These exernts from Vestry Meeting Recor%s were comniled by Mrs. Merrill Porteous in 1965, when the Anniversayy booklet was being prepared. They tell the story of how the new Church was rnlanned for for some years, and then of the finsl realisation. APRIL 21, 1908 Matters relative to a new Church were then brought up, but it was decided to leave it over and call a congregaticnal meeting. APRIL 13, 1909 After some Aiscussion, it was decided to borrow amount owing Rector out of building fund. MARCH 7°, 1910 JjJames Brown reported$289.96 in the building fund.§13 which had been borrowed from this fund was returned making a balance of $302.96. APRIL 17, 1911 Building fund, $743.25 APRILY, 1912 Puildins fund, $12734.05 April 4, 1913 It was decided that all stons be qusarried this summer and drawn on the ground by April 1, 1914. April 17, 1914 & building fund had been started, apparently. S$T 1915 -- 1965 FIEFTIETH ANNIVERSARY SAaINT THomtas'! CHURCH P age Two cheqaues were given for stone being #32.25 and $21.25. Building fund $1821.47 APRIL 9, 1915 Building fund $2048.63 Tenders for building the new church were placed before the Vestry. Moved by F. Weatherdon, secondgd by James B. Wilson that we accept the tender of C. J. Speagle of Westportfor $4850 as in letter of April 8, and to ask him to come and interview committee. Revised building committee as follows i Peter Wilson James Brown F.G. Weatherdon Justin Davis The following were elected to form the bhilding committee, The wardens, Peter Wilson, Frank Weatherdon, H. Poole, James B. Wilson, J.&. Baird and James Brown. APRITL $%.25, 1916 The repo;% of the Building fund accounts was bresented by the Treasurer Jas. Brown. It was moved that the Building fund report as printed be adopted. This vestry meeting was rather lengthy The Rev. E.A&. @x®srs«Johnston for a cheque for $10.00 with which a brass alms basin was purchased. o Rev. Franklin Clarke expressed the feeling of pleasure and thankfulness that the great work of building a new church which had been started a year ago, had been accomplished and they were meeting in the basement for the first time. He expressed his appreciation of the zeal and enthusiasm of the people in the great work. He also thanked the wardens and the other members of the building committee for the ready way in which they seconded all his efforts. Miss Lizzie Dolan and others of the famil for the beautiful chancel window. Urs. John Hedley and Mrs. James Brown for beautiful Esst Window. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blewett for the brass Lectern and Bible. as itfiinclfided many votes of thanks for gifts received and letters of appreciation were sent to each personi s The Reverend John Osborne for the brass Altar Desk. As a token of appreciation, and in preparation for many cold cutter drive@ from Fitzroy Harbour, to Woodlawn, & raccoon coat and gauntlets to match were purchase@ and presented to Mr. Clarke. (Mr. Justin Davis told us that when Mr. Clarke was presented with the gift, tears came to his eyes and he said, "I didn't think there was another dollar left in Porbolton. I thought we had got it all for the Church.") Some of the people had borrowed money from the bank to make up enough to have the Churdh debt--free for consecration. APRIL 10, 1917 Rev. Clarke reported special collections amounting to $171.73 which were probably the largest collections for missinans in the history of the congrgation. This was a good sign, considering the heavy expense of erecting the new church,. _ Misssz Mable Vance brought $21.00 from the sale of a quilt, towards the building fund but as all building fund expenses were paid, they asked her to set it aside for the purchase of an Altar Rail. The Buillding fund report was presénted, and the balance which was $18.21 turned over to Warden J.A.Baird. The Rector renorted the number of families as 52 an increase of six over the previous year. It was decided to have the Pstish year close on December 31 to correspond with the Synod Year. James Brown Justin Davis W.J.Major H. Poole of the family for the