the Masonic Hall near by for in London. . _ Mea _ , tb"?::,), V _,,', _ j V fellowship and lunch which "This thing will bring M V y T I.†- “WI, . Il8llltlllll t, "c/cr,-,; V was arranged by his step them closer to him," said _-ree . I C" tt r “i†'r""""")"')')",)'));,,,,,-,),", I'r7 daughters and served by Mrs Hogg "He can phone iV . M.,igNBjt),ic,,' rl, V "': 'rc b,"j,: their girls. his friends from school. I i ' , . , After. Ross' uncle. Mr. think for now it (visual ear) l, e S r 1 out . ' Albert Hargreaves and his will be used mainly for l liViVsle (5:14:34 1iiti.ss'//e'jd,1f contact with friends.." . Darren Hogg and his mother, Mary,. discuss the can communicate with other visual ears and TTY Chappell and son from She said Darren IS still operation of the y?ya.1 ear Darren rectived.froe the and TTD machines as well. Toronto came to the Kintore feeling excited about the Thamesford and Kintore Optimists. The visual ear mange unit. "He's Jtist thrilled with _ _---.".-'--....-).'.-.'- _------------------------" m. Some will remember Mr. it, _t'spractisinga lot," she _ _ Hargreaves as the mayor of sai . _"'" a: _ _ ', r . the tent city at the Interna- Bob Vincent, president of 1itc-11.1tzsu.tsr:1i.1-g..rgys Wed., Apr. 6, 1983 ' i lional Ploughing Match in the Thamesford optimists, .._ -r---.'H------r-rer_r._r-.-r...-r-.r_- _ ' t Oxford County. He was said they and the Kintore Vt ‘ , , - t given this honour as he had Optimists took on the pro- r',, _ _ ‘ F been a member of the ject after they had Lindsay ‘ . _..,', .e ' I J '.' V Ploughmen's Assoc. since Moir, principal of the Ro- A V , . s" , I ' . V its beginning. barts Schoolfor the Deaf, as l.' I V l » I ' ', . V TV _ _ - *- He won first prize in the a speaker at a January C' I, “was; of†I 3%». , horse drawn class on five meeting. Mr. Moir had ; . _ g' V, - A . A; I _ " tgilt , t, 1' t V it, "f I,', _s) 's";', ' 1 different y.ear.s and was a pointed outadeaf person on (: T J , 525', "giii.iiiyj/.,,,.,g kl 'r..',,,,!?!?):.;;,'.,).'-,??.).-' gs?! r-:"" 171V 1 ju1d/iie;eeishc)l'tsi' 1ig,hv,eli,' a farm without neighbors -ir/r Tiru! , " ' srGltigri,,,ii 'rfer,7r',"TsiyjTf: , Saith-iii (fj),'ii.'jir'ii,' 'ii"._" ", a. a, C _ him. _ close at hand, IS extremely t t _. . I ',' it i g ialtmii- " ra)ty!.:.i.t..'. . .s.lC.L(sr:.:":,':,v"')fx'i"i " . 2‘35 :4;-'_I',,._?’V ' Q ' _ He was a grower of helpless in an emergency. is l ' titRi" , " - 'S, "'ti; s .. " - we ', . a . . . The Heritage Stage held "_. . V T"' - 'lt" _ - , g _ u T . _ h - , registered seed grain on his . ' . . .. " use»; . , " u M, I V l , . . fr, ', I; Ii" farm near Beachville, Ont. m February, was.to raise _ H" I fly“. if? . " /.?1, 'dll V t A744 _ _v.o. 'r. if has , I and had a seed cleaning funds for the.?rejec..t, We "c, . ,I‘V - , ' l, w " Iii: I',-. (le. ti? Ei _ plant where he cleaned Mrs. Hogg said the family I , ' _ " I I .", ri','iClrriit ", V V grain for. neighbouring far- was wanting to thank the _ " V I N G . C _ ,1 . q . -.' TIE-“ff , merg, Optimist clubs for. ' x . _ ~ _ _ , Y:,': " ' .2 $4 ,5: He was called upon to "We're very grateful to l V V ' 3 . ":irl'i1/-','yff"C"? "'yC'i,JAi, . ‘ i, judge grain at fairs as well them," she said. - _ LEV ' , t if wm" .' _-,1"ic.erar'ic)Cr?:sic,et,iiftt, . Rt as grain in the field. . ,\ " . ' "‘ 'iff, Ilgtwt',5yi:,, e, V V {gs v"'"" ' ' _ . " i I Mr. Hargreaves raised lite-uit-ry-si-ir-tWm-Ihr/wh. Ll V ' t-I e '-..,I’ ' '/'d'i,'i V T t trx' ve it? - and bred Holstein cattle of 'Wed. Apr 6 1983 I It q . 'a l I)",-'):);?,""; is; , 'Nr,"' 9‘,“ Cs:'),:,'):),',')'?)',', a. i I the best calibre using the ' 'i-tct.:.)" “ is, -Ni l 'r','r: ke" In?†Q†I.: 'ii/s"'-,""') ,fts'v , form name prefix Alder- On Tuesday, Mar. 29, the / V "_','-.:'. ~°| T . '"rii";("rrt_'i3, q,Er:/i1,, 'il V V fij/ci' S l grange after the family Kintore Euchre Club finish- ' £3†I _/jr, V I 7; . " ." JPat'is" 's,"', Cs,',;"" ' l farm in England. . E2135 seascoh with a banquet l . V4 u . V 4 I 4 . gym V . 'iiiaitit . "ss, te I I l . in . _ w l The Town Crier, Church Thgfemxiresre U524? f ',arr' . l I "he/iii')-")",'), s E T is}, 'r' . e ("" _ Wednesda M r. attendance. ' . l , ' ' T -% V rMsh'-. _" /'r?i, I l . _ .___; g, y, areh 30, 191'c, Everyone then went to the a . / V V 'Cs, ", 5'4 V V tlt . V j) . V - '." l BY ROBERT PREIDT _ lngasonic fHall where several r"-, 'r "_"," G .,-i,-I"V a ttcis, 's '9, l _â€" 'ames o euchre were en- V "C'?' il, q I j 'cn T l The Thamesford Opti- joyed, V t _ i: " t J l V l 'f 'airrdllllllllrgl V I mists delighted an area deaf .0n Thursday, Mar. 31, the _ , u V ' V _ 't C " N t _ boy last Thursday when Kintore Women's Institute V V l , JI - "i V l they gave him a visual ear held a pot luck supper for its VV V V ' " T V V V C8 V I V unit, which will enable him members and families. It r, - , , . V V - _ i to use the telephone. was held in Chalmers United V , q x t ILV ‘. . " IV _ Darren Hogg's eyes lit up I Church. V t V- 1V l V. . W"'"""'""'-'; as the visual ear was re- . MPS. Glen Logan then ' V P V. ' ' V 7 V V vealed to him and he and gltrgduceg the guest speak-, V‘ ‘ v' I J V " his family spent a ood T, ev. oger McCombe of ANNIE OAKLEY, pla edb Carol 0 . . V . 'al I -',, portion of the night trgying iVsVVgerSOVV‘ He was thanked '.'f.8rrlie." (George Quyinn),yleft, an? 'l'yini1hi11t1l"i2g eg Aryie. Get Your Gun on Monday eve . j mghmachme out. j,h,eftseutvai'/h1t,i1ey. and Miller) during the staging of one of the scenes from the egins April20. ntuihgt t e VI - . I , sented 1v,ij"itafiaeUo7i'opprtt . hMrs. Mike Hyrniw opened taiVVd approved followed by It was decided to donate jiarringdm. / t _ . . . _ l a pin (nee. tint. l V t 33 '2f1,is1tsgleit0teiqlislifoti Poem. Roll call was pansg- , They Were notified of WWXWQQ also informed Ihr Royal Anthem. I of obtaininp th .cos weped. . Summary Day to he held in of the spring Board meeting l, g emachine. The minutes were read Woodstock on April 18. to be held on April 8 at