1 m / / / \'t' ) l \jg,--'S?_ ..-".'2'5;, w o '!'f"h\,' BJ . f : s \ ; f is \ty e * 4 7 Aos * m Ens un l ge A 4 -- c C m E 8 ® m P3 t 6k esn w 7. * 2A Z 15e . P ale ; 7 : i0 > NR 2A Y <w*s pamn-- o I . M 6 NP "\'f\ 4 l«-'z'/ N P »Ak}? f P > _ t o. | f tE F 2 ak . i ul p K B W a. @/R _ _ € w | it 709 oph | / pvaithan BOrent % 8A S \ m 02 k Bsce ho wl us 'JIB 9 I t. t o ( > e t WX & Sigaiithent nq 80 t( 1T i olf a Y o i 2t n--cal TOTY . to outdoor education campaign Bruce County Women's Institute re'(pre'sentatives' presented a cheque for $3,500 to the ipspirgd by Nature campaign -- the largest single donation to date from a service club. The campaign is trying to raise $2.4 million to replace facilities at the Bluewater District School Board's Institute for Outdoor Education.and Environmental Studies. From left are Clive Card, 9utgloor qducat;on cen?re 'principal, I?avld Inglis, campaign chair, Linda Freiburger, Bruce County WI president, Lois Frelburger:fm:! p&st president ' and Pat Calhoun, public relations officer. ux 6 2l Mess sW ) . . Lofi . L lnvaiille S io sewd ler i 1 Di tee o a _ > rant/Greenock Institute _ E02 09: Saones * ... ... M m s N e él:mbu-t;gé}e, ergency vmm!s & . tella Hoffarth hosted the. warranged for. the mutffins,| {May meeting of 'the . Brant ; am and door prizes for the Greenock: Women's . day. Clive Car 1 Principal at | \Institute with 16--members the, Qutdoor . Education . \presents . «o o0 »"Centre will be the guest Business from the April' speaker. Ladies turned in miDutes included a report of * their tickets for the draw to |the pie . table At the be made'that day. _ _ --~~ Walkerton . Home and _ The branch has been Garden 'Expo. The ladies . invited by Solway Institute also gave away the 911. to a Come and Go--Tea on gemer_genqy';%a vials that me_ocgasion?.;o'f their 50th |Wanita Hollands, has been -- Anniversary. on May. 30 at assembling:> The" vial idea -- the Brant Township «build) (came fromithe Big Brothers. ins from:3--4 . PM» _ "°f'Km It was sug-- '..__.B_Con-espondence also gested to have a table at a -- included a thank you' from local store and sell tickets 'figfiefimme Royal Fair board 0n the fundraiser for the for the donation to the Outdoor Education Centre School program judging. in Oliphant g.) events. f ' As one of. the 'hosting. branches for the District Annual "on May 24 in Elmwood, .. the Jgéies