Lakeside WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 15, 1982-86, p. 2

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:fl United Church Moderator Visit £% L o. s 1 Lakeside United Church Friday â€" \ ’ ‘ 6 ; ] ‘"‘The more I study the this theme. > strengths of the church in used to be," Dr. Wilson said biblical message, the more I. Dr. Wilson said: there has Canada. She said she only of the United Church. am called to where people been a, loss of nerve on the + wishes they could be more ‘"‘Thank _ goodness we _ j ] are hurting."" Making the part of the church. ‘"The active in the outside world in _ aren‘t." 3 e comment last week was Dr._ United Church is in danger order to provide a better She said the church has a Lois Wilson, the 1980â€"82 of talking itself into desâ€" witness. _ lot of strenths. People only : moderator: of the United pair.‘" One example of involveâ€" have to realize them, recogâ€" f Church of Canada. "If we know who we are, ment ‘she mentioned were nizing that the process will Dr. Wilson. spoke at a there is no problem," she some Newfoundlanders who â€" require change which isn‘t special service at Lakeside said people can practice gave. mentally retarded easy. a United Church Friday folâ€" their faith in their commuâ€" people oneâ€"onâ€"one instrucâ€" 15):" Wilson trained for the lowed by a lunch in her nities and be examples to tion with the result that they _ ministry in Winnipeg in 1950 | honour at Harrington United others. Thus, they are the were able to return to their but because of her four @ Church. real evangelists. families to live relatively . children wasn‘t ordained _ She said the biblical mesâ€" Dr. Wilson said the ecuâ€" normal lives. until 1965. She and her sage demands that Christt menical groups which she ‘"‘Please don‘t be bamâ€" husband, also a United ians have to be involved in has encountered in her boozeled by the press which Church minister live in the society around them. travels are among the great says you aren‘t what you Kingston. 4 They are "the salt‘‘ who Pb sn men One of the reasons she improve life around them. > / § gave for not seeking reâ€"elecâ€" In her message in the £5 % tion as moderator was to be service, Dr. Wilson said the with her husband. "I miss _ day of judgement for all. /’ ommem Th( V the working relationship as _ people can be illustrated by _ : ut atmat ug well as my marriage." the Old Testament prophet 4 is â€" ‘« wb Dr. Wilson said her doctoâ€" Amos who compared it to _ h .. » °___â€" rate was an honourary one. escaping from a bear only to S Â¥ l _/\ S _" _ She was elected as the | run into a lion. It won‘t be C . _â€"â€"/ k + United Church‘s moderator nice, she said. K a<â€" + Te d in 1980 and during her two | , Yet, because North Amerâ€" i o. 9f 4 B PÂ¥ _ W 0 years has travelled extenâ€" | ican society has been brougâ€" * t 4" . n ult e / _ _/\ sively in North America as | ht up to think that being a § \" . hests io O 0 _ Wl well as other continents. | Christian is a sufferingâ€"free L > (\y52 W _ '; â€" e o 4; ) 4) She was presented a cheâ€" | individual, doing good deeds i\ Ts . W 0 t O que of $1,000 by Mrs. James at no inconvenience to oneâ€" *\~â€"(t ; SP _ W O O | â€"Wells of RR 2 St. Marys on self is considered what > 9 i ?fl e i5 > se fi' behalf of the United Church | Christ‘s preachings are all ; aa o 1o 2 o ol ;‘g,f ’3:;1?: congregations of Harrington ( about. : \ \ [ /y & 0 â€" ’i-fi':fi"’;g‘ and Lakeside at the Lakeâ€" â€". The breaking of bones, a _\ _\ _\ (i n ww 3 ‘flfz‘f": _ _ _ side service Friday mornâ€" passage from Psalm 51, was _ ; _ _ _\ w . M . Tok : 7. 0. c y . ing. The money is to go to the thrust of Dr. Wilson‘s _\ _ i4 \ t : x% %. _;,‘.ai'?.’;-'-?? _ _ the world development proâ€" sermon. She said people _ \ _\ s | p. * NE in l gram of her choice. have to suffer before they â€" \,' \x | \ o SlÂ¥im. i cio es h: While Dr. Wilson gave the can benefit. Yet, because x‘ t*>. tz I.snEra_ sz n _ sermon, the service was they don‘t want to suffer, \,. V A | 0 s conducted by Rev. Wesley they never benefit. § / ~ylegf 1 \~3 \ o e | Ball| from â€" Westminster For this reason she said > ! ) L. \ "'_‘\ s s United Church, Thamesford, + she can‘t understand the _ (5e i tik : \ fls Aroce. _ 0 00 > _ and Pirie Mitchell of Lonâ€" ( i television evangelists who _ _ â€"=â€" __)L Y«\ _ ) y Sav : + aa o_ _ _ _ _\ _~ don,> interim. minister at preach that knowing and .*s hk B ? £. } . ids s _ _ W Lakeside and Harrington. working for Christis nothing _ _ _ _ _ . _‘ _ _ | [ _ _ E. e ; > 3 but ]oy . & z ; . F4 > t a 31 $904»â€" "w‘.: ‘"When you take the risk P * 4P m \ e x in " <tegd of loving people, there is the <sX is m % h s i ~4 is t s risk of pain,‘" she said. & â€"~â€"â€" ot . un k C C . The risk of pain is someâ€" ~, % o. k / NA & J 7 thing which deters many ' ' 0. o k. . ' * people. She said her experâ€" *A â€" .. AP&, [ A ience with people in the _ _ & a.. wile j e ‘ Third World has shown this MODERATORS of the United Church of Canada and the . i to be true in North America. Hamiltonâ€"London Synod of the Presbyterian Church in North Americans don‘t feel Canada are Dr. Lois Wilson and Rev. Grant. Muir of \â€" they should have to suffer in Embro respectively. Rev. Muir was one of the guests who to . order to be Christians. Yet, attended the lunch held in Dr. Wilson‘s honour at _ the Bible constantly stresses Harrington United Church Friday. â€" (Staff Photo) f ¢ : ] € 0})_ â€" A E\*\ | plé 2.

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