a# EL am seelas # s wa o : smous s is " mesucg o w : . 4 . D -- 3 4 e + 6 x /7/ . \] \ \D ; | 2 > The Kincardine News BM Monday, December 24,2012 3 # ~Kidney transplant a Christmas miracle for local family « Kincardine News Freelance. | css . e [ |---- oo f 53 ; 4; P LE3j: ©__-- The holiday season' is a time for .| &+ l [ | ~--~--< o e s# ~---- m j sH C \-- stories of hope, faith, selfless giv-- --| § s n > b.; bee" y i y¥ o * l w4 1 PA |-- ing and miracles. This story has all-- _| P es o ---- [ ~--<~--~--~ s § % ) 4 @1 RAY . C \__ In May of this year The Kincar-- _| / F9 ?',5':"\\3 ~..<<-- e 0 cce e ho2 \ P ' + Ese L. C / dine News featured a story about _ | y s s Fo 7e \\- e <CXxx~y _ c -- _ toR o es .:"! T5 k d -- t# S i {a & | Kincardine resident Julie Farrell i: w e [ SV Pn _ . e e o * O < NO s o ~~,. \ andhberhopeoffindingadonorfor | _ _ _ (wlgy 11h °. 0}) f & J & | a much needed kidney transplant.. -- fiw& 3+ \ A ~aie "fa o > + e . +~ o y | At the time Farrell Had been wait-- o0 tssc c t _ _ _f|~ meeee --.| i «en C i ing over 14 months on the trans-- _ g3 > > ,g;'i.fl j \\\%--J:'g\: $ C Lo as of |= =* > > : gg'" J # | plant list and had the heartbreak _ p > --£. ~--Na o. s $ 2 aB e * oA P l b o & is i/ | C . of several relatives, including her . C L ue K s P | _ Yreaoes Ley | ... 1 ~ husband Chris, being ruled out as -- ies ns / e o_ ol |% ' P 3. s .fipjy *+# _ 43 \-- potential live organ.--donors.~ 5s . l e e s + .e | 5;:* # lfi o J 7 /4 Seal _ _. Farrell had turned to the internet _| im . _ =I in ~ 1t * 5 e 2e# e d i C _ and the social media website Face-- _ # ul s % ima2""" _ "um i s ME book in the hope of educating oth-- _ o _ t gyi*~. e y | Nes & ~ ers about the importance of organ _ at" figfi@ es t L== T As~*% [ c; y M s 5@ f donation, especially the }?rospect 1 _ y es' _ u_ *A k °6 | < of live organ donation. Her Face-- U&@@@s@ssamain----popenennmnnmees B «;;i; 3 P book page was titled simply "I remain anonymous throughout gramthisis. Lhadmy own team, [ _ _ _ M * | & Need a Kidney." _ ~~ ~> the entire process. This was an _ Julie had hers, plus there was the . [ _ __ _' % *fl'; P At the time several of Barrell's -- unusual request. While anonymity transplant coordinator, and a M ____ A , § & friends contacted the transplant is generally a condition imposed _ social worker. They made it very m o en' & \ eoordinator at London's University by the transplant team with -- clear that even up to the day of sur-- Kincardine's Julie Farrell, right, sits with her husband Chris and son _ * | Hospital in the hope of possibly -- deceased organ donation, in cases . gery it was always mgl choice. They [ Dawson beside the dialysis equipment that sat in her master bedroom . @ | bemF a donor for Farrell. %nfortu-- of live organ donation the parties -- never wanted me to feel compelled [ in May 2012 prior to her kidney transplant in November. Farrell had been . nately none made it past the pre-- _ involved almostalways know each . to do it. I could stop at any time," having haemodialysis five times per week until receiving a donor kidney _ @ | Iiminary screening phases. other. the woman recounted. "It was also from a match who saw her search for a kidney donor in a newspaper article _ Unknown to Earrell, however, ___ In this situation, the woman felt -- very emotional. Every step I had -- IIJ in The Kincardine News. (TRACEY HINCHBERGER/KINCARDINE NEWS FREELANCE) _ @ ( was another familiar face, just an _ that helping Farrell was simply the _ to repeat the conversation about _ . E | acquaintance, had seen the news-- . right thing to do and did not want . why I wanted to do it, e)g)]lain my -- friendship, there's.one thing they _ transplant has changed her life. € | paper article about her plight. The -- any recognition for her actions. . motivation. But througit)l e whole -- made clear. : "Well, I'll have to take 34 pills ' woman, who wishes to maintain _ Unfortunately the transplantteam process I never doubted that I "It's Julie's kidney now," the _ every day for the rest of my life. But @ | her anonymity, said she knew of _ did not agree with her wishes. They would be Julie's donor." woman stated. "The transplant _ I'm no longer on dialysis; I don't | Farrell's health problems and was --determined that she must make FinallK in November Farrell _ team made it very clear that once _ have to plan ourlives around hoolk-- C |-- concerned to see that her situa-- -- her identity known to Farrell if she -- received her miracle. the organ is transplanted you _ ing up to that machine. I'm still \-- tion was deteriorating. She cut the _was to tlil'oceed. The two women waited in the _ no longer have a say. I can't say _ tired and recovering from the sur-- € transplant coordinator's contact At the end of A\alfiust Farrell -- same pre--op room. The donor was mthmg if I saw her living an -- gery, but I haven't felt this healthy information out of the paper and --received a E}mne call that would _ taken first. Farrell described how ealthy lifestyle." in years." € \ 'stuckit on the fridqg. + change her life. the woman had tears in her eyes So the donor focuses on her Finally the two women had these ¢ \__ "I just kept looking at it," she "She called me and asked if she _ and smiled as she was wheeled out _ Own lifestyle. The transplant team _ two messages for others. |-- explained. "I'm a mother and it was -- could come over, we needed to . the door. She too began to cry and -- emphasized that she should exer-- First, "If Xou haven't SlF!'led your . @ _ hard to know there was a boy who . talk. I thought my son had done said simply, "Thankyou." cise refiularly, abstain from smok-- _ donor card, put yourself in some-- ' _ _was losing his mother. One day I somethintfi, Farre'{l laughed when Six wee])a,s after that day the two -- ing and eat protein with modera-- _ one else's shoes," Farrell's donor _ @ _ finally decided I was going to do. -- recalling the day. women sat at Farrell's dining table _ tion. f k said. "What if you had somepne | somethiig_."' R Over the next few months test-- -- to recount the journey they had "It's nothing that someone . in your family who needed some-- _ @ ___. She called the number and lefta -- ing--continued, each stage ru1in§ taken together. Based on their --shouldn't be doing already," the .. thing?" ® _ _ message. out whether the transElant would _ demeanout it was obvious that : woman explained. _ The other message? "Youhave to . @ _ Three weeks passed and the je(JfgaIdize the donor's health while _ through the experience the Then Farrell described how the _ have faith. : woman received no reply. She _ at the same time determiningifthe . one--time acquaintances f C _ thought that %erhaps one of Far-- -- procedure would work for Farrell. _ have bonded and are now ; / «rell's friends had proved to be a _ "Through this process I became -- close friends. a »] 4 C |_ match. Just before giving up, she -- aware of what an amazing pro-- Regardless of their _ decided to call one moretime. ___ _ __=_---------------- is mss : € | When she spoke to the trans-- _ _ stearnadin -~ i lean' s t o : Mapepn er een copied down | f P 1 F I R |_ incorreetly and they had been une Remembering owner of Jean's ramily estauran e -- ble to reach her when attempting 2 : R 'Business Of The Year' ¢ |_ to returnher phone call. _ . | Dear Editor, to common folk like me. huddled together. You could _ Year or Business Of [ne ear;t _--__ The two women began with a _ . Saturday July 27 marked a I defy anyone to show me see how much they were .Harol-d.Maurer is a grea 6 _ phone interview. They discussed | since the passingof Jean -- where you can get a better grieving over the loss of their Kincardinite and the mu?:ia-- | Whatwmfldbe'finwlveaz the poten-- | KJB:? dham who u?a%% hands _ brealdast in Grey §l Bruce. oss and you just knew they . pality should'reco%mZ:h hrln C _ tial risks and a battery of health-- | onownerofJeansEamily Res _ Jean was such a hard were wondering what would _ one of these times for s _ related questions. It's critical that a _ Eeurant worker, Sheoperated the ress become of their jobs with decades of service forf cog- | & |_ live organ donor be in good health . "She died so quick. Lola and _ taurant sevensays aweekand _ Jean gg'na munity projects, and! OII.<inS . | _ and engages in a healthy lifestyle, \ Thad breakfast at the restau-- _ never took a day off until the At the wake after the funeral -- years of voluntee(:jnng in f > ¢ pxhol QI the condition of the. | rant had a nice chat with her _ last couple of years when she I hapgened to say to my old _ cardine sports and recreation. |\_ donated organ, but also for the ind five.d ays later she was mghttafle the odd day off. friend Harold Maurer, who Jean is gone but you can . ® \_ donor's sake once surgery occurs. | gone in her 7Oth year. _ he was tough on t¥1e out-- alon% with his wife Lynda _ still feel her presence. Her plc(i \__ The next steps involved an * Jean Needham.was a life -- side but soft on the inside. _ were Jean's all time best cus-- -- ture is ugon the wall bghl{l1 ' & | «extensive medical questionnaire long restaurant waitress in -- Jean tau ht so many girls _ tomers -- O.K Howie whatin the cash register al'rllil she ' | --and a baf@@ffim tests. \Kincardine -- the absolute very _ the art og how to be a good _ the world are we going to do _ sort of follows you while you # ts Eachggfie the way the woman \'best. For many years she wait-- -- waitress over the years, Once -- for breakfast now that Jean _ are there. Her granddalcllgh- success Y.gfisfiefi' the screen 'ressed at The Sunset Restau-- tau%httheystayed taught by i?qfione?, Harolq said "we _ ter Kerri, a summer stu telrllt C \ ing. All the while, Farrell had no :\ rant next to The Bankof Mon-- _ the best. il see, something may be -- waitress,. is a "chip off the _ idea what was occurring. That was _ treal. _ ' She took lots of waitresses -- in the works." I found out ten old block" her grandmother € | about to change _ _ \ * Prior to that she worked _ and short order cooks under. _ days later -- Harold and Tynda _ trained her well. Jean is living 6 _ The woman had wished to for awhile at The Sunset and _ her wing over the years and bought Jean's! Beautifull Itre-- _ through Kermi. § inoppmmomenucamment > Sutton Park Restaurants and he!ied tfiem along in theirlife -- opened on Aug, 8, 2012 and .__ Sandra told meawhile back & for The Lurmnmus Company's. _ trials and tribulations, has been going strong ever that she thinks her Mom is messhall _ _ Over the years I have loved -- since -- same name --same staff _ still around out on her par-- 6 "In 1995 she bought the res-- -- running in to old friends and _ -- same great Canadian food _ ents house at the corner of taurant business in the build-- s peciaf acquaintances at -- same great friendly atmos-- _ Highways21 and 6 -- the alarm 6 ing next t6 Sutton Park. Jean's . Jean's. Sometimes afteh;ffaymg phere. 62 > clocks and smoke alarms keep \has been ffi]fl%' breakfast and _ our bill it takes me ahalf hour _ _ Forstepping up and saving -- going off all the time for no 6 lunch every day since because . getting out the door because I _ Jean's and the t\n(elv%)lobs' in _ apparent reason. \ Jean with her vast experience _ chat with so many people on _ the business T think the Kin-- _ Thanks Jean! Thanks & \ as a waitress ovefge years _ the way out. ; cardine Chamber of Com-- _ Harold! : s | knew exactly what kind of _ At Jean's funeral ILcould not -- merce should award Harold R. Keith Davidson, |: 6 ¢ mtc food and service would appeal -- help notice her three cooks with maybe 'Citizen of The _ Kemble Shore and Kincardine 6 2e td § e Einakepns -- es F oo j &