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'?-:k 7.; -- * :A * _;"f e 3_~" 7 ~Fegeasete $ > ' 4 "an ;' f F f is t y ' * _ ~R@RK _; 1 > > 3A ---- t s f & ~ @ J 'W : l ( vo # r"\'{}':' 5 ,--_--:4' P S)Q V & | e.'; ls'l [d ~g \'1:;._ j:'":';; -- Bs 3 \',' M n F '; q-__( l A 4 G _TE PP ELCOA DGD _ ie zs <<~= * £] dasafdhand ty a _IUI EL _ IAUVUIDUVIV --____-- _ _ _ o | LHFEE ELAE L We # | M M M o t ve a t M w2 C _ -- e o i > _ _ oi e | Py ni uPA : ~DarylCoote _ _ -- -- _ f j en ds ol j _ Kincardine News _ _ g'f' dlectagthe s« C onl eR ra : + n Sui Peily ' -- ledge thought it would be _ o mesmee _1 _ l l opmeputwith herdirst _ m es .. . _ ns n ihanm 2e e se l on e t mc 3 +2 C P saf 4) > S ze ¥rse s able to do it," she said, . e Nny :A > t = M hsC ts \g» ~ recently while on her lunch _ x9 4 _e; wicutine 3 © wwr. e ~ S _Z ( Teosendya d w n P ol , s ..=--PL 2' eeeite m | brealcfrom Kincardine &.Dis-- . | a B { i';":'? flig? | InkKIEeS up ; ' ' e mascrms. thart = ' _ grew up --make CDs ---- but1 _ | a i i i i ion Wednesda \ didn't think T ei'h%f _ Mope and Dale MacCrostie enjoy high tea at the Kincardine Legio 33 6% C eR M eems on eaenee o n h Cu en d f°||o§1'vi'iig' a--celebration of Her Royal Highness Queen Ellzabet:,M wl'\(o W Roto) 1 | now!" _ _ "wse k follo o o re prital rei ¢ cKay pho %nmefiawdaynfl&c-l%fit * --years on the throne is Britain's longest reigning monarch. (Barb McKay p ' | the Governor's Inn, Best h "T.aser. ces s %@mmmmfledgmfl e C : °. . ~__ * 52 ' | have surpassed her own _ lE A ooo l rormrmrorrrrmraniom remmmmnranennennnennarratnenams ?fléébfafii[%ags with an EP _ *L : es is % ie will--cont * | gelease:concert for her first _ ~"tayt, L e o 0| _ > ."Tt's probably my favourite -- interpreted to be about fight-- . (first album, she will continue '%"" Eoys ~_ zi.3 -- --.:v-'_gpv' e E'ii:' niessa%e of all the songs. ing through all kinds of . to apply for.grantg and con(-1 |__ "I'm pretty excited," said _ | ----|---- yess" .". _ Wt | . That's the one about kids and _ struggles. _ tinue to write and sing an %fizfififi%@!fl'dfi}tflflfi- * * > § e n o how we have to put up our "It can be taken as for. perform. And who knows, | know's Scott Chow. "IT've | | _ -- _( _ a *t Aak . best fight to be ourselves and. . women or for anybody that's . maybe even make a music \ recorded single songs before, _ dn : & e 4e _ _| _ _make our way through the been through tough times video for one of her songs. | but I haven't released them . es _ o e |_ world. So that was the main -- and needs help, and'they _ "That would be very awe-- e mans . '":fig & e e se is § sls ; nc 4 '4! idea Iwanted to get across. So _ need to put up their bestfight -- some, she said. P raveolog e en o > O e O L L S _ it just made sense to make R ,e exciting." --Am . P - Rob Boyce/Your Life in Stills Photography _ thatthe title, she said. Mdfi pmu% Januarywhen _ Ripley singer and musician Serena Rutledge is releasing her first .. Proceeds from the launch 7 nc enentracam te; EP on Dec. 12, 2015. % + ~ . party and sflental%/%uonm,ll | | mothen ruite futledge, she . 'Twas in Porids, Iwasstt: . "right thing" in pursuinga . go towards the Women's 1beone:of ting by the pool and my mom-- . career in music. ; House ervmg Eul 33; | mm_mdgand got an email, and she went "It just kind of copfirmed as it not only does qxcllp%rtan. roll moves one can thinkof-- . over to my dad and she . that what I was doing was work, Rutledg;. satlh , but 11[sl | she applied for a government -- shows him her iPad'sereen, . _good, she said.. _ . . _ also connected to themes _ grant, specifically from The -- and she's like, 'Am i reading The pop, rockwith alittle heEaIbum 45 ffh \ Eoundation Assisting Cana-- -- this right?' And I'm like, ~bit of punk" album includes The'whole idea of the | s | dian Talent on Recordings, or _ 'What are you'talking about?' _ all original material by Rut--_ . women's house is to support / EACTORforshort _ _ _ "IthinkIscreamed.Idon't ledgeand was produced and . women who have gone / _ "Andithat's kind of the way _ knowifI screamed. L jumped «* 4 1 4e. se -- esn es \GCanada's music industry _ up and ran.over to lookat her z \ works is even big bands 'they -- sereen. I was not expecting to s ? : | still use EACTOR funding -- get the grant, especially at 14 § s \ because they can. I think . ...Tjustdidn'tthinkthatat14. . | nNDACD A dn ge f that's a great thing about . they would give me:$1,500," -- ; ~ C watl)b; if"u.ré.NE es 138 : | Canada" shesaid ciingthe shesaid. _ _ _ _ TX Emdns ~ _---- E3 | _ |band Marianas Trench as _ But FACTOR did. And in -- | y .. ~~-- K . f _ e | @ndafiga';u' established groups -- doing so Rutledge was reas-- -- ; | f iss § & = g§ & | @efig@emmmmnas.. sured that she was doing the-- - ---- tWe 2 * _ _ _ | L,;-l-.m*i*w 8 I, af t}érg]g_vfng j s A "-'fI' "*;:'_' lk TT i>" A 7 g:' C : | applied for the money, she -- & _ -- #7 4 CC i . hopper. c ~e +~~-- 7 ~-- S * | Th s13 U i: VMAAZIzz NC | me," she said. "I thought it _ ; s hss o e <. NVs | developed who had a fan. #f : m \ _ _ { FaAVCA Y -- ,, thing" _ . _ _ § % * s 4 : _ However she did nothave _ VB 5 MA T. / F : ,.{J'}gz"'\"@ Jn@etgflt 1 £ ; N ' E > $" m : . 4 word backform FACTOR. _ _ $ | , A £ M Nee ciim ao nnn ons oetrnaen _ * | R m y _ i ,' Sheth 7 E fi>*s; mugetee sz me es e xz & 'lelI;:MGfdene . 'The 164th Kincardine Fall Fair enjoyed three days of hot weather, kicking off with Halley Allen being named the 2015 Kincardine § (Fall Fair ambassador on Friday, Pictured above: L--R: Kincardine's 2015 Ambassador Sadie Shewfelt passed the crown to Allen, | | MacKay showing their stuff. See photos and video from all three days at kincardinenews.com -- follow us on Facebook and Twither. | i <amb e en C m En agientiens . Lsnt ... uin nc olnipncaes on