* _ & ~ m t t t t W 22 23 m 2 Report of Committees CAS TLEFORD Election of Officers Program Planning Meetings held Third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. | | at the member's homes. Contest: Pumpkin Pie : President ~------_----__--_--_------. --________ Mrs. Reuben Farrell Pies to be used for Iunch a 1st VICQ L--_--_--_--_----_o_2ccc--_ccc2cc_----___------ Mrs. Nelson Juby 2nd Vice --_--_--_--__----_----_------___. Mrs. Campbell Humphries Secretary--Treasurer .______________ Mrs. Wm. Wilson MAY District Director _ __-- __.__..-- Mrs. W. L. Humphries Auditors _ _ Mrs. C. Humphries; Mrs. A. Johnson ~% Grandmother's Meeting JULY Motto: A cheerful grin will let you in. Citizenship and Education Roll Call: Each bring a grandmoth } Convener: Mrs. Alex Johnson. . her. & er and introduce Roll Call: An experience in a strange community. Plans for D. A Motto: Remember a smile is always worthwhile. e o ' ° . 1 'o Exhibit by all members of plants. Mrs. Campbell Humphries Program by grandmothers AUGUST Hostesses: Mrs. E. McNamara; Mrs. E. Ferguson. Home Economics and Health Convener: Mrs. Wm. Wilson | Roll Call: My favorite vegetable and how to cook.lt. Motto: Health is wealth, let no one be a spendthrift. JUNE Mrs. G. Humphries. . This meeting to be in form of picnic at the River. Everyone bring lunch. Agsriculture SEPTEMBER Motto: If you are a friend to nature, you are a rich man. Historical Research Roll Call: Uses of odds and ends in food or clothing. * Convener: Mrs. C. Humphries , Basket picnic. Bring a friend 0C or & Roll Call: How your mother or grandmother did Hist £ | . ~ some household task in comparison to how ory of our Institute. we do it today. | Program: Mrs. John smith; Mrs. L. Emon. Motto: Politeness is like a cushion, 1'cher1evI mjgbe Hostesses: boe. , . nothing in it but it eases the jolts.--MrS, Al°X es: Mrs. J. A. Craig; Mrs. H. Devlin. Johnson.