AY tm e o e t tm en mm mm m ~n ---- o y--»nmpamiil W ie M A * 34 33 DECEMBER MARCH Home: Mrs. Herman Bahm Home: The School Convenors: M.rs. Duncan .Dewar and Mrs. R. B. Line, Convenors: Lirs. Stewart Carmichael and Mrs. Her-- Canadian Industries and Agriculture. man Bahm on Citizenship and Education. Roll Call: Sing, Say, or Pay. a, Roll Call: Repeating a poem learned in school days. Motto: "Count your blessings" by Mrs. Stanley Motto: The bigger a man's head get the easier it is to ,___ Lemon,. , fill his shoes by Mrs. Mac McMillan. Singing of Christmas Carols. H -- p Exchange of Christmas Gifts. ostesses: kveryone, Speaker. Hostesses: Mrs. Williard Bahm and Mrs. Erris APRIL Voskuylen. Home: Mrs. Duncan Dewar JANUARY Annual Meeting: , 3 , . Convenors: Mrs. Ronald Dewar and Mrs. Eifis ome: Mrs. Allan Simpson Voskuylin, Home Economics and Health. Convenors: Mrs. Stewart Carmichael and Mrs. Her-- Roll Call: How to spoil a meeting. _ man Bahm on Citizenship and Education. Motto: We are nearer God's heart in a garden than Roll Call: A Canadian writer of poetry or prose and anywhere else on earth.--Mrs. Herman Bahm. give a quotation from his writing. Report of Standing Committees. Motto: O Canada we stand on guard for Thee by Election of Officers: Mrs. Ronald Dewar. Pay Your Fees. (Paper on Robbie Burns--Mrs. Stanley Lemon). Hostesses: Mrs. Donald Dewar and Mrs. Ronald Hostesses: Mrs. Herman Bahm and Mrs. Donald Dewar. Dewar. FEBRUARY MAXY Home: Mrs. Stanley Lemon. | Home: Mrs. Mac McMillan Convenors: Mrs. Mac McMillan and Mrs. Roddie Covenors: Mrs. Stanley Lemon anc} .MI'S- George Bahm on Historical Research and Current Lavallee on Community Activities and Pub-- Events. lic Relations. Roll Call: An amusement of Pioneer Days Roll Call: A Mother's Day verse. Motto: An Institute without girls i:rlikeya.gal'den Motto: Save when you are young, spend when you without flowers by Mrs. Charlie Bahm. are old by Mrs. Voskuylen. Grandmother's Day: -- Birthday Party: Games and Contest. speaker: District President--Mrs. Merrifield. | Hostesses: Mrs. Duncan Dewar and Mrs. Charlie Hostesses: Mrs. Allan Simpson and Mrs. R. Line. Bahm,