4Walpole wins national gold medal in Maxville Glenn Walpole received a Piobaireachd Society national gold medal last month in Maxville. (submitted photo) Kincardhe's Hddgwn (iiiiiiteiils take honoUrs at Bruce Grey Holstein Show Spectators at the 19th annual Bruce Grey Holstein Show held the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 30 at the Walkerton Fairgrounds watched. Bruce Sayles of Paris, Ontario judged 94 head of Holsteins exhibited by breeders of Bruce, Grey and Huron Counties. " Ifithoria Park Kincardine hosted the 27th Annual Gathering of the Bands Festival and it went on from noon to midnight. The Toronto All Star Big Band kicked off the day, with pipe bands from Teeswater, (loderich,Wiartim, Sarnia, Forest Cambridge, the Ontario Fire Services and more entertaining, with the Mass Band Parade at Ipr? orl..llug. 26, 2017, There were me lips tyleyt.eeat com on the cob and hot dogs for a nominal tee. as visitors entered Victoria Park with a free admission to celebrate one of Kincardine's favourite traditions as a thank you from the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band. Grand Champion of the Show was the Mature Cow class winner "Marfloacres SanchetLady" exhibited by Hodglynn Holsteins, Kincar- dine and Trinal Holsteins, Teeswater with Reserve Champion Honours going to "Lindenright Gold Annabel',' the Senior Two Year old class winner shown by Hodglynn D On July 29, Glenn Walpole of Under- wood earned the Pio- baireachd Society's national gold medal at the Glengarry Highland Games in Maxville, On- tario. This is the only competition outside of Scotland sanctioned by the Piobaireachd So- ciety of Scotland and is restricted to profes- sional solo competitors. Piobaireachd is the music of the Great High- land Bagpipe - the most classical form of music played on the bagpipes. Walpole played In Praise of Morag which runs for about 14 minutes increasing in technical difficulty as the tune progresses. The Junior Champion hon- ours went to the Senior Calf "Florbil Doorman Lilly' , exhiir ited by Florbil Farms Ltd., Mild- may. Reserve Junior champion was awarded to "Valleyriver Lotus Stella" the Junior Calf class winner shown by Valley- river Farms Ltd, Bognor -- 7 iiremier BreederBf the show was Hodglynn Holsteins, Kin- cardine and Premier Exhibitor. Holsteins, Kincardine. The Best Bred and Owned Cham- pion of the show was "Chakel- burg Picolo Lasanga, exhib- ited by Chakelburg Holsteins, Mildmay; Showstyle Genetics, Mildmay; J-Star and Calaway. irouurs went to Sunspark The idea for the Pio- baireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada) and the Bar to the Gold Medal came from Major Ar- chie Cairns. He was Walpole's first Piobai- reachd instructor and remained his instruc- tor until his passing on April 1, 2016, making this medal particularly meaningful to Walpole. In the afternoon 32 4-H members participated in the 4-H Showmanship classes. Zac Goodacre was selected as Grand Champion Showp- erson, and Cole Holland as Reserve Champion Showperson. Zac and Cole were the first recipients of the Leanne Russ- wurm Brusso Memorial Per- petual Award for Champion and Reserve Champion Show- manship. Grand Champion 4-H calf was shown by Cole Holland and the Reserve Champion 4-H Calf was exhib- itedby Kara Tlchbonme. Farms Inc., South Bruce Peninsula. This medal allowed Walpole to compete against former winners in the Bar to the Gold Medal, which was won by Andrew Hayes of Ottawa this year. The competition was judged by Bill Livingstone of Whitby. Walpole began his piping career with the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band at the age of L-R: Jordan Schoulton - Ontario Miss Mid West, Bruce Sayles .. Show Judge, Paul Murphy of Ireland at the halter of the Reserve Champion, Greg McLean at the halter of the Grand Champion, Ken Horst of Trina! Holsteins in Teeswater, and Adam and Bella Hodgins of Hodglynn Holsteins in Kincardine. eight under the tutelage of David Hamilton. He continued his instruc- tion in light music with Bill McLeod of Kincar- dine, who immediately introduced him to solo competition. Walpole began at the'Grade 4 level. McLeod then in- troduced him to Major Archie Cairns of Lon- don, Ontario so that he could add Piobaireachd to his repertoire to be- come a more well-round- ed competitoron the world stage. Walpole joined the ranks of Professional Solo Piping in 2011, at the age of 18, after win- ning the North Ameri- can Championship as an amateur piper. He has piped in Ontario, New "7t" Brunswick, Nova Sco- tia, New York, New Jer- sey, California, Florida and Scotland. Walpole, now 23, is enrolled at the Uni- versity of Toronto in a combined MD/PHD program. He still enjoys coming home to Kincar- dine and bringing his pipes to join the Kincar- dine Scottish Pipe Band in the Saturday night parade as he has made many life-long friends through the band. He enjoys piping and hopes to continue to improve his playing while he completes his medical training in Toronto. 1rpcsui-c Ci', Submitted by Debo- rah Walpole ruu/ [14/ a? 0 Al, GU" / Photo shared by Shlrley Hanick submitted