I _ . . r'ri,.'" one _ ",: tci.-"'." . 1ltlltli' W _llul no . 1l?lr'aii'ijilo ten .c/,-, (The-.Goshen Public School t'r-r'ihif,h, was repaired and a new , ivas/1iiiité 1popular. from the, i window and door added. This arlyiineties and used nth only! I; work and re-roofing m 1.953 was for-the education of local I done by Mr George Reidr,., . fl , children of various ages, but . Inthe spring of 1947 the junior 's..a1siio a . place for the ensR girls club donated money tobuy l, tertaininent for their parentsh, shrubs which-were planted 1n . and other folks residing in and IS the flower bed beside the school _, all around this community: l ::, and in 1948 a low wire fence was ", '/ Their transportation was,not J: placed around, 'the "bed 'E'fOI'. ',,rya.utomolsi1e,'bt1rb,v horse and protection. . ' r"je_" l buggy or horse and sleigh at. , A well was dug during1946147a ( 'rcorping to the time 'Of year the I which proved .'urysetisrectof1',, _." ye,),:?)),",,?,?)':?,',-,' The iittrapti gm 'rl with the result of stheiresent _ru.' 'irti.t?Ultr,btrs.a'_ ticlwol/poneert at ',', well being drilled in December? , iChristmas' fahd éof.;-,c0urse j) l, 1950. 't' . . - if i jdan'ce' afterfor theblder folk , '.In order to make the school . u, and those not so old/after lurid ' li warmer anfmore attractive for . wasserved and desks etc ham i ,'ftiaily living') in 1949 insulatlon been removed. Dances, card #43 was added to the attic and a, Parties, bingos and other form), L.» wood circulator was purchased. of 'entertainment-held in this L Within the next two years the school were tilways successful. j; floor was covered with gaily Proceeds usually were used for I patterned linoleum and walls either school supplies or to help d were painted a pale green.' The ,the needy. The good music for tl old time double desks were dances which was always --__s, ; 7 31051 23:? as iseverlal m.en both replaced bysingle "moveable , fiddles 203"?) woud bring their ones and in 1960 the teacher's j contrib t: the' ("me happy to i desk was ,replaced with a la fl! "t elf, time f,o, help ', . modern one. Irr1892Niss.H,.attle . p y . or he squal'es "and r " A Wallace 'Was. 'engaged, _~-as occasional waltz. . l teacher. with an enrolment of 58 The Site, sold by Thomas Hudson Sr, for one dollar, was l covered with bush and stumps. i", James Brown came With'his l team of oxen and with the help of the bigger school boys, the \land was cleared, and a log . building erected. Five years / later, Thomas Hudson, a lad of , 16 years, built the woodshed. ii In 1896, Mrs Frood had the l§school hauled across the road to ,f 'AiMre fence was built along 'tlit"ittcontrorttie.schoo1 yard in ' 1934,,' butdt was not amtir184ti f _tl1arthr,hestenay on the other ;be' renovated into a dwelling 'land the present building, now "tle private tiyrelling.of Mr and HMrs Rjopelle; was erecteQ; A , 'Cfmibiried woodshed and horse- , The following, is a brief 1 history of Goshen Public School, rc0pied from one held by Mrs l Ilarvey Jamieson fir. We f believe' Goshen School to be i erected some time prior to 1861, 'as records show that Goshen School Board engaged Amelia Smith to teach in 1861. , th.retsitieiVa, tepscarwitjiG The ladies also-took their turns cording on the organ. Finally coming to an end during the 1iree sma' hours and everyone having a real good time, and hoping there Would be another held soon. Sometimes children would be rolled in quilts or blankets and laid in a safe place to-'sleep while their parents enjoyed themselves for awhile. . By Mrs John E Miller c- , 3e I T. $1 a,t "it k I a: li ' fr'lr iv t' t 1'. " my: "t iii-1 , During the sameyear me outside of the. building =was , covered-with brick, siding,: the 'v " l patternea iiiaeurn and walls d were painted a pale green.' The tl old time double desks were ith :10 In: ky i .])' teachers who . submitted their 'ixaiiefforts to teaching the young, I ir I/ found the name of one gen- -'{' 'tleman only, Mr Harry C Aitth. .9;- _" The school closed in 1965 when :ff'the pupils were transported by f:;é;bus" to Burnstown school, and a following thatand at the present it?» time they attend McNab Public '. '4: School at Glasgow and again in}; are transported by bus., ' . , (l", Namesof teachers of Goshen in r"School, through the years are: vn "j 1892, Hattie Wallace; 1893, Bella "tDewar: 1898. Harry C Airth; 3c':.1899. Jessie Muir; 1901, Lizzie he i Hazelton: 1903. Helen / Mac- lo irpougall: 1904, Mary Dickson: 3 3905. Amy Cull: 1907 Jessie he Gibson: 1908.1A M Campbell; 1909. M A Kiely: 1912, P Mur- ialsfrphy; 1913, .L Early. Maude l (Rai/Humphries: 1914: . Martha DC A well was dug during 1946-47 l k} which proved unsatisfactory, " with the result of s"tsrp4resertt 1ri, well being drilled in December, _ , 1950. f" . . - {a .' ' . '.In order to make the school . warmer anfmore attractive for . ,'ftiaily living') in 1949 insulation was added to the attic and a .. wood circulator was purchased. Within the next two years the floor was covered with gaily replaced by .. single maoveable i ones and in 1960 the-teacher.'s', desk was ,replaced with a E modern one. In J892Niss Hattie l A Wallace "tiengated. as; teacher, with an enrolment of " 1 pupils, sirne of _iivhonrni-ertyr" Lizzie "iMcDérrir.itii_rAndreF-t Cooke, and PeteirJpIttVtlurrir, all living todai-rci-1,iji-rr't,,l-):r,-r's,./.. _.".'.: uu uvuls Luua.v.:'a», ",5 .' l; i;.,-_;L;. V Records shod ?"that' up :imtil 1910, the school year began in January. entied in December. with regular ...breakiilrcat Christmas and Easter, but a shorter holiday during summer, July and the first two weeks in August. ', j J, " In 1901 school was Closed all of March and the first week"in April due tggi/a- smallpox epidemic. ",_-i;uccffri.s,":r:si,-, .'" l ', _, In readineii1pit.)tiunetii.' 5110f. r,'), "_,-:.,.,': Goshesn,_,-,,_r" l Lavallee;1916, M McLachlan;-: .i 1917, Katie B Cole; gBessie' f Grant, M G Stevenson;_-1918, Mist Gouldr1918, Elora Hen- derson, Carmel Whelan; "1920, (Gertrude j 'DaltOn; I -.1922, g Kathleen Hall; 1923, L Enright; l '-19fl4, Helen Sergant; 1926, Sybil Carruthers; , 1927 Jeanne McEwen; 1928, Iva Kirk; 1930, Margaret Styles; .1931, Edith _ Bulmer; 1933,' Anna Cummings; T .1936, Phyllis' ' Livingstone; - 1939, , .,Eleanor cPrrne; 1941,; Pearl Tkilby; 1942, Laurian "White; .i, 1943,. Jean Campbell;>-.'1948, " Doreen, Ross: 1949,' Jean ;Campbe11;'1954,.Pat Kasaboski; 1955'," Kathleen, Pierce; 1956, iijiii,_ Wasrnitndrj57, Anne Wallace; 1960, Beryl Rintoul; ..l 1963, Emma Adams; 1965, Anita lThompson. . 'r"'kt:'ilhi"ii,o' l _,, (,