+ , D. } i Ser Q\l d 3 hol . ' W dw& f'l, Zy 29. MPBIZ z f % %&a ,sfég, 6 /filw t x 1 . m ie Sss f 'N D s | e WRECKAGE FOUND & '_ Qw s lsgase § . Wreckage of a Trans--Canada Air ; js \ 21 Lines plane that carried 62 persons to arn'ng Iven their deaths last December has been | found on Mount Slesse, 20 miles south-- TORONTO, May ;'{lgd-e S(Cof;)u:; ea%h of ?ah;mwad' , A. T. Thomas i s t g;ro':to Schocc'vl of Hyglene today 19 v:ngou;:a:os;edmafi;m ftl:la k. warned public health workers to Beck f % ; ght | be on the lookout for a nSW dis-- use of engine trouble. Search was | ease diagnosed as & combination made for the plane but had to be aban-- | of asceptic meningitis and Ger-- doned because of winter weather con-- | man measles. _ _ ..« _ A_. . ditions. y | f : td said 'the hunldred®\ of chil-- nrnrmracentriarremimten smm ccnmramrnalh : s s in te ie | OrRAWA, May 28--(CP) | last summer were the first known --,The Government today. . cases in North America, Ab?ut 9t ' ,~Ched11ar cheese 11!1}16)-'..: | 100 were i1 enough for hospital import coimi-oi for one yea.!.' i treatment. s Sm i e J t ap wl 'The disease attacks young chil-- and banned all imports for _ ldren and adults . mainly, Dr. "the present." U cmrys I Rhodes said." Symptoms include Mb e mm en oNT Rimbai=headache, muscular pnln,i ¢ f drowsiness, | rash on the face, \' limbs, soles of the feet and palms 8 eqtbsibands uold Pie /'i/' f f _Aescire ,;é,g M% ',7"/7/5%'0 ons -- v%/d/f*fflz///aaue'w%,uz//z%aumtféfg: ie )' /@W;-é 7h 9/?:wflvmééflj%éé'wm es 2 f s Ia a Jns Durslocd) Aceile a ran Tiz as pipt / o / \ y a _ P / / Ext LEA / 1 m a &E Lo /'Z6'774'a~6 [o(b'? & a t e f 26 -,Q»%.mw% : vivo M,u/'i/ rrszdo ~»2rztafee _b iler Critzinm iérere en raone f ' '4»,4'0_1/&';(' d /76/14/&/1(&,,\&, __XKSemera k /A_yam f / 12 . -- 6 r Afrmoaeme TLeec eraclcea Peg) y AFIEE Z/a'&w} 24 f / y . / Zab %'é// T44 m7 :