The Lakeside Lark; volumes 141 to 160, 1968-1969, p. 3

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I IC"; u 7111_____11..1. ,,.__,_1 .1111 " ' , _e'ey'Mtqr"3trTt_"eT-'m'-r' - 1“, -11. " - ‘ " " . - _ I . y n " , V u _ '. Ir, . my} T il)),') , [hh r--.--.--..------""'-----"-----. -t.-.---"'"" , " " . ~~>‘I~ "s'""'"'--"""""-"'"""""'""-"-""---,-.-., W‘- - ..- ”a Ir) . . scy".7.ea. m . .... . 1-.....» "je.' »-..x.’1"<;" _ " 'e "l i l -iistf,i' 'i.ll'f"t1riti"gi" tlie f, V, *,- " ' q c,, 1 w“ I?! 1" ", , . tu, , J.) l 3 . l, 3 Egg lat) ‘Hi lei:))' (YATAM ' _ l . s I i tf A). ifl “or [iii; "1’3 ' A, - 1.- g" . . 1.. '1 .4 yi ce" J l. 1, 4.? / f f' 3 f. I , {I "7 tsu.Au 5:17;? 13...} - , o V. . .5}; x il / ?ai-'rVytf.r't; A ' / tr, g t ( <. ' t . p' v'" / f 's' "' [y. ", . " Cy i, / (ici ( / 1.-iC. /1/’ c; c,tr-"c,e,sr. _A?, , / (mun y k 'il I V ‘V a! V, y, iF) h., J) h pc'"""' ...: .47..” s.,.,A'Ut,i' atr.L,,..,,,s2'erssf.'C,t, . ' .-'rq.--r-i-r-mr-e_rerr-wre--..ra-WqPr.' . 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