, N\I-- Peg--4 esags . y~~ allsuls, > uo d tth a. "amL f 13 [ ces oo aaro e .z \\_f pprrririrraraaar 1 4 fiamn WIllle has dle a . eage 0 . ' ':y-'f'f:"- * C '~ ce _ > Tok 'i;'*'=?"?i'"'~fi:§:.:"'s; e ': " x ho , q %;,'-xmm Welder groundhog's demise. ins were available, organ-- ; Mess ces :.".'g*--"-'"f;' eE i" as 4 & g-Wmfim _ and simply present the _izers decided to present to | ul inss . * * E. i . -- ; --. e es' younger groundh'ogasWi]lie the world a stuffed ground-- E e-- e -- 3+ -- «5 +¥ . S & \ _ The pug--nosed albino on Groundhog Day. hog, in a small wooden cof-- [ _ x ~. ""~a, .»~-- oo i# .: . | : f-gr@ndhggfl;at.has-served "It just wouldn't be right . fin with coins over his eyes, ||||-- C _2 > . * o Saaeeke--* ~g ¥ : C © as Wiarton's famous weather -- to simply switch the two out on Groundhog Day. e -- t e s e _ e ' laggs: . 525 / ?~,..fimgnosfimogtmpthe;pgs; 11 and pretend that nothing The town then got three * 6 > ~~ mt _ : 4 yemhasmed: _ _ _ _ _ ceverhappened, shesaid. new Willies from the Ottawa _ | .+:.A i e $ l -- & _' Wiarton Willie, who was -- "I think we owe a lot to _ area, but two of them were gger> Q' e l e ~ : | fs'yafiolfi, ; found dead _ Wiarton Willie and T thinkthis found dead in late 2003 in gat -- °S :z & E fififiéfihongfiiub\qgter _ is an appropriate tribute to their new pen outside of e s 4 * c _ Park on the weekend, South him andThope alotofpeople Wiarton's library. They may 1 . G ! Bruce Peninsula announced -- comeout on Sept 30. have frozen to death or suc-- _| _ f & (+s: Wednesday. __ A Groundhog Day festi-- cumbed to some conse-- } © | %fu@tfll mhis sleep, val has taken place in Wiar -- quence of water seepage into 20e ; e | Mayor Janice Jackso n said in _ ton since 1956 when founder their tunnel. % P 4A s < \ andinterview. _ _ _ _ _ Mac McKenzie decided to The third groundhog F _ ~ -- A#s 5 e f S %@@%Glovergm- throw a mid--winter party _ served as Wiarton Willie until i. h ~--~" l ' 'he's handler) went in to feed -- in a local tavern with some . he died of an infection in . [ s ; F } 6 i «him Saturday morning, he -- friends. McKenzie died last 2006 at age 8. An estimated [ «* f \ V R f o '~ wasdead. AndGordfeedshim _ month at age 90. 300 people gathered in Blue-- B h Q A )r 4 e [ C i everyday. But Willie has been _ Over the years, several -- water Park to say goodbye at -- B h S 4 *¥ ai¥e" --2* C" 3 ©_ very frail forsome time. albino marmots have served _ amemorial ceremony. ~4 SHARED PHOTO © \___ The town has decided to ~as Wiarton Willie who, The most recent Wiarton _ Wiarton Willie in 2014. , /Sfl.{vf' TA 9 JC [ P \_ hold a "celebration of life" according to legend, can pre---- Willie was captured in a live > C \-- and funeral procession at dict whether or not there will -- trap in the Markdale area. around him and especially _ understudy. "Willie's daily care regimen ¢ } %@ter Parkon Sept. 30 to be anearly springor sixmore _ He has whispered his his caretaker. It was really "We always have a back--up _ coupled with living in a safe " | honour the furry rodent. _ weeks of winter depending Groundhog Day predic-- remarkable how bonded he Willie just in case. It's so crit-- and protected environment _ / \ _ Jackson said the town. on ifhe can see his shadow _ tion to four different mayors -- was to his caretaker." ical to the town that we cer-- _ allowed Willie to reach the ' : mfl two--year--old _ or not on ;'% _ _ _ overthe past 11 years -- Carl She said Willie's under-- _ tainly can't leave ourselves _ ripe old age of 13," it said. ( "understudy" ;ig_mu'm{?g_; _ The death of Willie in 1999 Noble, Gwen Gilbert, John. study was spotted by a little -- vulnerable," she said. The celebration of life for * M\fl!@génmemefifilgf*made international head-- Close and, since 2015, Jack-- _ boy in Huntsville, who called South Bruce Peninsula -- Willie is set to begin at 11 ( E fWfl]ie_aite;@éfg;'Er- lines. Festival organizers, son. the town. Willie's caretaker -- noted in a news release on _ a.m. at Bluewater Park. A | emonyconcludes _ _ at the time, said Willie was _ "He was a real sweetie," -- drove to Hunstville to pick Willie's death that ground-- _ funeral procession is to travel Q _ She said sheddidn'tthinkit -- 22 years old when he died -- Jackson said. "It was really --up the groundhog. hogs in the wild don't typi-- _ through the park where Wil-- | would have been fair for the . just two days before his big fun working with him. He: _ Jackson said the town cally live longer than four -- lie will be honoured beside < \ town to say nothing of the prediction. Since no stand® _ clearly responded to people will now search for another years. the statue of his likeness. ' ( n = d & * e wore «TheKncaraneNnens MB Thursday, May 11, 2007 ie i e n n 4 .( %s P ®@ _ ® _ _0 u/5 k fi M c -- ; % "Taseetren y .: 2l w P 1 " C PALQCD f a * 4 o 67 8 'Flag raising kicks off May as Community |: ie ce 0 5cce | es : M 1 + m tsA ';.'" P94 / | ~Living Month in Kincardine area » w s e _ May is recognized across To continue raising music program for babies members who work with t e K«3 e yA oR / | Ontario as 'Community Liv-- awareness and inspiring and caregivers will: be -- children. 7 £: L2 qR > °+ ing Month' and is an oppor-- -- new possibilities in our offered twice in May! Jenuy _ Learn specific tech-- 476 .. ww r s | tunity to celebrate the -- community, a number of Raspberry--Martin, CLKD's niques to foster friend-- /I// gs=" B j NC \ achievements and contribu-- exciting initiatives are Infant & Development ships, find out how to iden-- ))_ t y | hesslal > osy tions thatcitizens of allabili-- . planned for May. _ Worker will introduce tify and build on each ' Pss . ' Mc ties make and to.embrace School Outreach Visits babies to music, thythm, _ child's strengths, and dis-- \77_ se * 2 [ 9 \the diversity of our _ Throughout the month singing and new friends. On cover how simple it can be |, > /. -- e E= community.. of May, CLKD members, -- Thursday May 25, join Jenny to transform your organiza-- a § The work of the Munici-- _ staff and families will be at 10--a.m. at the Davidson _ tion, classroom or commu-- _ | p is pality of Kincardine, the -- returning to local schools _ Centre. There is no cost to _ nity into one that fully sup-- AF % \ Township.of Huron--Kin-- to share messages of attend. ports children with 4e ¢ ®f % 'Jhfl&;z;na_li'n'lero,us commu-- inclusion, acceptance, Kids Included Together _ disabilities. ' i2 & h & L nity groups, the local empathy and kindness. Training -- Wednesday May _ This workshop is recom-- _ || -- ~% M -- media, schools, busi--_ Individuals with spend -- 17 --9:30 a.m. To 4:30 p.m. at mended for teachers, -- | 4 Y , nesses and individual res-- _ time with several primary the Best Western Governor's coaches, early childhood i y P idents makes areal impact -- classes, reading books --Inn. educators, recreation staff, --| § - 4 PHe _ On th'e;hvfisli%mdividuals focused on acts of kind-- Torrie Dunlap is a world _ social service professionals . --| e o ooo e ,thh filsabif ities and their ness, making friends and leader on the topic of and parents. It runs from. | Em se 3 3 \ families._. _-- . __ helping everyone feel inclusion, particularly 9:30am to 4: 30 p m -- o n _ PS oi eat f & :&Commx@;fiy Living of -- accepted. These visits will -- when it comes to kids. She Wednesday May 17 at the Q.. . s -- > E;chamgms ad District provide opportunities for has shared her experi-- «Best Western Governor's MR ,M_,,_:;;-fl',,,;v"" : | (CLKD) is grateful for the _ students to ask questions, ences at TedX, with the -- Inn. [d ce pg | ongoing suppor t.of our hear about the%.iw'zes_and United Nations and in _ The registration fee is o p ,%\;jfl'{ _experiences of CLKD _ communities across Can-- --$100. To reserve your spOt, 2X ,"-*g »f: 3{&% member ';§Iig learn how -- ada, the United States and please contact Jolene Sshe;-_ | made to create a truly they can help to build a Europe. _ . . ... _ ___ ton Family Support 3t 512-- ?i*ff%: en lues - 2 j'{ 'f~£9m-mmi1y ;BérrLe%nd fellow KIT -- 396--9434ex 230 or jshelton@ | o o k M * ifiefiidems, o fi@é@dwqb --sta gifiem er Kathryn King olkd.ca, . . _ _____ Shared photo S wath develgy ces Ts Nfiflififlev _\ ---- are offering an interactive . Kids Int_:lu_ded Together 7 a C isabpilifies 3 pmental _ Baby &Me MusicGroups -- and gxaeucal; training ses-- -- Presentation -- Wednesday _ Allan Moore, Kelly Wheeler and Maurice Cotter took part in the _ 2 bflim hx m * tThe po pmgi'finciys% _ sion for local community May 17 -- 7--9 p.m. at the Municipality of Kincardine flag raising at the Kincardine Library in Es o e . lt ie n _ in onl . _ ns oo aeiinn aaoan s > _ Best Western Governor's support of Community Living Month in May 2017. a * Inon. | s . | _ Join Torrie Dunlap for an a dopting inclusive Steakhouse!./}r'tists of all » | inspiring and motivating . mindsets. ages and abilities will be gtfilk' out the transforma-- -- Tickets are available for showcasing their work and _'tiw%%w'yer of inclusion. -- $25 and can be reserved by _some will be available to f Learn how, as parents, -- calling Jolene Shelton at 519-- _ purchase through a silent . 4 | 'professionals, advocates . 396--9434 ex 230 or jshelton@ _ auction. For each piece | and community members, clkd.ca sold, 50% of the proceeds 3 \-- we can help others in our Thursday May 25 -- Jessica -- will go towards the artists ' community shift from---- Cormier Charity Art Show -- and 50% will be donated to \ focusing On pr'oble'. t and Sale = 6:30--9:30 p.m. at _ CLKD! | seeing the possibilities by . the Bruce Steakhouse The Andrew Parkhouse [ > c i Jessica Cormier Studios is _ Trio will be performing and x |_ hosting a Charity Art Show _ tapas will be on sale--/or only & s & and Sale at the Bruce _ $5. o / . & Mew '_-'M k