VETERANS -- TORBOLTON TOWNSHIP -- W.W. I and II and KOREAN c _z ~ ~ WORLD WARS ' Y | heu sb mc (do riaht : +o ba C, O n I y The Torbolton Women's Institute, held a Remembrance ! °* 3uUV [ C 3 (Q ) _ (eQ?r . f W-W- l a m owe. day pregramme in the Orange Hall, on Nov. 11, 4 f s h 1966. A veteran of the first world war was present, ' e dz * : > namely Mr. TPhomas A. Delan, and he told some of | . <. 9e m his memories of trench warfare. ' _ o ael w x - Bob Davis, a second world war veteran was also | e _ . ow ;'2 C | Memories of the first WVorld war were read by 1 oi * ('} #=f=~> Mrs. Gilmour Anderson as follows : ' A efi o po i: The men who went from our community to fight | :i 'g§f; & e : from 1914 to 1918, had to live a terrible life in tose . 3'9 PE Sss 3'? | the trenches of Belgium and France. | - Pbnc iz Billy Buck, was killed oeverseas. A number Srt fls C 32-- To came home including two Buck brothers, and ' * a M Pt ; - | their father, Frank Buck, Ernest(Jo@) Younghusband ' 3 l ai es Te Tommy Delan, Geordie Dolan, Henry Dolan, Ba _ C Ryl > | Steve and Jimmie Saunders. _fig e : Walter Bishop was killed. n When the war was over, the Countil met, in e 'i"g Kilmaurs Hall,With the Reeve,Isasc Davis, as ' , C Chairman, and presented each veteran with a five , c dollar gold piece. 1919 We akal t" | i There is a school of thougcht abroad in our r ° cQ times which holds that in having Remembrancse Day ' e ,_,' e services, we are glorifging war. While none of ' | Li § yF us wishes to glorify war, we must never takse ' ';s lightly the sacrifices many of these men made K ' to help preserve our freedom and because each | * of them did what his country required of hinm, vossiie £ at the time, it is to be hoped that we will always | | L continue to remember them. ' This list was made up by the Torbolton | | ; ; wWORLD _ WAR _ I _ Historical Socisety in 1991 j nes o ARMITAGE, Godfrey e tz *3 |. SDiad | | | . Crheernervigmes. .. lce i f _ % | BISHOP, Walter -- Pte. 77th Battalion : fl. : T\ ~--- ; 4 / j; '.s,: " '»': } E C o Aaa_l m #%E 0 C _ BUCK, Frank ' t / se s e s oi e e s . ' . c Eoa4 mi'"t e \s o BUCK, Jack READ, Clifford, s y y se m $ o ofes . 0| BUCK, Loui -- 24 3'?7« . ~haeac/X c " S READ, Ernest j 3 im k / _ _ --_ M Fis 'I' ns c ¥est | ~ T " e y aePi 4 _ NS <* M °C [ £ . .x a & | y ~~" -- > > # e .(-3"- é'L y$ 0| pieorin o zen READ, Harold s , rt«-- ~ aeiinn" 1 %e2 O --~toapll) v_* | iss tm se e o Ne LiA » i | DOLAN, George | Aae s esn teriyble LOuEs Sau & '«-:2; 25-7' P a<& #e [fi&jfit; *" i& CaPe--.. . We ' DOLAN, Henry c &* .'_'-'v '-J '_ 3 'V : 11 .". ';(.;\'.'.r. '?::'*. o. * ces 'ab:'{:':.-gr} & N .'.; | U SA N 5 s "&Eq""' 34 n t e >>-- NS § (NDBRS, James . RG, ~'.."'o.,-_.4 s P .--' C \., '2\"-" :; "".""".,t' al~¥*5+: P } , DOLAN Th 5& uie m ,J':* wl + nomas SAUNDERS, Steve S CS e m -- 7;.:? ' N is L l . *"' j -- kkpaas * + . "Tike... e g 1 DRUMMOND o 46 "lle, "*"~ & '.'-'-" f'- s ",.',.w-.. /4 Siis "Heee SA f * 3209 DRUMMOND, William . ' | 3 2 o uO ce a +d : k 11& ' SWEENEY, William R. ' "é zes f N . @._ *""U GORDON, Mervyn i §# 2 Ej § ; ho' GRAHAM, Ernie fls --= | W .5; IRELAND, J.W. (Joe) o »T \ """'d l"'-'-" " e -- Cepe?* fr m t t _ IRELAND, Preston, G. | 3 C hx f- KENNEDY, Howard J« 7 k. 3 * zis & x8 ------ MCQUATT, Lloyd § The Frank Buck Family ; #-------- _ Frank Buck and his two sons, Lewis and Billy » NESBITT, Harry served duing the first World War. Louis on the left, | Frank in the middle, with wife Emily seated, Billy, YOUNGHUSBAND, Ernest p, (Joe) who was killed, on the right. They had 8 boys and 4 p $3 girls, William, Frank, Harvey, Andrew, George, ase John,Lewis, Robert, Emily,L1!MMie, Irene, Elen. |