2 % * Tz sepli-- 1 s cX ffl"'"i ;7' y P stl "ead t s e ce ie haats P 24 M = pie se C Pss ... ma'.?'w)- ~ Wm«dfl&) E. ul 2 t AA L M ; s MM/ Q/;%dm i :: : P ob meies Rars LE _ Z4 .ce 74,, ory Just a year ago me world | _ 27 i';'nfition's"" show !"| _~ w / M 'tyas shocked by a report that North. , * soods at Toronto es °_ Rorean_troop? Hed invaded Spifigy --. £0008 at 1 OrOnIO ; _____ _\ Rorea, "To many it seemed likbthe from Falciton, bovby. pns Trou e ----~---- "d'of;the United Nations and the be-- Britein, ;Iold-s't.inded ;"dt'é ho"h;- f*~ me. -- al 'Binming of World War Three.' . Re_|__ _ ors from Italy.and cigarette snut y _". \ Xet on the eve of the anpiversary T fif'umflfi? 5 oo > & WWEbb Malilk, Russian delegals to the | | r"'»?%c:'*f'"m* 2 _ 6 United Nations, announces a Soviet . \-- theirgoods before the'lxéuyn;uvsnt. ,:_,'-' ere t ie "® . .proposal for peace Whic}%élas'f'!i thoreus) ~©¥ Blgril;gg;dézggeg! es anigt ~ * \ ; _ realistic note than any previous offer _ Robert Sinclain, the British indus-- _ ~~~ wits '-m'h-g Mr. Malik gaid in a 5 api edwgl;e'-fatr.%gg%, hss adcast that Moscow believes that \ addresseal . fit{mfi i e C 59 the first step toward peace should be . -- \ chhade and Biigdin are going to | . i. t ficussions leading to an armistice and. .(E P '.;.fl'»': --<@pe poscinlc, 994 fidmwgl_gi_fl_tmgns:fmm the 38th. ; \ WDtk,, to make things, ang_sell JP uS E. i stt u parallel)". _ ~~~ _'m'- 'another. §999 . J a ; memalt i nensesemcmmmmemmmmm 2O D OO L lucg ... o o. .. k . 1( s . on . °... L | Bb t N C