f _ . [ . , V l _ " ', _ -- lWom‘ en s. nstltute Fou On February 19 In ." ', 897: BRANTFORD, Petr, 1iy--Worneretion meeting of the Money Creek. Institute memiaers throughout formation of In, 1rfir,t,1,,i.r1tif_ for: i',r . _ . women song ese. nes; ' '. ' _ 15etrtern Ontario will be interested Women's Institute on February lib/ A "_" -_ - __',_,,, 1 to recall that February 19 marks 1897. Mrs. Headless aetetYoi f" __ __- -_-" -----"erhT -- q, -__ _"-"" ) the 57th anniversary of the found- women and one man, Erland Leg; 1 ing of the tirWWomen'a Institute “Shogdwa: 'il,',':'?,""',',',' 22 was! _ ' ' eec e onorary res en an l in the world at Stoney grate}; The Mrs. E. D'._ P1tly' president. _ l, l CE 'iS. Ai CE A, N t ' Institute branches f, Bran mm y In 1899, Mrs. Hoodless suggested] l, p, '. -. a l take particular pride in.the fact that the Women’s Institutes ask, 1., f2 . "I Ps%ill ' 2 that Adelaide »I-lunter H9°dless’ the Government to provide toe the",, i Ti trd ' 'ill EFsti . 5 founder ot, this organization, scientific education of women by! l " f 4 7., , ", which is today world-wide, was al establishing a women'a department‘; _',, $St , if v' . ; native of thiscounty. _ at the OAC, Guelph. She "t! 3 'tei rdh = // ll. , i '. a . * * . . preached Sir William Macdonald, "ge, - LE Far? . i The birthplace .and childhood of Montreal, and he was so inter; D C CE " _ i home of Mrs. Headless, now owned ested that he contributed $200,001 T l i,' by Mr. and Mrs. JohnMiller, Mr for the building at Guelph n0W| _ I situated about a half mile wedi of known as Mecdonald Institute. t l l t the junction of Highway 5 and The now-familiar motto, “For! l, --t---"-.-q-re--c------ -_--e----, -------e- c--------------" l 24, on the Bl“? Lake mad’ 'rf,'riHome and Country," was adopted} I St. George. It 'stands on the no.rth,'in 1902, through the suggestion ot! l side of the roadklot 14, eoneessifonlGL' Laura Rose Stephens, first; i A, containing 50 acres ot. land. 'iiiii2ei,d"flQl lecturer. Mrs. Hood-; i barn is directly opposite on the[less was convener of the committee. i smith side of the road on lot " to discuss the matter. The next: l concession 2, containing 90 acreslyear the emblematic pin was I The frame house contains f.'ig1t'ie1eeted. It was designed from al i rooms, four on each floor. Assignet ring worn by Mrs. Stephens " centre-hall from the front door i[and bore the motto and the 1tllillm i the plan. The main dodr of the owr (Ontario Women's 1nstia.llll l house faces south. The west win- The colors were clear cor '1»; ; dow is the living room with a blue and gold. il _ bedroom at the north, while the p . f ' , ‘ F easttwindow is the dining room, 52 tlil , - -.- --'-" '; with the Mtehen ?t the back. . Lf $332523; Soggyhad Mr, 'd, ' 2 .". , The woodwork m of a very tine the teaching of domestic, science" M ' sr o I. _-l, ', type. A large oval areh separates started in public schools and a! V _ ' , the dining room and kitchen and ermanent school of home eco- . -.-_-.--- , ii at one time there Was a three- goalies established at Macdonald The following is a brief history (i': section door in the arch. A long Institute Guelph l, of Lakeside W. L: ' i half-storey shed at the east of the B t he felt . the need for a i A meeting was held at the home , kitchen has been" torn down. u s . . ltd the late Mrs. F.. G. sedtrn for l ' . ,course at some university to g1ve lthe purpose of o anizin ‘W t Mr. and Mrs. Miller bought the‘more advanced training in house- _ , In tit rg g a o- I home in'Oetober, 1945. Previous! l Th G nt was mans 'I'. ute on Peb. IO. 1911. The, C th Pall Robinson te1.i1e,.',it.ee.e. e o"?."".'.' county representative, Mrs. Git.., 'r owners were. e ' ’npt willing to commit itself to helm was present to help organize: 1. Burnaby and Keirle families. 1ttli'i'i'ndi expenditures. So, as: usual, and to address the meeting." The: 3‘ Keirles purchased the propertyle. Hoodless set out to find the; following officers were elected: , t frdin the Jhanter family in 1905 capital. While she was pleading} Mrs. Jane Beaton, honorary presfu i, nnd remained,until 1938. ' with the women of Toronto at a dent; Mrs. P. G. Beaton, president; ( . ' t . ." ' special meeting at the Federation if“: i',',yit,aAi?ht,1,"'tilahl', ‘vice-presig , Adelaide 'Hunter Headless was of v - Me lubs, on February M, l t8en , Ties n all; Murray, secro; ,.) one of 13 children of Mr. and yrylihiMl. ped dead on the plat- lhellsd'. the 'lid't""s7e'E'esJ2,'1 to be 5 David Hunter, who are buried mifor,{k I ’ Imonth. There was a 1's,lll, 9:51;: ,E the" old Presbyterian cemetery ati 10‘ 20. At each meeting papa réw ere E Bt. George. Her tet? were read by the members, music, etiu, f university men and Adelaide grew with a special speaker several timeit" Lap in a homerof culture and un- a year. t compromising 'Presbyterian ethics. On Sept. 13, 1915, it was decided l She attended the German’s School to turn this society into rigged I in South Dumfries. [Cross and. the eime was spen . Loss of her first child, whose, linking material for hospitals death at 18 months was attributed) DECK� boxes for the soldier l to lack of knowledge with regard', tings were held tw G , i to proper infant feeding, was a. f _ ' f r, dominant factor in Mrs. Hoodless' '/c,,fdu1i'1t7h'/,1ttll, 2:125: I desire to bring within reach of all certs, collections, total." E the education necessary to prevent . , which Went toward Red: l, such tragedies. She approached ( Cross work. In, the year 1920.1? ': the Department of Education urg- l was re-organized as the “mama: E ing that the' rudiments of home- [Institute Through the efforts iii 2 making be taught in the public Ethe‘institute a public library dit"tgr 7 schools. But she received no en- [been established m .the. huge, 1 couragement.‘ l bales of clothing have been sent ttl, I Her first 'forward step came _lcaetrol, Ont., mild other districts,“I land Lee asked her to, iltrui1t.s ly!, tleft ng-to the W904- T when Er . , stock Childrens Shelter. At the j address a. meeting of the Farmers present time _ the W. J. is impel-tin _ Institute at Stoney Creek, There needy families' in tss"dutrtiii? she discussed the value. of domes- President. at the present lime is tie science and sewing instructio‘ ' Mrs. A, B. . =t' "', Mr/ James- , in public schools, and, finding MathesOn se 5... A: Bali; . " Women interested, .suggeste , exit-has! bee; , of the inatrr. _ he outco e was the or TU e snce -. TIM. ‘ also Mrs. .. 1tr'ili.ii'_') _ r m ' _ ---- "-Wf2 [iiiiiiiriiiii4l New??? 1-.) N