ht ol > 7 i ;, > (' } 'l { ze 3 & &5/ 4 k // ; e CC /~, / d Z) A4 LC siccdck & -- 1 mt | i ;,--:'-l as | . . 1 | » j C l 4 ' .' ":: " | ~ 3 '.)c{ R * | & ! ' i ' U ! Il | i L " 4 Lz * 88 fhage o Sih \ . | '\ ' 13 L2 wa ols i *" w es a | -- ' .._.UL.-L'-- peteretburtiee .'--"":'J'--' ul ° libags S¥ 0s 4 ptoncs ---- P | | Je' Wh' 1 jle s o 9l s o. tw . ommay | ' WM*;--'---JW'\\ R | I ¥ _ 'V'iu"' P t > /'! ' & '. ! o ' PE ENOEEISUEEL " in ies ag t in m \ * hak: ie x/' >¢) . C MA¢ e y ' | f Apin on ons -- e N * Te aiu ies C : a. x | o t _ mm _ atns l 770 M ' S e nz a.~~ e | e U -- ElXE -- S P o tm uamees. > e [ (1 . /J y . i * 9 * | s * 990 G --~ Sm e Sr itz ---- smag! ) f j s T / i e + A ! | _ m f. . Lens =} [ - Ulld £00 | ' Morlie. o oionife l es Nee on 2.A e ue Je j ' oC ts y . sA 0ete s Fale;® ~,C | SX mo -- Thes .. 105 : | P ® y C * #1 4W! "3 t | | * | 16 ) i i L % t -',: ' M R W ~ Es '-------- %, P " PXF Milaly Flluks, * | , s "' ~ | -- _ & | T _\ | ¥ }fl' * N .. .G os'a' . f» fird\é:/ l !."-}t'(l' I'-".'\: C .l.a* \"r' 4A .s';'\t' . v ,' \-»,"J'lflgl_», ;: ".9' . y¥ | f C September [th, 1896. -- BC 3,, : y ver this place last & _ Arad gloom was cast over this P' aot " | \week [by the death of one of 91_,1'!',»'7{!{(!??_ ?? : | _ teemed young ladies, in th»e..P"'L'?"ft"{% ' Ellen Millar. Hfiflflé-,@@l{@"&'%@;fi;eg § h Jn |eold last winter, it settled on her Tungs / and | - l + CE L. "*I 'seems to have been doing its work for som& * ( C | 'time before anything serious was appre--, | ClA * Toe , 'hended. About two months ago she T an:. ' (J» llkg 22 h | d»to show signs of decline, and wen _A Alks, | oet id1v il _ f last week | ---- e ' S [ down rapidly until Tuesday of last week| ?f ./ Oed l Milinee 'she passed peacefully away, ready, Khn?; | al " We _ C 'the call came,. to enter that bette% i. Odé-* | | ho t Ayeliie o. 4 * : 'where friends shall part no more. o | | s "iy m @9 % ie W hay® -- d WAB the s | o ftlitnt . . ceased was 26 years of age, an Mrs| } 5 y t daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Wls ic wWounse o t "th : e, andswas very | , f in *# * ' 'John Millar, of this pla(fe_,flanflt,,r' ha knew . | l th . uons "(L ' 'm'pcl} loved and respected 7b_y all w Ob d b | I * a~ e o se l k s1 2 h ie her. The funeral service was OQDd}}Qr?-; DY < j it« C sn # hapopiie ® * yaa e e . @rce 2t inr. CC ¢ se ons -- ord 1 + 4. + = J#' * nwe ». ~~ ~»rlals . hame 1. Wl e . + the Rev. Hugh Taylor, who dwelt for itak «> e o o * ... «_ y t# k &nl*>~es>" siderable time on the igreat Christian }I:r -- s | ' -""(.3;:':»" bmgas _ "snuh tis s * tience shown by tlfi deceased while OnH'i;i « x wb ! ue s C -- Wiveo disih L j 24. -: 6 i 4 .4 i Feu « - V ' y a ho xY y R M y " .l \.'"' § Ti ienrrerrnniia e ie are in e e rarenna en es en tss 1: @v / (\'w. i fi;5\ ", ¥'Gh o * & F. a deathbed' \pubtlngker w%qlieh blLI:sd_b lsnofbo as ':'--.;;'--T;ig_j_-- in 15 '--l L ]--."fl: ""{ o9 TT;.'A l;% K¥ ® . 8 35 » X% t » ; ® C Ah -- /% $ rig._ F d , & & dying beck HLH h P s ,:A ts y *4« .1-(: is now i C n;l.::]-' : h .'.:;1,L .";"':1'."",1. it - i s a s .. 4 M > tw ' * doway pMlions erec. Her someing ware fol.| amemeniiine in pienetdteranty ol Ligp*"*. .. vii ,.Q,{J',' ) ., _ ; se (downy pillows are.» Her c by a Niep ; num *fiifl-'qx grain is turaing 'E:.Lf*,;" d Ihiet. IW #%1 M .. 6.\ | ~ Jowed bo Goshen . aror nna mo can----both old ||. -- Hoving be@ii®iiGeshen Eroveyuid. fntely, lied JR on m hn( 0+ on igl s . Akz o . ' ber of friends and, acquainSances--both old [ -- Having beg#BRCOShocniSIeneve the com: 4 whipe | Oe h ... . .' hi '(fév,u' vATHO 3 _ ies s o k. uy uo on 0 Pane, ipommeimanssome .L. (Glasgow corte~ TiXke) xC LV ws, i3 T NpAAE Th / s Pr es o f and young. . . 64 m lt 'l hfijfi%mfif'" ce -{L}'(;":iéii%fizn'« pickets w o MAAAE wl s Lt s ob T C << 0_ ies ooo 1 [POSED ON MISS ELLEN MILLAR, . spondont the other week about son (€;yans) ut """'?" "" i ptomal. Ahaxe WX ~ smm o4 oA as ie faxg -lsff'fxs?'&:" 0 M |[ResiRe becind ' 3 o grayes-- P3 Lo »'\ Woajuyten""" > sAz 0 m 9mm @ | np to the realms of the blost _ _ ; | D ape arn explanation would n '-*3'@5"'134*"{:3 JA ie W P o sb * 1 N# 'figgfé"«%ffi%?@f%%%;;séyi;%igag; aNny o stt the caretakers. id tE L. L (P W N ic _ Gone 'tb*B'éhQ'nfi%P nanpaore. /o c\ 0o Pbesnaene ng in n ".icEQ';'E""?".'\'~9£;', .. »anll ul * Cidn Sales mwb,emf i isodsbore.) / Sm i n . E?S"'@,%ha Toff bet\ agi; the plols, and as / P j in e e i o on cnaes sameas altiere have bien juite a nuraber of pravns i A A"ll y mm te S .,'..'.ri::'- 3' 7' -':.:"E. ,---:':"i' '.'.'\--'[,T:;'fc'afi; :" q.' C 'i.q"t'j_;"'" _l-d' "rfi'::--:'dd B&én pa h& fil'i aalabl t'.' mdgbo '#i'/ 0 © ho tignt of Bteroal ber. . 00 .0 POlP Cor C wil hb tor the caretaicum to dt . * "_ E0 E vh",- cihoaAr Ard i:l;\, "%é _)" uU '% ;:_L 3;2;7@1',..{' ;;i";. _\'_--vw'.' ' x i \}' 'Jz. J o & : \ (':'l;{'é'mé*" : to mourn, y Mz [ theie worle wit c s o. ces saftpan H J ____:{_}'\._ .-':',?1; <ur aAn L. ~n. 4' p. | £ § ;1:4 Tliaer A, a tha s I do 't milk :},'P_'CV" )1g r:n'" auabiediohied ue velellbeoseliar throng | tiem. So. that I don't think rs: and ns -- Tnthabhoma beyond thelsle ons in eurrie uen to Rau reren relaiy 8, it ks > moagke & ~ . O iso, putting thom to any oxhal todullunt6: 1 es = // i# ff"d;sl' ore yes ; and ya ' '»-l "1"&"1.'* ike i *% "071' I fwofl]d' fifijfi'-' §';" . f;"B,E VJ fi-\é'}'é ,}'r.c;("""w | | i4z C + -- Whore parBting is never Known, L .. . _ [pWould ju conucction with tho matter, ant | e ----_-- Where pi NPdEA L biht band // euouch in icctio Jn AfeurGD, / M 4 | -- > & <--_ «To aing wikh the glad . uoi .A?.zg, recompenso, ... . . ) es' J j 4 pNAl VT-)L'().'UL",'.L;%'%:} bei'. [ "';/ f no recomp 8 ' M 0}) ; | ] C y WA y sE »H. M Py 20 . e l ty Ane! ul . e . _ 7 e O . ' A+/%! * 'A,." f C "f 7 ».'. ' " 'i ~a -x ; m;;--'-"{ | mc ie e Smmmmeticienrcis bacercocices & w-«_'___'_____' a OB D t0l _ _ qenememeptegtmes ... _ ~2 -