Kintore WI Tweedsmuir Community History Scrapbook, Volume 5, 1983-84, p. 11

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V , l:,' St Mary I A» L-ri. *Mmmtaerrm Z . _",,: _ . ve _ ' . , . . S Journal.. . were. "r.9 . rr Lf _ t " - , "gi Ill, ' ' " , ',t,)i.1,.1,:;/).gi,tit,agi,, lied., Apr. 6, 1983 rf'i/it,iiife1r\'i V . .em. ' . tt - ‘ ' ' . '31 . . . tt , . . t " _,""?: "Y Jr, l ~445.;4.“.{mufi‘z} _ _ IM " - . s 'l M, 9‘?” “ _ _ _ _ . - Ea i-',,, / Ciri,, _ _ -. 'tq ,..-..;oa.-'r“ W‘,.._,_Ez4¥’. 4:35;: " . _ _ . . / uul, V. ., .. it . , " , _ x _ T y c""'" V _ 4 " ' . . h ag r V" r! 'r _ 't? " " ‘5‘”? . V " > 'f, ', l: _ ":, '_v.'.: "C/ T L . I I 1' V ""," _,', ii.‘ itil? " . . '4. ' F T i «W ' - ', " 'ill . , :- "_-'": ,. ". ._ ', ' , :-" . .. _ l _ ,s,%""i'IlIi'irll, 'ilM ' Ell l . Y:mirr "in » . .. " ' /i'.","i:cifir',/i, ":,"''//ri,r:rclirtr,r,)rr1 _,.,,']-,,:'-; __-rr:.' .' "r. , My?” i l _ rg " lil" - ' ‘:-T"“~e5‘.7‘?:t1i‘4-‘.1’w..5§~’;2313":.:f.'.‘.€.‘uits. td we: ", _ .. 4' m". sag: , l t i.hfd _ ' _ wr , . _ 2 MII I . - P, FII - ' at”- " “ , I , n I It . . K “1 . s . I MI _ allml , 'r, - . . 'jp)r;ir,ii"t.i,s:", game's 5y. : "lil' ' Ri - I I . ' DRE _ 5 V . q ' . ' ' t ., ' b t _ - k,,is' "gh" t.ila%"rfji:' Jg-Lis", “few?“ . = 3. 'N " Bil - c, _ . ‘ I N t '; , I "r, ME {1(‘1 gig! " i! . . ' ":)i'iiiW,:,iisir)'ii'r?i'i",ir,?; ‘ffgi‘syg w . . . . - I h" , '& f 2 " - -» chESE' 3. l _ f . - " 4:51-41:54. ‘ ", I , . . l , "\l .i'ji, . \ _ I I tr-l"' I lllllllllll Illllllllll " . ' - . " Ill llllltlll 'i,srr' ti, ' l T '" tth d Il Maw” ah?“ lllllBllllllllllllll ' I ME Ill , ' l . 1 . " - tl r if , I irrW,. “it T 41.41» . " ' 52.4." ' , Ki 'I _ r . " MI " il' _ I , _ F .I _ 363:... 13512.,\ .., a 4 .-- C t J' . , ". , . - v. t ' V C i '. r ‘_‘. - , It ~ ‘ 5‘45._‘;t‘:'v , _",. ed; wrt ". ( 3, NIT-:4? F?, / " r' _ My Ft “is _ "I: , 5 "'it.'.isr " CHASE . V '""""""eriaatiiik'i"'t . ‘ j . ‘1" . _,' if“? V - g C': .4, ' proprietress of the Leslie Cheese House . _ l CtTrs J," " ,.,4 Uit' (r',..'?:. 'r')'iir; " I, I. Canada Export Development Plan for Japan. Mrs. 'ill/isles')?':':',):',:'; EDIE] of the . J iiiciiii iililRQ / l "i-r'", i'", _' F in Japan, and is making plans to export more cheese to thatcouhtfy. 1glr 53:23: r 2LN _"w ' _ t." "at... ", St M - ’ _ . 1t4 5537' 9 l . I, I. ""s . __ _'":, f9"'L. ' _ " i",rs . arys Jour - _ -e -, - t1llllllllllhl fl) {4: _ s", .44; _ . ll ' _ wwed __-r. 13 1833 "V iliriir] l F, as... _ r,itsi.'u1' 'vs;,., . , _r'(c" _ “ ks, "tilk/s,' _ - ' ' _ "e'-,, _ - . T l L' -. ti tr, r sttem'itrt:eaiejrsr, "' ‘5‘?" T: -,1 V t'n - J. ‘9" R .I " u LI ' _ q " ' " (rrr?i1y, ff!“ e,,-,,::,,))',,:",':',:"-:';,'-',', Cc' 's"rj/i-'s',,lr ;.,. , j, _'-. ,'s' .5 . ‘ tl .. . J, .. " ) . I"; l"' if"; _ v' . “2"" . h , l in)“; ‘e. " _ 5 -dil , _ ' . I a "rc"" "T . _. "C ', i n “‘5‘ ', I . A x IIT-ir? ' I; 5 ia'h __ 2 -. . ... I y! ' , . . . 4 " .' .f. ' , ._ .)‘. - , 1” .? . 47:31" " .‘t ", _ 'l,--, "'.. r . _ _ .. . ~ - .e. re F. . -‘ - / MI q ls. . _ _ _ ' - R "ellililMirl t - I I EL.rr: .498. “if- . . ll 1 :21. . . ' ' ‘ _ " : ' COYLA HJUtGREAVES of Kintore, a fourth cousin twice "rl BlgiiF..t:nl ' IB, - , 'rer, t E lr' fi)': , I“ q ,. IP. :44». - , .. 4 I MI ', JilR removed of the famed U.S. Cavalry scout and showman Illl Egg; I _ I [ial fig; i. ts", /-" ir??,') ', . ‘13 I , h . 'iBl ll not”, William F. Cody (Buffalo stutposes with actorBob Mille 'ill iilRiBl , - i F. 1lltl'ii5't; _ . _ 'ri- feti an, =sllllii, il _,/,!lril, who will play .Buffalo Bill in the coming Communit . , 23% ' " Mlm!, . 151-3 "a L . ‘91.”? . " ' @332. - bi'; Players production of Annie Get Your Gun. (Staff Photo) 3 Ilitrlt4l, I . 'IN, P. q Lrc":, ' a” ' '. I, -4. " at5, ' £959,131 3:35 ’ t r'", _ _ -.- . ' ._R_~ ate) 'llitr ' - IiiaEil . , . ‘l' l. ‘7. e, . * its " 5,," . . Bill 1h 3. “.15. l ir St M S J ---r-----...-- -- . ’ . Illii5,i'"/ "Mi e " ' - - v ilk? , it; ," {Tm wcrr--,-e,rti,e] . 4 Yv‘ixy- si A k2 'tia 'ii-h"--)?,,'),",'- ourr1a1:g.1ggys,, 19843 ' llltlMi, ‘ g a. . 3:45”: .2." mix; "ict"' 3‘} 4 . ' . .‘ig-ixi: . S r. and. Mrs. Chester Brantford, who is to be the ' if 1:4.1'351’ , . . ' torr l If _ A". c-mis' I EFS.", r 'i: . Crt. "r .34-"; MM,; ., ' teyens enjoyed an Easter theme speaker at the Mus- ' (tsir?) .1. - . r, ir if» “ y..,', l; i": . s? Jil, 'cr: “I ‘3‘”); 1. . Ittigti "82ilrri'jii'dtg Q. “gay“ m Lexington and 'koka Conference at Elgin ' .4 E, 'ill I I . 'llMllll tliiSt . , bi':,-" .4?- (Tr .':ifrtt: Li _ 'lrry _ csii 4; J Ilril I " "'P8 Is/ig,' 'ic, . ' . House, Port Carling, June 3, 33.”: tlt 5. F, £2.15 " ER“ -i,'/ f {a .312. $4 '34 sf..." :4. . " . . I 3, a; y s en‘fsEa in“ Jean Sir.ry 4, and 5. At Delawanna Inn .355... BFA": 'as Ci's',cNI :a. f'l: i it. , 7.7;“ 'l'; "t--' td" “- - IN I 3'~ rr. ',"' _ ie',) uncleslsllr _1a1tiktie 1:71!“1 June 10, ll, and 12, the THE ziiiiiiriiii"iiiii' was overall 'Ciii'ii1i"'i I P I I; . JaPc, .s, _ _y"r's: I I J hf 1iliIllllllr!lillll ' E; Tate and family. :1: ti1tgturitg'niv,.iil be Dr. points for the 12th Area Euchre Leagugrtshi‘sl Eggesvrhgg tl'd21Atigg, 13103113 1t'.geln, Dorothy McEvoy, . borough. 4 [ , . - were presented with a trophy' at the annual iLi u t an can obinson. Back row: Gordon' Mrs. Corbin Pearson and} Clixe Jatgutasn.dcsals tei Monday night at the high school. From left, front EOVE' gifgg 213: tl ghigiggh Ite, Itierr, 2 ary Baker, Alex , I . . n F gegninozlgzr Mfrts. Eva Tate Beavers and their leaders _ On Sunday, Apr. 10, the After the reports and the 'd,vltslt'/ftirsr,,'iatt at me- , wpeek with Ma emoon last for the area, was held at' Kintore Sunday School held correspondence, Mrs. Bill turned over to Mrs. Wood Resource Centre at St. I son who "5 FREE“? Pear- Kintore United Church, its Penny Parade service. McLeod gave announce- and Mrs. Corbin Pearson for Davids United Church, Nunsin HI m Tnme Brae Wednesday night. _ The children brought forth ments about the London +.t began Woodstock On Egastgmgl’l avistock. . The speaker was Mr. Jim their Lenten Period Penny Conference U.C.W. _annual wllh an i.nspirat.ional wor- She said. that in her life :7 th 'd . 0nday pfter- Borland of Kintore who is a Boxes and dropped the meeting on this week at Shlphf f.criptuSe, hymns and time she has learned how " "', 2003’ 11'd {nolndale Youth; lover of animals and birds. pennies into pails. Sault Ste Marie. With Mrs. meditation. Mrs.. Howard dependent people are on I Sign: Greals eader, Missy: He displayed many pelts These offerings will be John King, president', and Hepworth was pianist for other people. She advised us h Ki son, were guests) from muskrhts that he has sent to missions. London Conference at Cent- the evening. . to think how we can be ‘a . :of t e Ptofe:B.ro9rsdAe trapped near his home. The service at this point ral United Church in Wood- The_Senyor Choir under support person in other ' Youth 'ite and its leader, He explained his humane was led by superintendent stock," May 13 and 14. the direction .of organist, people'slives and she closed Pastorl argreafv es. After way of trapping the animals Gail Walters and 'Magic She advised that those Mrs. Day. Irvine sang a reading Philippians 3: 12-14. swig IIT",',." volleyball' which killstthern quickly and Penny' was sung by the interested should get tickets negro spiritual entitled /'.1 She was thanked by Mrs. at . . u er School, re- gave the history of these choir and congregation. forthe banquet immediately Wanna Be. Ready" with Victor Woods and presented freshlments. fire served at animals. Camp forms were handed The Moderator of the United D'Arcy Irvine taking the with a pretty begonia. Mrs. the ome I gl .l,1fitod: Mr. Borland has a flock of out,for the May 20-22 camp , Chdrch of Canada, Rev. solo part. Woods 3150' expressed This .wasf . 'i,,. atter's final Canadian geese on his pond at Bimini. For further infor- Craig McDonald, is speaker. . The speaker of the Sven; appreciation to our choir meeting t _ season. which are' at times seen mation contact Gail Walters Billets for this conference: mg was Rev. Ann Estille of i and to the north west group t,ef,,ofhighttitint,art't are flying around to the enjoy- or Alice Weir. , ' are needed also for people9 Hickson introduced bvalrs. for the lunch. ' Church, Monday eve: nited merit. of the people of StsMarors Journal-Argus, from a distance. The roll, Wallace Heron. Mrs. Esti.lle Mr. David Barrows a. - Ings at Kintore. He has to have a- ' call was answered by an told of her own life saying candidate for the ministry 8 pm-Fra‘ k D license to keep these birds WedleE?‘ 20, IM3. . Easter thought. yrs. Ralph that if God speaks anywhere from Kintore United Church Milrlar rga yer and Pap- and there is d heavy fine, by ‘ Kintore U.C.W. held their Wood gave a report of the it is in our personal lives. now finishing his theology in tor . g t SveS attended a law in Canada, if anyone Easter Thankoffering meet- many people visited recent-, She told of individual Toronto was a guest at the , meegggrih t'WDaWdS Unit.. destroys one. ing with Lakeside ladies as 1y. _ people who had influenced manse Sunday night _ ed hm k Oodstock to - . . . -- -.--- Itheir‘ guests. Second Vice The meeting C was then her life. When she and her At time of writing Mrs meet WI ev. Crossley of '., President, Mrs. Gordon "=, family lived in the United Brock is a' patient in ii. . Weir, conducted the meeting States, she studied and was Joseph's Hospital London: opening with a' poem "Some- ordained a United Methodist We wish her a; speedy _ body Loves You" followed , minister. Mrs., Estille P.?"lrecovery. . by a'sing song. "l _

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