Torbolton WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1960-1985, p. 7

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EPWORTH UN'ITED CHURCH ('The Town Line) The following is sn account taken from a ' C newsvsner clivping submitted by James W. oo 0 | W11 son: <FOSS\H\/ rOle'SL\.e/dl in the e-a,r'}/ '5(>¢+l.65> RFEPORT ON HISTORY OF EPWORTH UNITED CHURCH __ SINCE ITS FOIMNDATION ( "' '%' u"* ho "..'.,'-",,',;'z._:.} : '3,;%@ ve -- x 7&* m P BX P TE &n excellent report on the history of Epworth oNA £:**> MW.>.72]" United Church was given by James W. Wilson of ji,a::%'\ i' s u'%m:a"'* caf """:},'{(;iff?,';s» "W'{ Woodlawn at the special anniversary services p NK AIF? *'-'j?"'."l'-"'&{r;_'f'.' s /'?;j»&fl held in the church on Sunday, September 4. PR :\' '55«3 "* | 'Q:n,r 2 Here is Mr.. Wilson's report: , B 35 *'« 20 During the years around 1869 services Aad -- - : Wce were held in the «kxrakxax second story of f . -- _ _ _R " ie in e Aoae the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thamas Wilson, on M -- | *m"»'."? D whose property, the church was afterwards ] i kn 2M N S Cc built. The services were conducted by a : ' i rmnmermnge on d JQ'T?T',';; Methodist minister whose name has skipped the uk O leelllal\; 4 6 AFM hx Pe i3 ~"aA memory of the now oldest survivors of those o¥ + ',; x t o 1 w ns e t days. t (a ts k [ ol ~,. / J _ :' ce 13 Cla-- B .. Weeeeseemesteem is 2.0ith h U [ 3 Coi) The congregation so increased that the P e s es e nan m es s ts' """* l x Kb c xt + house no longer was spacious or solid enough se es s e > 'z'w«i" Mess to hold all the attendants.The story is told l [ eoul l 0 SSSsSsssappgd t w y ann ty e en that one Sabbath when the congregation had S mmiies,. . eP onl _ _ S Sepsseiae s on Noi gathered for worship the minister was not to e c ie s ... ooiimmmizace 22. be found and on investigation they discovered e e o ce on en l * es . ul * dnc 8 that he was shut in the "spare room" whither oT D mesusesoan mss wims uiess he had gone for meditation and prayer before service. When the congregation had gathered the EPWORTH CHURCH] AUG. 1963 ' weight had so sprung the beams as to make it impossible to open the room door. This in-- The next minister after Mr. Wil son's report was VMr. cident put the people to thinking of building Cruikshank. RE¥. Mr. Lucas followed him and while & church,. The result was the erection of the he was the Minister the Church was closed down. vresent house of worship in the year 1871 That was in Sept. 1956., The congregation went some to or 72 as a Methodist church. Kinburn and some to Fitzroy Harbour. Eied e alpe e o o5 TT e Lk In the year 1889 the building was "i,,.;/-:'?{'% * *fi,é""f ' nc YA KSE remodelled and s new pulpit and new seats Nt*'«'* "':"T'"vj,;;i' bus P Mroakts installed. While remodelling was done services 'g'*%t?;" & feAes-- 2x n o t s -{\t E> were held in the shed. «%' ',?:f - fi | §_,_:;._3'¢,'-¢"l "'.'T',.ii s':' » -»Q,':& m ce onl s.©~ ie The same structure, with the necessary eC is x ikth,."* ~~ Te repairs being made from time to time remains +7 td t . * add + a' WE to this day. : a:'x s akes & Ee 241. /: C se . AE * > B it N d * 24. f L. i : o Since 1925 it hag@ been a part of the C Q{@ffij'f'* . LoA C B p~ sls _ i / e United O@hurch of Canada. Here we still gather ;»&f«' T y y ooee?~ P' ¢ | *'3 to study the word of God and meditate on His ,?f"""fl:*'f'"-rv& A~ \x/fb'"-."':;,'lf"r--'-:-'-- 2s @ A, ~~m@ i > 1' § ways . i ' glt«" E} :f.,.], Q S ' | gés ' mtc e t oc se May God continue to bless the Minister K"?/;'"Ti'\ .. man * s and congregation as they meet for worship pas it l e SA d n oo k =p in this church of our forefathers----the P se t priini i ce. t oc o amee . pioneers of Fitzroy and Torbolton. m e e ioi se :c zy . | The names of clergymen ministering here iay s ie e e "',',\h{'f acst | 0 BR from early times to presgent times: e taae ts Lecariidh ' CX Ti ,'_,-'.',"-'-.;'-"""&Vf;;f':'."i"'*f'-;"".:lU* '-3.3:' & o o i c roets s s + + ie 7 se p e cX MAE EC A o w h t PP ul ME SE TeRA le ;,~:-.g-',_..'.,:,flff s --* 's{&i' ,{"{f-"'-' Rev. Austin, Rev. Toppings, Rev. Poser, Rev. | | | Wilson, Rev. Isaac Wheatlgy, Rev. Carl Allun, Rev. Charlesworth, Rev. Keough, Rev. Pimlott EPWORTH CHURCH AND CEMETERY (Photos by Bill Cox) Rev. James Lawson, Rev. K. Stree . Rev. H. W. W'.Brom\'qich, Rev.SHerbzx"tR;Zitg:ercllfams In 1965, the trustees for the cemetery and church Rev. Boomhour. are Fred Smith, and Russel Carr,. The second Sunday in June is Memorial Service. Since Union: Rev. Gledstone Woodw, Rev. McMillan, FAMILY NAMES IN THE CHURCH RECORDS: Rev.RObertson, Rev. Booth, REv. Shaver, | | Rev. Lougheed, Rev. LeGrow, present minister Brown, Bradley, Barr, Gordon, Smith, WMison A'nd.erson Rev. Martin. | Ritchie, Carr, Findlay, Bishop, Bldgood, McBride, Stackhouse, Craig, G1ibson. Page /

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