' | f . - NU RegeAt -- $600,000 to Kincardine Hospital McE y ' _ _ puVVV,VUV 1 ; | \ | 1 U ) | ( 1Cs r 3 | : @povil aruine n McFarlane releases second . _ Kincardine and Community Health Care _ Baldwin. "He was very.generous to the m j m BR _ Foundation has been handed a $600,000 _ Foundation. He donzgd $45,000 over 3 b°°k ln m ste serles " estate donation from the late Wesley Giesz. . the past few years.' A& Aof AAJ 4 & | _ Giesz, who passed away in 2015 at _ Baldwin said the funds will be S ~>----, i---- | | age 97, was a regular donor to the Kin-- | invested until the foundation gets the Kincardine's rlene McFarlane _ W ]' | --| cardine hospital over the years, and the _ go ahead for the Kincardine Hospital released the second book of the _ [ C e . e ' \ singificant donation was just recently . redevelopment, which at that point will. series, Murder, Curiers and Canes, ; * }{LF NL* 3 : i released by his estate. Ks -- 'determind how best to use the funds. on June 15. _ A * 3e 16 | _ |_ "Wes was a huge supporter of the _ "We are so fortunate for Mr. Geisz's Author of the Valentine Beau-- _ | m ( 3 | hospital,'said the foundation's Diane . contribution,' she said. _ 'mont Mysteries, those who _ | (/ A\ RLA N E t Mess is iss ; 4 : ( haven't followed McFarlane's her-- ; [ igs\S f ce t e > > esnaen oi = oine the clever beautician and.| Ei aa 5 cb ) Mess e e s ninane in forineafeaiferans 1e se C \her amateur--sleuth antics in the -- | j "' 3 g 2 L. U is anirga. _ t c : series opener, Murder, Gurlers ~W i W s 4 3 EL -- xz in [ >3 $ and Cream, are in for a story of _ | l Cl § §X cx [ murder, death threats, kidnap-- T 4 o. -- . ~W pings, firebombs, a colourful cast ©enge .. ® C C of characters, and a tough detec-- [ ®W k' _ 1e P . | § tive on the case, once they enter | M¥' x * | 1 ] Valentine's world. a '* +3 > ' C ' Book Two delivers another fast-- Sth F_' AA f ' j m : paced mystery full ofhumour and |-- |NIUFGOER ;\ URIE * 0 s $ romance. . - f s a @ "Murder, Curlers, and Canes is a s a 35 d \ beauty of a read," said Denise. W\ "mar * 0 Swanson, a New York Times best-- & > smmz \ L \ selling author of mysteries and Shormo photo [ _ o ' romances in a review. "The quirky. _ Author Ariene McFarlane, a Kincardine __ _ k 4 § \ characters are fun, the mystery is _ resident released the second book i : 3 | well--plotted, and the romance is _ in her mystery series on June 15, pamtrgent Shared photo ie ~ mm tinan ts | sizzling. Arlene McFarlane's 2017 entitled Murder, Curiers and -- The Kincardine and Community Health _ --=~ _ I----r" | sleuth Valentine teases out every Canes. >. | Care Foundation recently received a 3 \clue. It's the perfect read for the f , | massive $600,000 donation from the * beach or under the hair dryer. _ mysteries. » Lm" meme W_esley Giesz. The 4 e Delightful!" .. The paperback of Book One, & | 'Kincardine Foundation:was presented s McEarlane is a member of Murder, Curlers and Cream, is " _ the cheque recently by the Executor , Romance Writers of America, -- available at Fincher's and online at a | ia[lfi'meco-ExecutorofflIeestate. L--R: I Sisters in Crime, Toronto Amazon. The ebook is also availa-- [ _\ Diannie MacArthur, Becky Fair, Mary Hall, Romance Writers, SOWG, and _ ble at all online retailers. | Gordon McGarvey and Arnold Berndt. the Golden Network. She's won The paperback and ebook of l > -- S f i \_and placed in over 30 contests, Book Two, Murder, Curlers and {i | including twice in the prestig-- _ Canes, will be available atall online & s t \ ious Golden Heart and twice in _ retailers. : o ."1 the Daphne du Maurier, the For more information visit arlen-- & S § \award for excellence in emcfarlane.com :. | ' ¢ c ® & hll . f | | ; ) * 4 * 4 4 d db * I 2 Bean's Bistro in Kincardine introduces dinner service.! hx Di l y s e «l Bean's Bistro on Queen Street in Kincardine, known for organic reservation. PM ie A |. o. 4 ', _ coffee, hearty breakfasts and tasty lunches, has expanded their Book your table today | e _ l [ : > 3 MA . . menu. Owner Rob Millar completed a renovation to the interior of for Bean's: _ Bistro s s mt C ', nexmmmsab ipiin.. _ the space, and now offers a complete supper menu. Valentine's Dinner, 6pm w hapens" \% 5 E"Eha*lathesbyGIes,z,fihopassed away "We have been family owned since 2003, and it is. exciting for . by reservation only! This KRR® oc e o o € E;"MZNS SS e e snn us to move beyond being perceived as 'just a coffee shop'. We are _ includes an appetizer salad, &'» ind t TVT n & :+ 3 % now a fully licensed, full menu restaurant. Our dinner menu ~a choice of entree and a ) [ L444 P fap t wl features made from scratch dishes from our own kitchen with -- fabulous dessert for only |MMMZB l eB <--L_ _( N +4 something for everyone. Since we are independent and not a $28 per person. Gflji:"" . ', i . f $ franchise our goal is to offer customers a more unique, intimate Bean's Bistro on Queen | k'fvig, F 5 e ""«a;.&:_ 9M atmosphere and dining experience." J Street has your table ready. [A N »l i 10 | f't mz > a The new menu features starters, meal sized salads, pastas,' Just call 519--396--4777 to Enjoy the ambience of the 4 steaks, vegetarian options and decadent desserts, with gluten free reserve your chance to newly renovated Bean's Bistro -- 1} + options as well. Currently dinner is only available by reservation _ enjoy Kincardine'snewest and dinner too! 6 6 made before 3pm on the day you would like to dine, but only until _ dining experience.* 4 z March. f j .' "In the winter months we offer dinner on nights ; #\ with reservations made before 3pm. Of course, | _ * f es once we have a reservation for an evening, we are > #, more than happy to accommodate walk--in tables. * . Then in March we will be open six nights a week 3 ' £ : ' for dinner, but even then, reservations are strongly P# 13 recommended to avoid disappointment," : : A true bistro, Bean's Bistro offers seating for P# 4 30, and those fill quickly. Craving a fresh salad, h , P pasta carbonara, or a juicy 100z. sirloin steak? : Reserve your table today. Open daily at 7:30am J f with breakfast available until llam, and lunch . P until 3pm, and the new dinner menu available by