Page 2' - - Convention Con't Demorestville; Mrs J. R. Brown, Bonarlaw; Fed. Director for this sub-division Mrs. Chas. Macoun, Sect. F.W.I.; Mrs. B. s. Bleecker, Holloway; Mrs. Fred K. Denyes, Brighton; Mrs G. W. Bailey, Harold; Mrs. E. R. Sayers, Hollowav; Mrs. W. N. Cole, Red-. nersville; Mrs. B. Sayers, Hollowav; Mrs. G. N. Beattv, Latta; Mrs. R. G. Stafford, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs Louis Brickman, Mrs. Stanton Fox and Mrs. M.‘3. Weese, Rednersville _-"'"':),, and Mrs. W.R. Grass, Foxhoro. C, A general C onvention committee composed of the following were appointed:- Mrs. N. B . Weese, Rednersville - Chairman and the District Presidents and District secretaries named above. Mrs James Deviney, District Pres. of West Northumberland, Mrs. R. C. Allen, Dist. Sect. of West Northumberland, Mrs. James Garbutt, R.R.#h Belleville; Mrs. James Fargey, Bloomfield; Mrs. J.A. McFee, Belleville; Mrs. Nettie Woodley, Belleville; Mrs. W. C. Mikel, Belleville; V A sub. Committee was appointed as follows. Mrs. M. B. Weese - Chairman; Mrs. G. F. Clark, Mrs. Geo. H. Ieury, Mrs Jas Garbutt, Mrs. Jas. Fargey, Mrs. J. A. McFee, Mrs. W.C. Mikel, Mrs. B. Finkle, Mrs Nettie Woodly, Miss Carrie If. Reid. This s ub. Committee was asked to complete plans and make arrangements for receiving and billeting the delegates, exhibits, entertainment publicitv, etc, etc. Much enthusiasm was shovm at the prospect of holding a teonventiorpHrt Belleville. Meetings of the committee w ere held each Saturdav afternoon in the New Queen's Hotel, where other committees were appointed to arrange details. Mrs. M. B. Weesee presided at these matings and Mrs. James Fargev recorkded the minutes which were kept in another minute book. At the above committee meetings the following chairman of Committees were appointed with committees named to assist. if? Billeting - Mrs. W. R. Cole; Registra tion-Mrs Meggison R.R.2 Trenton V Q FPublicity - Miss Carrie M. Reid Belleville. 3 d