Kintore WI Tweedsmuir Community History Scrapbook, Volume 5, 1983-84, p. 13

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. . 7 . " _ . Town Crier, Wednesday, April27, 1983) /,_s_:,_r,,_,,,,,:,_,:i:sst,ss, over. In rushed very preg- Sunday-dt Ki t . J: I g . _ . . V "N,, '3‘. 1 R , Led, Ecliblie Steele and Church the sgfgigliltici giarie was with its "Sarah's : . ‘ _ . . , K' 'i ‘ ' 'll-:, ., ' n anet Andrews Infa . ', "C e". ' Q . ' t » . s) ' ' '_':,,',", \{jI-z‘v‘ig if only to find it a false alarm.) 01mg; "tfist Iwas p .err, A discussion was held on i ‘ t a» L, 2". _'i',i',iji, a.» s,i::,"3,, . s llltl Then who should walk in but McGee dangling”? TAM the church basement 5 a; ",y,1rr t"- v, "., I"""'" "lei/is:,"), I g or I Joanne Stevenson, straw hat and Shirley Mche Org window curtains and the , ---. F. v,,' _ , ‘1: L; IL, with . i and all, who picked up nurse Dana Bronwyn dau lit anf buying committee was I g .. ‘ g 'tic' _ . "l, ,, . i i Susan and carried her out, , Dan and Ba b l ' g er 0 asked to look into prices etc. , ' i% __ 1 _ei, I, 2: E 'rgl, - 'rl bringing the skit to a close . Y' rvme. . , for new ones. ' M' " Swag»? (tar? . ‘ . , The f.hoir, gave special The roll call Was t' T use . ai'titi1 i. . caliiladtti? then read a poem. tg,'.iecerj,t,i by organist answered by a fact about ., t, . 'tAf, W,-" . , Little Things" and . rs. an Wine: The Lord the South Pacific and the _ " _ t. ttit:t:' invited Nancy to take the is my Shepherd," by project was for each . " » s I 3;?“ of honour. Judy. Irvine ,r'r Thotmats j2,ttri' with solo member to bring in 11/2 - 2 . __ ' ./ " to1111‘? a next-door neighbour . tf, S 'l e? Sy Mrs. Alice yards of thin dress material _ "' . . talkiancho read an. address ,Aih‘gar Rotl dtrathroy and to be sent in a bale. , "L_ did angl‘a l ut_the things they Ne”: . u ege and the Margaret Waud read part of . , , 2 - _ sch l ittlegiris and then to F g (I; Msplrltual Home a letter from a child the - KR, ' so an oo where they were in Rgun ' Lost Sheep by group fosters in the South , Na orc estra an? then sthIOHM Johnson was Pacific. . _. T IM V qq a my went m training to be sulrd.'y Drs. iflngard. . The study was on the F. ' . . h l rse. 'Jane and Susan . oug as Spearin South Pacific and was given , . \i illt eped with the gifts and attended the 35th Officers' in dialogue form as Mrs b t . . 'LH, pinned the bows to an apron fgitigirve this? at the Corbin Pearson interviewed , V. . _ . while the younger girls. M 313113 'l" aterloo on Mrs. Jack Knight wh ' " iu, ' . present carried the many l She has: Ell played the part of a nurs ‘ . gifts from all around the the Ki t6 eegate from who went to New Papua as . "s3 community to Nancy to be Instit t n ore Womens tutor. telling of he Illllllli KI unwrapped. . The“ eidel t experiences. She said tha N i . ' , Atxthe close, Nancy mod- _ treated to 'Itf/'s were everyone is responsible for I i I y , - ‘2 eled-the apron of bows and . "Iolanthe" res (tipélrettia others, sharing everything. . l "i If. I K. thanked those present in a Waterl 0 if) den ft .N There is now a move to I i- . . a 'i; MI few well chosen words. She Secondgfi thorl P istrict the. cities, said Mrs. Knight, , . i' i . iiivited all to the open house, Ontario y c 00 0 Baden, Emmi]: sometimes means a . . . ' er mother was having for . . rea down in their _ li' r. _ '_/R' her and to their new home tstvtir1,e,feig zitéended extended family living. was Ei u /"i?iiiivr,'i,'i(jrécaltllllllll, rr "D ii sometime, near Ben Miller the Emblevemgn Cash is needed for 32’ ', ' sr,'sr'ri)'si_ii;t'r'iji,i1liiJilMllIlllll, . " J 'd Inn in Huron County this C t Srot d ommunitv. purchases made. Traditions :5: . ' tiii'sr'/iiittiiisMlill - . 3' r. Lunch was served and a Mrs Joseph Unholger were' the men eat first leaving the a 2 ' s I ' i 5 - time of fellowship was had. the leaders of the Kint re 4H children to take whats left. "lt, - _. / 1 . ris,"liii:j)j,i,lali1lll. 2 tit A community shower was girls o Thus their diet is not a 'rMllr . ' ra"li'a - dl held on Saturday afternoon Mrs Win V balanced one. The language in”; - " 'l h ctei'iks-lil" . annatter last . " . ,, . . he? ' g v!ri'yitar-lll. i for Susan Ralph. Her mar- week was dinner guest with IS pigeon English. this I!), _ . ili'ic'iimll . _ 'f?'. .rc'T'a% riage to Stephen Bergeron of Mrs. Eva Tate Christianity is experienced tits,, _ 2 . - London will take place at Mr and Mrs M daybyday. i. _ . - Luff-.5 if)". Btt " » . . . ax Tate . - , - 1rjji,ii,i_'s',i),Nlllll 2 mam": Church Mlay M. and family of Scarboro were MDeVgii‘Ons were taken by _ V . . . . . __,crs.tcC,Ccs-9tNt . ues s were we corned by M , rs. en Logan and M . Thamesford OptimistCliibpres1dentBthi-ncentholdsachair for Brownie Jenny Mrs. Cecil Pearson who dighgirssundDS; guests for Joanne Stevenson, with Martin during the Brownie-adopt-an-Optimist - Optimist Respect for Law dinner, chaired the program. These _ . Mrs. Robert McDonald held lest Thursday at St. John's Anglican Church Hall. The Optimist Club .lyerf Sue's sister, Mrs. Wed., May 25, 1983 reading. the scriptures. members werepairedofiwithBrownies from Thamesford Second Pack, which is David Mott(Ann) and her Sunday afternoon Ma Joanne m her meditation . ' y d . sponsored, by the Optimist Club. daughter, Brenda from lug: 8th, a meeting was held at gal that the. people 1n th.e St iid, , '. _ ersoll, Frances and Vicki Kintore United Church to with Pacific take their W Wed., May 11. 19:13 “as. segues. gave 'ten)i1)cieiryDaatyBil11gi, “a viéntiié“?iiii only: f; The ladies of the Kintore- tau _ some ver inf rm ti d- we? en take art in th h , _ . ght the course herew Mrs. La - . y .0 aivela l sponsored by Klntore p e C urch. Winnie“ 'l Institute enjoyeda thanked. ere home from“: 'lt', 2ttu,rvng woe to the bride to be l." a _ Sunday School. Several hymns were sung po uc dinner recently Mrs D S . 2 p wes, humourous reading.MuSical Su e . t d . and prayer offered. which _ . pug pearln told of where she attended th p rln en ent Gail M . was followed by the the s rm b d . . ' numbers by the younger Walters vill b , rs. Heron introduced annual meeting. hostedp byg Bt)t12,dlrtsigr glide? fwedding of an oh crowd showed their talent mother D\il‘lect0rse it: Mrs. Misir from Windsor .PreSid-EglthI‘sd' Mike Hry- men's Institute hel‘h a: irdfliot'od lend m Brandon and were much enjoyed. were J63“ Morris 35d Milt 2,o 21 arrived to attend l mw preSi e an Mrs. How- Harrington The .' . A piano duet was played Lette id e on on conference at . . . speaker Mrs. Win Vannat . P.1ge. . . . '"fdej'gt'i'itd was pianist. noted the value of sending in dinner guest of 1:4: WEI: by Paula Whittaker and Religious instruction will 3:32:11 thUlEPht As it Is the bef e pee was resolutions which are re- Tate last week . Cheryl Steele. Shelley Steele be under the direction of h 0. more UCW to sungd ore the dinnerwas quests and ideas from re- On Ma 3 'th Ki playedapiano solo and then Pastor Ross Hargreaves Lave a birthday cake for selil7f 1a'gailt2gtylt ' search. made by the other Sunday 'sU'a 1:0", 'eg, :hetand Cheryl played a and Jeff Duncan of reeiegugnstroe,'wfo""i11 the secretary's remetrgag gestmittees to get action beautifully decorated in yer: “Embers of the Jr Choir gtraltford. Counsellors will Woodingford Lodge 12 the correspondence M11215 Riéalevientuallv change laws. low and white streamers, led by Gail Walters sang al 13¢: {Inger Hewitt,. Brenda' decorated cake was shown Robert McDonald . Spoke this iiztinS,1eieti1dptdrttnt of bells:. little yellow parasol special song to Susan to the Bonlnie J,"igsyLif2'"i,'ef,'.1' and then Mrs. Bob Irvine about several concerns the iiG'iie b e to have and little watering can and tune of "Red River Valley." Tom McL d K ith . y, was congratulated on the . first being The Dryden Fai mittee m ers on this com- yellow flowers for the In the choir were Kim Wood t Ken Wheat, k el Quinn, recent course in music she which is an Institute r . Th . shower of Nancy Landsdale Jenny Stevens Robin Weir, ', M ki 'd a er, Andy took. 1 . POJect eroll call was answered on her forth . . , ’i ar m an Scott Oliver M to hep children overseas by the a . x . coming mar- Paula Whittaker, Cheryl and from the vario any women around the The meeting learned that . the Jo2,'lnyg7rti(eft'i'.t't,i riage to Mark Kerngihan. Shelley Steele. They were surrounding churches. us county have been preparing " Fulhiyotie was] the father committees read thzg‘nglhs U)tdee,1h/u),nttgi21, womfanied by Carol [ The May meeting of gingorrhixlne Cfgeg: le, l 0 y payer who nual reports - F pa e itta er. Kintore UCW was held at avours or when he \ was t . t . _ manner, was in char e the Frida ni ht ban net _ overseas, had collnallhesléing thMrs' HP”? Weeks read the program and regd If Wee Russell tgi, Alana st',', 110th of Mrs. Wallace when aboui] JllftlJdllg to _ on little children wh h loo e auditors report and poem "Love in bloom ,, She Hopson sang a l e ac Ion eron, e president M.r.s.. hear the moderator of the ‘ little that he made: ad so Mrs. Nelson Hopson gave asked'Nancy to intro duce' song and delighted every- Arthur Land opened with United Church of Canada with a helmet and peaulint :he rer.Htof the nominating her mother.As her brides- oni'i, ddr t S w 1hoerkg,"igrd,','.Grandmoth" the Rt. Rev. Clarke ment for a child 3mg] Hoammittee after which Mrs. maids were unable to be “a ab es: ah 'ltd a: ' Mrs Howard H h MacDonald. The favours would sell for $25 Th theta, T.hOrnton conducted present, Nancy told who w: "U'? unable to sge .played at the or heg,?"it, were key rings around each Institute decided to donate meet_ection of officers. The they would be. Paula Whit- w :sent and was read b if singing of “Praise "i, e serviette with a plastic logo enough to pay for two kitse Royallngntlfgsied mm the taker played a piano solo by glam McGee a school chuii’i Praise Him" Minutes grid of Oxford Presbytery. After discussion it was ' Bach and Martha read a fSue's. corres araa were-read Mrs. Blanche Anderson _ decided to bgy a large coffee .l1rttt.,i.sjlf,..t..ig.r.d,., 1983 stlory enltiltled "True stories 0 Frances Hough and Janeiiii by Shifley McKinstry an: Mtrs. I??? Tlate (Emailed '; ker an a . . . T , aways a en to SOmeo . 'ij . . a us rip o u en ar ens l s','il'l,"d' one. medium- When working in his field else." 02501 Whittakre: helped eiuvtih,t,hregnattlti'ii.i.; m'2ta/'Jitt1erihl UCW in Whitby, with the St. Mrs Geoff Win dal recently, Mr. Harvey Waud played a piano solo gifts carri to er y t 'tii' WI f e on Julie was well illustrated on . d the vari e As- foundaballoon from Amelia . . younger girls. ‘8 at Happy . Hills at the big cards to us "In the cribe ous articles Elementar School P Jane Mcgee was the nar- . 'i2j?iP, hall beginning at 9:30 a.m. . . - made for the rug-braiding Amelia Ohio USA'TilI/i" rator of a humourous skit Pat and "hm McArthur, The lunch will be pot-luck hosg'tals grass mats are ummary. day which w , , l . . r. . . Sandra and Susan of Cal- . .. . use on the beds", said Mrs. 'lll's'p1'i'ir"ik. The leaders Vega an1.Mrs.. Waud intend on it??? ngrsing as Nancy Is a gary, Alberta, spent a week anal It rthgl1fi,is,', Come Big Knight. She indicated that 1 0 writing to let them know e. a lents were Grace an a e 13 . M. . . . i ' He w th d at the home of Mrs. The" t , arys Senior Citizens Ir a - l I ggweufsr the b lloon MEWS“ the?" magi-”hag; McArthur 8 parents, Mr. was 'Lt/Jer/el/rs, “396$: recently. I V . . , . . . t -- e Vivian McDonald and Susan aiy,tisg)extltLrdaed _Tindale. Mrs. Bill McLeod i Mcgee found difficult to turn the Shaden and Gigmac told, bhotw inipiringU (his ', . . . pres y eria wedding m Tillsonburg. conference at Sault Ste.

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