| . I i ' i i £ i °® & + ';,(,';fi}.}yifl'"» r 27 m The mass T.B. Survey held in August was carried out MRS., AUSTIN, MBS. WATTY, MR. A. A. ANDERSON, and the by the members of various branches of the Women's Institutes Secretary, MRS. N. VICKRUCK . in Thunder Bay District, and every family in McGREGOR At a special meeting, held July 1950, a resolution Township was contacted by three ladies of our Branch. was sent to the Shuniah Council urging them to consider a Over 50% turned out for the survey, held at McKenzie Inn, by--law to allow the operation of a dance hall in the which was considered a good percentage. Those active community. MKk. F. HAGGLUND had built a hall called the were MRS. WM. CHARMAN, MRS. H. ANDERSEN, MRS. N. VICKRUCK, "Trans--Canada Dance Pavilion", and because of restrictions and MISS GLADYS ANDERSEN, former 4--H member. _ it had remained id4le., This by--law was passed. Prizes were again given to the winners in the Public In Strawberry Time, a Festival was held in the store Speaking contest. ROBIN ROWE, and KRISTA SIEFERTH tied owned by MRS., JACK DOUGHERTY, Grandview, under the supervision for 1st place, and DONALD RICHARDSON came 2nd4. of MRS., WATTY, Assisting were MRS. TUOMI, MRS. C. ROGERS, We were proud of the fact that MRS. H. ANDERSEN had MRS., VICKRUCK, MRS. AUSTIN, and MRS. A. ANDERSON. Girls been chosen by the 4--H Homemaking Clubs of the District of the community serving were: MERLE HRYHOR, CORA DODDS , to attend a leader's Conference in Toronto. and SHIRLEY MAUNULA. Once again at Christmam, candies and fruit were donated A"Link" was formed early in 1951 between McGregor Branch to the school children's party, and two members assisted the . and a newly formed branch in Sheppy, England. Mrs, Brand, teachers by being the pianists for the concert. They were of Sheppy, Kent, England, was a friend of our member } MRS. N. VICKRUCK and MRS. A. BOEGH. The teachers at this MRS., A. A. ANDERSON, and through these two ladies our ' time were Mrs, Jean Plant, and MRS. J. RICHARDSON, also correspondence was begun. an Institute member. We were pleased to be able to help during this year, in ending a tractor and flour to the people of Mesouvano, i Northern Greece, after hearing of the distress in that part of the worla. E 'l' . lin _ | M