" E& ; \ L. s -- d REPORT OF EDUCATICN AND TULVUTAL Att:viTIEs EASTERN ONTARIO AREA 5p1 OTTAWA, ONTARIO. | $3 NOVEMBER 22 and 23, 1977. ko | tC t | | Area Convener: Mré;'fi; McIntosh, ysl4 CB & . | | _ R. R. #5, t * o | , | Kemptville, Ontario. | | . KOG 1J0. : Madam:Chairman;~Honoured Guests, Members and Friends: _ S Before I begin my report, 1 would like to offer a few comments. . _ __ Thank you for all sending reports in early, and thanks to the District _ :;=-- \ Secretaries for putting:their names and addresSses on outside of reports from the Districts. One report did'not have 'convener's full name and NO ADDRESS. On June 15th, many of us -- enjoyedlthe2RalTyfat%Pembroke;flUntario. wasn:t that an astonishing example. of -- | togetherness? s I was'intérested in the re--acti0n of some members of my group, when --I _ suggested that some topics being reported to MGe urder Education and Cultural Activities, should have been reported under a different cOnvensership. If we examine our Hand Book, Page 66 & 67, we find 5 convenerships with several sub--headings. See if you can pick , out any topics from my report, you think might better be reported under another _ convenership. | 0+ 7 . o e ' > > No. of Districts 130 0 0 _ No. reporting . 13. _0 00 9 0s > mso u> _ No. of Branches ~ 145 | No. reporting ~145. .100% reporting at c e | | 8 q all levels. 'Reporfs ifid%cate'cfirreht issues are being discuséed. Many branches discuésed the--present educctional system under the Ro11 Call "Does the present education system meet the needs of today?" Only one gave the reSult of their discussion with "No, it does not." e + Only one branch reported a special PYOgram for Internatiqna1 Day. "".,, One District reported only one Relil Call. Why? A . B sige | One program centred around "Horticulture." + s Ro11 Calls: ° Again we repeat, but here are several new ones. (Watch the topics). A Christmas custom from another land; Ering a reading or other cultural piece of material for--exchange;' Learn a really difficult word, know how to spell it, and know it's meaning; What did you like about the old Party telephone?; Name a book you have read, and it's author. :' Comment was "Everyone answered, and this was a real: tribute to => our librarian, who goes' to great lengths to procure books for us."; Name a Historical _ landmark in our country; Name an outstanding Citizen of the past in our community, <© °> written and kept for History; Name the last LIVE entertainment. you attended. and where; My proudest day at school; My shoe size in metric; Show and tell, variety of items . .. displayed e.g: cake made in shape and colour of a Panda Bear; An article I threw away, and wish I hadn"t; What is our generation leaving behind; Bring a sample of re--cycled material; Making a will; Name a breed of horse and it's use; . Bring an article of your Grandmother's kitchen and tell: 'Make and wear an Easter bonnet made from paper products; A type of arthritis and how it affects a patient; How many kilometres did you travel .to get here? # h | §8,." i | a i * pooph : ~'.:Mottoes: I hope someone gave a littlé tglk;'dn each one; they are all good. -- The busy mind is never a bored one. _ O _ _ | CC Pioneers had their tranquilizers: they called it "Hard Work.".. .,; ... Nobody's opinion is worthless -- even afistopoeq,clock is right twice a day! True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of éach day as it goes by.; .. Just when we learn to make the most out of life, most of it is gone. Co--operate -- remember that evsery time a banana leaves the bunch, it gets skinned.