VP' 2 j ' i innmominntnmas ® ® a me ; a Injured--Child Tommado 3 IJL nado Scare a Weather -- conditions . Wednes-- GeS 0 On on day, with sharply' climbing tem-- . perature and winds, were of the Free Press Northern B type that breed tornados. t a, | _ Mfeftoretoriet office sene out . old Ripley girl, injured by an ex-- | mgsmox: ::r \'ie l;:;snmil'iltl; | {ploding firecracker at a fireworks of fornado | striking janywhere |display here Monday night, went from Wiarton to Niagara Falls, / to St. Joseph's Hospitel in Lon-- t'hs"dl" efdldf glflt mmtmmze" Pibl'i: j e relief of the .. Public| ' i?j':";or obaerYuflqn ohetlexe { »school pupils were sent. home | 4 . f neime en en 54 f The | firecracker, 'carelessly uu'rons 'io s';;n oi':xn l:vu:d'uses.m'l"}fe ) tossed by a youth into a crowd. orders -- came. from \pvrdvi'nldal f watching & display of fireworks police department after it ap-- . ' in the Ripley Park, lodged behind \ peared that! tornado might pos. | & pair 'of eye glasses worn by sibly deyelop in the arcas i y i Amelia Carruthers and exploded se Aoun es' ; at the girl's eye. YR h 7 es MEOpWiFaC M i0) .. Vision was temporarily im-- pairegi but Dr. J. B. Tyndall, Rip. p & in s ie ley doctor, said he believed (the After being comfnn.ed' to. Hospital | injury would not have permanent in (London. since accident Christmas j effects, The eye--was burned, and eve, Miss Margot Ann Couch was| 'the girl collapsed from a faint. able toreturn 'Monday to 'the home Amelia, a student at the Ripley m t her parents, Dr. and 'Mis. A. E. 4 District High School, is a daugh-- WikiGoumha _ _ _ ~ ' 'er of Mrs. D. H. Carruthers. dortil f i -- spenrt'.in. Konea. They were thanked Institute Views and presented with gift by Mro. Dun-- i can . (Convay. . (Program | convener Korean Slides S%, [ Blackwell Ipresided for the ; M is ) Austi program of: accordian. selections by A'RM?;V ap V;:ro:en.s J mm;: Joa.n-' Shier, tap dance ll'yyt _ Carolyn R ombers and. cight wishore present. |ceen: mip malore amrans 44 k f 'Mrs. George . Ibbotson . presided, e ace w'erc sung and lunch was sery-- The roll call was answered by the Veq by, Mrs, Geonge McKee, Mrs.. Ti Four N Plegss: mas ghen 99 |upeo mayeci q ies NeP Shoton J : (Mrs, . ; Beverly Ibbotson. E. A. Moll of |\ (A mumber from this vicinity at-- 'g-';;';a'::'f:yfa:m;hgt "Igl: Ogfi;' tended the shower in Clanks church shortly. -- Mrs: Andy Scott and Mrs, | 10" Miss Blaine iF ecrell. 2 { Ed Jacobs were chosem leaders for| _ Mr-- Ted Hunter is in Myerstown, the rug making course.. (Mrs. Jacobs,| Pennsylvania, attending . three day | read an interesting: letter from the | COUrse at Whitmoyer school. $Q W.I. New Zealand correspondent. Miss Glenug"lfl:umep of London' Current events, Tocal and worldwide | SPant, *mg;d.m.'"f m& | || were given by Mrs. George McoKee,| Mt. Tohn fy.t evion | p 'A.gi;'v:wr'son gave a short talk on | this week 'Whe'§ he has 'been called | P "A,'gfiould:me" and showed slides of | On the gury at Tune assizes. |K/JD.HLS. students with their chosen | T tss projects. . Mr. Paterson . introduced J A@bert Rizzardi who showed. interest-- ing slides taken in his ¢wo . years * g8