‘ADELAIDE HUNTER HOODLESS 1857â€"1910‘ CAIRN INSCRIPTION _ f f ty( y tands at the Adelaide Hoodless was born in this farm house ; A cairn bearmg this um:ln'lptlonhilf ts on and lived here until she married John Hoodless junction of Highways 5 and 24, a in 1881. On February 19th, 1897 she organized the Homestead. at Stoney Creek the world‘s first Women‘s Instiâ€" 4 her belief that i 1 anizati "To commemorate the birthplace of Adelaide :\1;21 -vIvtox:: c(:xld discusz ;‘wth‘l;r‘:;glm ::3 Hunter Hoodless, 1857 â€" 1910, who foundegd t:; work together to improve their standard of homeâ€" Women‘s Institute, February 19, 1897, erected making and citizenship. The movement spread the Women‘s Institutes of Brant Col.lnty, unveiled rapidly throughout Ontario and later to other by Her Excellency Lady Tweedsmuir, October 7, provinces. Mrs. Hoodless, a natural leader and 1937." _ ," forceful speaker, introduced the teaching of doâ€" mestic science into Ontario schools and obtained m oaman eaiit pall ulate e Nes funds for the building of MacDonald Institute en the Scottis ur ns at Guelph. made a tour of rural Canada in 1939, 2 flaid pl°le § dedicated in the Adelaide Hoodless and flag pete dedicated inithe The Homestead was purchased by the Federâ€" Memorial Park. C T ated Women‘s Institutes of Canada in 1959. It has been restored and furnished in the period The South Dumfries Township Council erected s eeorirad o argr"t a plaque in 1958: "Birthplace of Adelaide Hoodâ€" o o e en Conota. less, Founder of W I itutes". ioR oN eer‘s Institules The National Historic Sites and Monuments Ari Board erected a plaque in June of 1962 proclaimâ€" This tribute to Mrs. Hoodless was placed on a ing Adelaide Hunter Hoodless an eminent Cana. plaque at the Homestead by the Ontario Archaeâ€" dian. ological and Historic Sites Board in 1959.