Bruce WI keeps busy President Linda Frcihurgcr chaired _ the mecting, Secretary treasurer Doreen _ McAdam gave report sheets to the district Adamsville and Allenford WI were hostesses for the Bruce County District Women's Institute direc-- tOr's--meeting on March 2 at the Presbyterian Church in Allenford, doaks" convenors to be filled in and sent on to area after the annual meeting. Roots. of Bruce will be held April 10 12 for Grade 6 students in the county. The inStitute branches will--be serving a hot meal each day to the volunteers. °OS SOistnct Annual will be held May 24 at the Elmwood Community Centre with Arkwrigm, Belmore, Bervie, Blucbell and Brant Greenock branches in charge. Bruce County Rally will be in Tiverton on October 2. Branches from Brucedale, Burgoyne, Colpoys Bay, Eden Grove Cargill and Gillies Hill will prepare for the program as Rally Day is to be a fun day. Guest speaker Following lunch, Sandra Yates spoke about Habitat for Humanity. Grey Bruce Habitat for Humanity is building a home in 'Tara August 11--25. They are louking for volunteers to help with the building of the home, lodging for them and serving meals. There are 40--60 volunteers for the two week period. For _ more information, Call Yates at 934--1218 or Grey Bruce Habitat for Humanity, Box 294, Owen Sound. Ontario N4K 5P3 The Bruce Couvmy WI has been selling tickets on four draws with the proceeds going toward the new educa-- tion centre. The winners were as follows: Garden Arbour: Les Monkmom, Kingston, Ont.; $50 gift certificate: Pat Noble, RR1 Mar; Tartan Doll: Mike Wendt, Mildmay; In-- stitute Rose: Judy MacKinnon, Paisley. Thanks to every-- one who bought tickets for this very worthy project. i i@te ns wea Bluebell Branch had the ladies called ':fhe Golden Tones from the Wiarton area entertain with their music, Vieki Braeker, area president, installed the offices for the coming year. Dates to remember: Grey Bruce Area Convention, Durham -- Oct. 23, Bruce County Rally -- Oct.2 in Tiver-- ton. 4 Bruce County District The 4th annual meeting of Bruce County WI was held in the Elmwood Community Centre on Thursday, May 24, with host branches Arkwright, Belmore, Bervie, Blue: bell and Brant Greenoch. Theme for the day was "appre: ciating the great outdoors," bre President Linda Freiburger presided and conducted Fhé meeting. Belmore branch was in charge of registration and 119 members attended. K Pennies for Friendship totalled $1,419.30. Doreen MacAdam ratified the district directors for the coming year. Minutes of the 2000 financial statement, financial examiner's report, donations and correspondence were all presented by secretary treasurer MacAdam. ' Committee reports were given by PRO Pat Calhoun; PAC representative MacAdam gave the report from board meeting. The board office will be open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded to branches getting the most new members. The ACWW convention to be held in Hamilton in June has 696 full--time delegates registered," Brant Greenoch told the group of a project they are ad-- vertising of a medical vial with your 911 number and a list of medications you are taking plus any other health problems. They presented each branch with the informa: tion. Clark Bircfiard, who started the Outdoor Education Centre 28 years ago in Wiarton, was guest speaker: There are 325 acres of land and Grade 6 students are there for three days for the outdoor environmental studies. The Bruce Grey Foundation is replacing the old buildings with new ones at a cost of $2.5 million. Sixty--five Schools are now attending from Grey and Bruce. Women's Institutes aJj3~s\