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C .t ei! 74-7 'ri. q â€if" ' -m _ ' crN at»? l,. C " " _ _ ' Rr- 1,. 4. . , k: lf b"t'r,ilr, . .; irid. C , . I“ ra ' 'irccs, " . an - ‘7'; fir-(ref;- i' tig u. ' 4 .a'e, ' " - . ' . " T /.s) "s H il, 7i: "FC-":' "’ [SI - , _ "., . l ' EBeEmlll , > _ ' ’ , , _ . , . . x _ 'l ‘ J _ “a h . V, 7 ".r("4 " at, "-3.". _ 'Lea it? , s' t a . . _ tpet - 4!» 'OP. - wr rr . - kWh dry,†‘- M, . l - .4, _ C " _t"yiiirf. My - ' ', ‘, . " th' " 1tgllltNMrl , " ' ' " , _ - l - MRiif I - . C c . Crfr" . f . (jj::, (g g.†- a Eiiid .4317“ g " / . I was“?- r....- _ " " == 'l .-" nor-"‘65 ca = WI ' - " "s' _ityr'r' ":s12:Jt 2-2,; I "a. " _ , 4' 'j.' a . ‘35 we?" . - . as. - - ", ', . e - IMilitt , 'ft. â€My x . a. r'. M? T Ir, an. :-"-i At.rt:ytrigt'v'iSq 'r) h" Tova. ". t .. _ Lucy . " M, " ' " " q - NBaBX . fine 'rs-cl “e- ' .. , Ile, '1r"if . , G as"! rdekc, t,y2iifft:it19, g ’ 'b: v.2 .. "i' = r r r, - I " "r . - IB" AE "' -= r, ' r " r"'-t" C - "tl w“ Iii') ‘ fic:,] ', , .iRfg,,ti,ei,'i,'fitU.8tirFi??d;h' " I " k At 424‘.- ' BltgiiliElrii llililt = = g . I - . 'l.llillM, 7' ea. . ', g r""..7"_'_l.71.§f' J. ', . "I-' IlllllrlgEr; "t'r'C, ' 'ya, " Ei%lttliE?? 'Iris-lat a k') I - R'ifai'dilNl -. 3 I - , . " . 3 - - - " " 42 . . .-,0 q awn/4' . .v',lrTF' - - -..,..-'.-..='. "c" ' - - “ma â€_-..‘-.,,-‘- Jaw 1- fd . i "ditgl%8t " limit l " _ " - Cl. I 2 ' I " V “is? r: '.lEf,?,'r:Ttift'l'?a. _ 'r"". C? _' . 1tliillglBi"'t'ttTis'i1i _ 'jj-i,,-,,!,?,:)-, _ c, 'm, .' 'A?ltallMilllM * ' ' " J ' » " " 'lt, Illr q 4 Iilt Trr :iy,' - rg ’ sre',s,2ar.:' _ ',5iq.lle,,'.,,"i),i,i,,),,, 4- Ir, -- _ .' . . _",' â€N" 's.g'i'2i "gnaw-.24.. . _ T "rs,, .. '. r 4 . .' .. ’2, r .635..- » 3. . t - . =Iu - r- C Ti H1. CeC/i'v'iri _ aE we»: 9, Ai/art __ . - "'r :. ,- IM. . "N 'tWy7t,5i',j.'frSN. "-'C, "-, 'id", 3 . I " ’ ’ . I . . I ' . L" . - TVV r.. ' Il . V br, lf .r. Lta. tea-Ly _ v , = _,,:1.' C s/r,,, "I", r", 1r1r9ru'7cTt-:C" F - 'ttlib'-'.":?,?.?;.?.,';)',),':'.).?'"'. - LiNii '93? I“ _ A hobby strictly for the birds. e ra " e 3, 4 an 5 class of Dianne Mann, at A.J. Taylor, Jason Urea, Richard McLeod, Donna Ell . . Baker Public ' . l _ d; Driving home from London, I noticed a row of bird houses on a di l E lSch:ol m Embro, has been study mg and Laura Ieynn Pye"?". The students are httim ence in frontof a home on the outskirts of Kintore. me. leva - ng an for the past few weeks. Part of travel to WoodstiRek May 18 and 19 when a Boar; The sight of the rustic houses intrigued me so I turned the car their work was to construct medieval castles, whieh Education medieval festival will he held at Souths into the driveway, told the Chief to cool his heels, and went up to the this group did quite aptly... They are from left to Park. ' door. _ right, Brian Gregory, Jayson Whittaker, Laura ' - t-.F--.-r- I was greeted by a very pleasant Ruth Calder. In answer to my . 'P _- ‘* ' _ - ,. _ _ - _ iiibrgsiiiii; 1:; T "h' "i': _ s: _ if 5 questions about the bird houses, she told me they are made by her , - q . 'Eti)ri1,'ii,i','ii,t . m' "te,', V i' hugshaa,iuross-whtrtiisNa_y.s them at thtrfrtmCatCtltaithorrto in the T , ' Gi' Ka ' 'rl "ii Mi'i'tiisiliCii:jls):,- ".""'d . E Cir,'::.': ic', ,5 hope that men in their senior years, retired and without a hobby, will , V' "iijaTil , vi rp, - . I Ilrifi,(i',:j?i:l'si,iiCj',xar _ _.'- ' ' consider taking upthe making of bird houses. I ' - _ Buiiiiiiffi E, , 2; F . * . Ross was away whenlcalied. but evidence of his interest in bird. - ' ‘ " " iiS †H “at q .fo c yr, 1lBilill E _. " , E, _ . C CR! , i, [ watching was in the yard where a bird house sits on every post and a . . ' g . . Qty " ltlti , v' cue Illia " - " " ... ' , _' V 4' r.",-' "g. If!†(C.'; i large feederstands outside thelivingroom window, P rr " MI , 'l MSE, g " , "- †" . I " ’ M' ~ F": I. Js: " <61... M ' l Ross and a friend have placed bluebird houses on the concession _ E u P T '""_ _ ' ("y-'51 , iiiE5a ‘ , 8 & n I 4 I Nllt ' r Kilea" 'tll" , 1tR2 l roads in the hope of encouraging a colony of bluebirds to nest. in the _-r -8 ' a!" H It ' --1- 'aFts?r, g. , . ii , I " Itll - 7 '_, / ) area, Bluebirds are very rare in Ontario since their nesting places, , _ iElriiEi b ’ T ftt'rr,t.i' "iirj,? hi , - I l “1:“; F . /.' ' were removedto“improve"farming. , ' "" [aq _ ._ / k. "c-i?,,;,'):"),,?"",',-, ’ †'" ‘ _ . ’5.-. Ross has also placed bird houses on the fence posts along the - i; t 2 ' 4 'at, _ _" " 3 L54 4“- " - 4.5-"?- ; highway leadinginto Kintore. Itis quite apparenthe gives the birdsa ’ ', _ - titil', if? L _ T',, - . NI .. , . T g _ I ' . " - . _ great welcome back with his rent-free homes in which they are in- .3 . jk, ~ 'Bi" 5 E . A?, .',". '5, l :i . '.uT.: I a _ . til?,, _ l vited to nest. " _ . " ' it... C, i t ' . l. , ' Ci'rir'cr.c-'t, ‘ Sl . 33 ‘ Three years ago Ross suffered a heart attack which forced him "te _ WW, Perl a" ', LW- - " ax '_ f: W? ~13 to give up his job as first tree commissioner for Oxford County. In . ." - 4 ,2, I -- V page 5 _ , . " Jr?. .: _ this job he advised people on tree lots and other means of con- , ', ' . ’ 3 'm My... 3:, -.'a' "c. Es?tr 'kri'l . aâ€; servation. A retired farmer, he has lived all his life in the Kintore 't , - . . _. Illtr" " f C? t if†"r t q 'i' .._ y-ur area, and while he has had to curtail some of his activities, he has " . y E , , ' EI!- 'r't, ." 'C'ii,x/"i" , g ’ _ maintained his keen interest in conservation. , " ' ; " __ , ; " _" C:: fe' _ â€'3. .-- p F, 4 Ruth says her husband finds the making of bird houses a '.,'t,: l, , f ' is“: . 'i'1,':rtl',rii'i1.'s.1si" titg , .- . relatively simple hobby and recommends it for retired men who & . ' . _ ' . Ps u,,,iiid1lFtft"i78, ', want a new interest but have only limited space in which to work, _' . A; 5 ' , tt . ~ 44... _ srfiar " , "d â€in The bird houses can be made with minimum equipment, and a shop C ii, A f _t.r' a " ' r - gray-*5†'c,"cttetr, LFcf,5s?/?dtciii?5,iiiisiiixa, it: 'l ’ / can beset up ina corner of the basement or garage. ' ll , , A' , l l t ..4.j'7.â€:;§,§ “V“‘t; jc'r'f â€M = .’ . " st c. _ _ _ Ruth enjoys her husband's enthusiasm, stating she takes great . ’ t .'r" . . _r'dlt . ' - IllllrlNrfiglllllEv,st,:i'e"l'iii"teiritsi, vias33145?%?,’x5 " _ its. , _ pleasurein seeing him happy. F _ h _ tiit . " ' â€â€â€œMV†" Ill “We 'i'i'ii'iglt gm? k, "Rr. I - , [ . "Ross can work at his hobby anytime he feels like it," she says. i ', s'i.,,,rji,ril:s,i,i' . 'dl-Ill tt MP, F. * - at - I _ ' T Iiriiiiii'li'lriiriiiiit “s..- het it†cr ' I "He thinks many men who retire without an interest simply die of _ x F'ft1siiir"' 'lr,:,',')",',':,';,'",):'),,,, $% Iait'i'ii, kata! I - LN ‘ - - - - IN fit-4 , - 1 _ boredom." , . _.._ F, u r:' 'r. 't a, M . I 'ia" gl?l, l as _ediiitelti '-":' I , T IiiiiiiiiilllSlSBlt,a “1‘5" Ruthtefers to her home as "the house of chips" but says as long , T .. », it: '. '?,'lt,'ittj,i.isci' 4-in-3 “a; I . IlllllEEi2iiiigllEcii' :' 1..“ a - I I . " â€if?†' "“9. .rsErrd"t,il'e' Inâ€; as woodworking keeps Ross enioyin life, she doesn't mind a little . trep 7 .'. I l F,iTWP. fMa - _ - V b" - . ' iMiiiiT'Eri'a'i,'ii5'l','?i'i_ 7 "si-iii 'ij';") 'r-IC"" _ir'r'e'r-,-. ' l swee in u . ' g This group of students also participated in a _ Tta' = ."cs" _.'"."-""':' N “a†_ t p g p. . _ - _ class-room stud f . . isha Rea, Paul Cooper, Tina Sim Che lStee / ' Along with the houses for birds ranging from swallows to wild _ yo medieval England, by building a Andrea Bolton Kent Wood , ' ry. f , i ducks, Ross has a unique martin house, simply made from rounded castle. They are, from left to right, Teresa, Seott Wall , , Jeff Barnett and T, l ', blocks of wood still covered with the bark, \g-W ". . l The doorways to the different apartments are now plugged with -- _ --------i--" i paper to discourage sparrows from taking up residence before the i, Martins return. i If you are interested in developing a hobby that will enhance l your spare time and help conservation, why not do as Ross Calder 3 has done and take up a pasttime strictly for the birds. .1 P